
ɡè rén zhǔ yì zhě
  • individualist
  1. 她在艺术创作上是个纯粹的个人主义者。

    She 's a complete individualist in her art .

  2. 如果你对一个现代自由的个人主义者说

    If you said to a modern liberal individualist ,

  3. 这种小资产阶级个人主义者对人民的事业总是抱着冷眼旁观的态度。

    Such petty-bourgeois individualists always look coldly from the side-lines at the people 's cause .

  4. 我现在比以前更是一个个人主义者了。

    I am far more of an individual than I ever was .

  5. 但是,有些个人主义者坚持我行我素的生活方式和行为原则。

    But some individualists insist on living and behaving as they please .

  6. 我是这屋里唯一的个人主义者。

    I am the only individualist in this room .

  7. 我被一名来访的政客指责为资产阶级个人主义者。

    I was accused by a visiting politico of being a bourgeois individualist .

  8. 他是一个个人主义者当他们墨守成规时候;

    He is an individualist while they are hidebound ;

  9. 我们不需要那种沽名钓誉的个人主义者。

    We do not need the individualists of that kind who strive for reputation .

  10. 他是个个人主义者,他经常置别人的利益于不顾。

    He is a selfish man and he often brushes aside other 's interests .

  11. 我们大部分人都是自私的个人主义者。

    Most of us are selfish individualists .

  12. 所有这些有关仪表的意见激怒了一些坚持我行我素的个人主义者。

    All this advice about appearances angers the individualists who insist on living and behaving as they please .

  13. 每一个粒子都是与其邻居互不联系的粗野的个人主义者。

    Each particle was such a rugged individualist that it would have nothing to do with its neighbor .

  14. 尽管利奥波德的品味独树一帜,似乎是个十足的个人主义者,但她并不认为自己是个潮人。

    Although Leopold has many unconventional tastes and seems quite individualist , she refuses to classify herself as a hipster .

  15. 个人主义者与世界级领导的分别在于教导他人的能力。

    QUOTE : The difference between an excellent solo player and a world-class leader is the ability to teach others .

  16. 很不幸,企业家们在游说方面往往没有组织性;从本质上说,他们是些个人主义者,对政治或团体没什么兴趣。

    Unfortunately , entrepreneurs tend not to be well organised in lobbying terms ; by their nature they are individualists , and not political or corporate types .

  17. 塔夫脱认为,他们需要采用更像个集体主义者的方式,专注于集体利益,而不是表现得像个目光短浅、追求利润最大化的个人主义者。

    They needed , Taft argued , to take a more collectivist approach , focusing on the collective good rather than acting as short-term , profit-maximising individualists .

  18. 通过创作主体这一切入口,对二者关于主体性的理论作一对比性梳理之后,尼采作为极端个人主义者的传统定位应该被重新加以思考。

    When we finish combing the two person 's theories of subjectivity mainly about producing subject , the traditional orientation for Nietzsche as an extreme individualist should be reconsidered .

  19. 个人主义者还抱怨说:“以貌取人”是不公平的,或者,以外表评判一个人的智力和能力失之公允。

    Another complaint of the individualists is that it is unfair to " judge the book by its cover ," or the man 's intelligence and ability by his look .

  20. 最终,他用死亡表达了他真正的内心:一个彻底的个人主义者,摆脱这个社会,使它的干涉最小化。

    Only in his death did he finally behave truly as he had begun : the supreme individualist , shaking off society and acting so as to minimise its interference .

  21. 有吹毛求疵的政治哲学家认为,如果撒切尔想成为真正的方法论个人主义者,她本不会在那场著名的讲话中加上“家庭”。

    Nit-picking political philosophers have said that if she wanted to be a true methodological individualist she would not have added " and there are families " in her famous statement .

  22. 本文得出了以下两点结论:第一,不论是集体主义者还是个人主义者,产品功能价值是消费者国际品牌选择时考虑的核心因素,尤其是消费者在选择实用型产品时。

    First , function value is the key factor considered when consumer choose international brand , especially when consumers , no matter collectivism person or individualism person , choosing the practical products .

  23. 长期以来就有这样一种担心:美国个人主义者虽然逃离了家庭,把社会和传统价值抛在身后,但他内心深处却是个唯从主义者。

    It has been a longstanding concern that American individualist , who has fled from home and family leaving the values of community and public opinion behind , is secretly a conformist .

  24. 他既是个人主义者,又曾为社会主义者;既是梦想的追逐者,又沦为美国梦的受害者;既崇尚原始野性力量,又捍卫人类文明。

    He was both an individualist and a socialist ; a dreamer maker at first and a victim of his American dream in the end ; an advocator of wild force and a protector of human civilization .

  25. 内向者通常都是个人主义者,他们不喜欢随大流,他们喜欢通过特立独行的生活方式来体现自己的价值,他们总是从自我出发,正因如此,他们也常常挑战常规,他们的大部分决定都不会以当前的流行趋势做为参考。

    Introverts are often individualists . They don 't follow the crowd . They 'd prefer to be valued for their novel ways of living . They think for themselves and because of that , they often challenge the norm . They don 't make most decisions based on what is popular or trendy .

  26. 校园文化德育实效的实现机制及提升策略初探通常,提升个人品质不是现实主义者最为注重的。

    The Simple Search of the Promotion Strategy and the Achievement System in the Moral Education of the Campus Culture Usually , a materialistic person is not someone whose top priority is character refinement .

  27. 从个人抱负而言,我们是个人主义者。

    In our personal ambitions we are individualists .

  28. 在资本主义社会里存在着资本所有者的个人主义与雇佣劳动者的个人主义。二者都是对早期的、抽象的个人主义的否定。

    In the capitalist society there exist the individualism of capital holders and that of employees , both of which are the negation of the former abstract individualism .