
  • 网络Personal Protection;Personal Protective;personal protective equipment;PPE
  1. 在成员任命上,小组有意规避了与个体防护用品(PPE)相关的经济与后勤方面的考虑。

    The panel 's assignment specifically excluded the economical and logistical considerations related to personal protective equipment ( PPE ) .

  2. 作者论述了个体防护装备的作用、种类和发展;

    The function , category and development of personal protective equipment are discussed .

  3. 指出了STF在个体防护装甲应用中下一步的研究方向。

    The discrssion gave the further studying orientation of the STF .

  4. 防血吸虫病感染个体防护产品的研制与开发

    R & D of Textiles for Individual Protective Measures against Schistosomiasis Infection

  5. 飞行员个体防护装备适体性模糊综合评价方法的建立

    Establishment of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method for assessment of suitability of personal protective equipment

  6. 试论安全科学中的个体防护工程

    On personal protective engineering within safety science

  7. 全国个体防护装备技术委员会

    National Personal Protection Equipment Technology Committee

  8. [结论]噪声作业工人应减少不良嗜好,加强个体防护。

    [ Conclusion ] Noise exposures should cut down bad hobbies , and reinforce personal protection .

  9. 个体防护(或者叫个体装甲)材料的研制和开发在军用领域和民用领域都得到了快速的发展。

    Research on the materials of body armors for personal protection is in the rapid development .

  10. 调查从业人员3272人,均未进行职业健康检查,无有效的个体防护措施。

    Investigated the workers 3 272 were not occupational health examine and not valid individual 's protect measures .

  11. 全自动无隔板纸层成型技术在个体防护装备滤烟层生产中的应用

    The application of the auto formation technology for paperboard without separates in the production of personal protective instrument-smoke-filter

  12. 众所周知,个体防护是防治粉尘职业危害一个十分有效的方法。

    As is known to all , individual defends is a highly effective method to control dust occupational hazards .

  13. 消防服是使救火员远离火焰和热辐射危害的个体防护装备。

    Firefighters ' protective clothing are individual protective equipment for prevention of firefighters from flames and radiant heat hurts .

  14. 本课题的研究紧跟国际形势,为个体防护装甲材料的方展做出了一定的贡献。

    The project belongs to the scope of the international hot study , which lays a foundation for research of personal body armors .

  15. 简要概括了深井降温技术,涉及了通风降温、集中制冷、局部降温、个体防护等方面。

    In this paper , air-cooling in deep high-temperature mines including ventilation cooling , central cooling , local cooling and personal protection are briefly summarized .

  16. 国内研究集中在人体测量、视觉显工效学评价、个体防护装备工效学评价、工作能力和工作负荷测量等方面。

    The researches at home were focus on anthropometry , ergonomic evaluation of visual displays and personal protective equipments , measurement of work ability and workload .

  17. 公共卫生监督部门应制订相关的上岗前增训要求、卫生服务标准、个体防护措施并强化监督。

    Departments in charge of public hygiene supervision should set related requirements for training workers before they were engaged in work , sanitary service standard , and individual prevention measures .

  18. [目的]对宾馆、旅社客房服务人员深入调查,以便采取积极主动的健康教育方式,提高该人群的知识水平、个体防护能力和客户卫生服务质量。

    [ Objective ] To survey the attendants of hotels , in order to improve people 's knowledge standard , self - prevention ability , and sanitary service of hotel with active way of health education .

  19. 结果该拟建项目选址、总体布局、职业病危害防护措施、卫生辅助用室、个体防护措施、职业卫生管理和应急救援措施等内容基本符合卫生学要求。

    Results The construction site , overall layout , protective measures of occupational diseases , hygiene auxiliary rooms , personal protective equipments , the management system on industrial hygiene and emergency rescue measures accorded with the hygiene requirements .

  20. 近年来,国际恐怖活动日益猖狂,国内反恐、反分裂形势严峻,防护已经成为了一个世界性的重要问题,因此个体防护装甲得到了迅速的发展。

    Recently , international terrorist activities are increasing . The domestic anti-terrorism and anti-split situation is very grim , personal safety has become a rather important thing around the world , promoting the rapid development of body armours .

  21. 经编间隔织物作为柔性复合防刺服中一种新型防刺层具有一定的优势,为国内防刺材料的研究领域开拓了新的方向,也为个体防护装甲材料的发展做出了一定的贡献。

    Warp-knitted spacer fabric as a new type of stab-resistant material has a considerable advantage and opens up a new direction for areas of domestic research of stab-resistant materials and also makes a certain contribution for individual protective armor development .

  22. 自“9·11”事件以来,反恐和人员防护已成为了一个世界性的重要问题,因此个体防护装甲材料中的防刺纺织品也得到了快速的发展。

    Since the " 9.11 " event , antiterrorism and people ′ s safety has become an very important thing in the world . So , as a part of body armor , the stab-resistant fabric gained the rapid development .

  23. 同时,从卫生安全的角度提出了防止和减少工频电磁场影响的综合防护措施,其中包括:慎重选址,合理设计,适当个体防护和必要的警示标识。

    At the same time some comprehensive preventive measures including circumspect location , rational design , properly using personal protective devices and necessary caution signs and notices are put forward to prevent and reduce their hazards to human health and safety .

  24. 用个体防护技术来解决井下流动人员的高温防护问题,是一种适合我国国情的行之有效的高温矿山降温的新技术和新方法。

    The personal protection technique to solve the problem of the high temperature protection for the moving workmen in mines is a new technology which is suitable for the mine situation in our country when used in the high temperature mine .

  25. 文章还搜集整理了一些常用的矿井降温方法,并针对金川二矿实际情况,提出了几点矿井降温的建议,包括选择用多级机站通风、矿工个体防护等。

    The article has also collected a number of cooling method of mine which commonly used , to the actual conditions in Jinchuan 2 , the author put forward some recommendations of mine cooling , including the selection with multi-level machine station .

  26. 由高韧性、高强度、高模量纤维制成的织物及其柔性复合材料具有优良的抗冲击能力和较轻的重量,广泛应用于冲击发生的场合,如涡轮机叶片、机身保护、个体防护。

    Having excellent anti-ballistic property and light weight , fabrics and flexible composite laminates made of high tenacity , high strength , and high modulus fibers have been widely applied in impact-related areas such as turbine blade containment , fuselage protection and body armor .

  27. 劳动个体缺乏防护衣具和防护措施;

    Lack of personal protective clothings or measures ;

  28. 身体热状态的分度及其在评价个体热防护装备中的应用

    Graduation of Thermal State of the Body and its Use in the Evaluation of Personal Heat Protective Equipments

  29. 把自适应有源噪声控制技术应用到隧道施工噪声防护制中去,在理论上提出和设计了一种隧道施工中进行个体噪声防护的头盔。

    Get tunnel construct self - adaptation active noise control technical application noise protect while making Had proposed and designed the hemet that carried on the individual noise and protected in theory while constructing in a kind of tunnel .

  30. 防刺服装属于个体装甲中的一类,随着近年来一些恐怖事件的发生,各类个体防护用品的开发和研究越来越受到人们的关注和重视。

    Stab-resistant garment belongs to be one kind of body armor , and due to terroristic events happened in recent years people pay more and more attentions to the development of personal protection equipment .