
jì suàn jī kē xué
  • Computer Science;Computing Science;CS
  1. 将计算机科学与其他学科,如物理学,结合起来是可能的。

    It is possible to combine Computer Science with other subjects , for example Physics .

  2. 英国的科学家们已经应用计算机科学来解决这个问题。

    British scientists have brought computer science to bear on this problem .

  3. 我辅修计算机科学。

    I 'm minoring in computer science .

  4. 她专攻计算机科学。

    She specializes in computer science .

  5. 据说美国最好的计算机科学系在麻省理工学院、斯坦福大学、伯克利大学和卡内基梅隆大学。

    The top US Computer Science departments are said to be MIT , Stanford , Berkeley , and Carnegie-Mellon .

  6. 他们让大学生教高中生计算机科学,这些高中生继而把同样的知识教给初中生。

    They engage college undergraduates to teach computer science to high school students , who in turn instruct middle school students on the topic .

  7. 而另一方面,职业类的课程,如计算机科学或者新闻学,通常更加侧重研究,所以让学生们进行课后测试。

    Vocational-type classes , such as computer science or journalism , on the other hand , are often more research-oriented and lend themselves to take-home testing .

  8. 计算机科学教授斯图尔特·拉塞尔认为,如果我们弄清楚如何将人类的价值观变成一种可编程的代码的话,就可以避免这种危险。

    This danger can be avoided , according to computer science professor Stuart Russell , if we figure out how to turn human values into a programmable code .

  9. 其计算机科学多年来更是名列前茅。

    And computer science has been the first for many years .

  10. 有许多公司制造机器人来教孩子们学习,学科包括生物学和计算机科学。

    There are a number of companies that create robots to teach subjects to children , ranging from biology to computer science .

  11. 据麻省理工学院计算机科学与人工智能实验室的一位博士研究生CarrieCai调查发现,人们每天等待短信息回复的平均时间为10到15分钟。

    The average person spends 10 to 15 minutes a day waiting for texts and instant-message ( IM ) replies , according to an analysis by Carrie Cai , a PhD student at MIT 's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab ( CSAIL ) .

  12. 攻读学生数量破10万的另外两个专业是计算机科学(10万7250个学位)和语言类(10万3545个学位)。

    The other two subjects that have over 100000 students are Computer Science ( 107250 ) and Languages ( 103545 ) .

  13. 有点意外的是,人类学与社会学(5万7630个学位)打败了计算机科学(5万5843个学位),跻身前十。

    A little bit surprisingly , Anthropology3 and Sociology ( 57630 ) beat Computer Science ( 55843 ) and have moved into the top 10 .

  14. 我有物理学和计算机科学学士学位、计算机科学研究生学位,我丈夫有心理学学士学位。

    I have under graduate degrees in physics and computer science , and a graduate degree in computer science . My husband has an under graduate degree in philosophy .

  15. 医药专业是德国最受欢迎的专业之一,也是最受德国女性欢迎的热门专业第三名,而最受德国男性欢迎的热门专业第三名是计算机科学。

    Medicine is one of the most popular subjects in Germany and the 3rd most popular among German ladies , while Computer Science is still listed by men as their 3rd choice .

  16. 可满足性问题(SAT)是当代理论计算机科学的核心问题。

    Satisfiability ( SAT ) problem has been the core problem of research on computational theory .

  17. 随着计算机科学发展,Agent在人工智能和计算机科学界的地位变得日益重要。

    With the development of computer science , agent is playing a more and more important role in artificial intelligence and computer science .

  18. 对等计算(peer-to-Peercomputing,简称P2P)已经成为了计算机科学领域的研究热点。

    Peer-to-peer computing ( P2P ) has become an extremely popular topic in computer science .

  19. 目前网络的流量控制和管理科学迅速发展,已经逐渐成为计算机科学的一个重要分支:流量控制工程(FlowControlEngine)。

    Currently , with the development of the science of flow control and management , it has become an important branch of the computer science : flow control engine .

  20. 近年来,Agent和多Agent系统成为计算机科学和分布式人工智能研究的一个重要方向。

    In recent years , Agent and Multi Agent system have been one important part of computer science and distributed artificial intelligence ( DAI ) .

  21. 他于1999年从德国TechnicalUniversityofAachen获得了计算机科学博士学位。

    He received his doctorate in computer science in 1999 from the Technical University of Aachen , Germany .

  22. 计算机科学中最伟大的一项成就就是发明了GUI。

    One of the greatest advances in computer science has been the invention of the GUI .

  23. 地理信息系统GIS是一门综合性的技术,它涉及到地理学、测绘学、计算机科学与技术等学科。

    Geographic Information System ( GIS ) is a comprehensive technology , it involves the geography , mapping science , computer science technology , and other disciplines .

  24. 作为一种有效表现概念层次结构和语义的模型,Ontology被广泛运用到计算机科学的众多领域。

    As a fine model for presenting hierarchy and semantic meaning of concepts , Ontology can be used to eliminate semantic conflicts through schema mappings .

  25. 随着计算机科学、管理科学和通信科学的发展,互联网在全球范围内迅速普及,越来越多的企业在internet上建立了自己的主页用以展示自己的企业和宣传,销售本企业的产品。

    With the development of computer science , management science , communication science , more and more companies have had own homepages on the internet , in order to expressing themselves and selling products .

  26. 旅行售货员问题(TSP)是图论、组合最优化和计算机科学中所熟知的。

    The traveling salesman problem ( TSP ) is celebrated in graph theory , combinatorial optimization and computer science .

  27. 我刚刚在斯坦福大学(Stanforduniversity)完成计算机科学研究生学位。带着软件开发的特长,我开始寻找工作。

    I had just finished a graduate degree in computer science at Stanford University , where I had specialized in software development . I was looking for a job .

  28. CRM是现代管理科学与计算机科学结合应用的产物,网络技术、数据库技术、通信技术的飞速发展推动CRM的不断变化。

    As combination of modern times management science and computer science , development of CRM is derived by network technology , database technology and communications technology .

  29. 当前,对Agent和多Agent系统的研究正在掀起热潮,是当今计算机科学技术领域、信息工程领域和网络与通信领域十分活跃的前沿研究方向之一。

    In current , the study of agent and multi-agent system have appealed the attention of scientists and engineers . It is one of the updating area of computer technology , information engineering , network and communication .

  30. 可满足性问题(SAT问题)在数理逻辑、人工智能、机器学习、约束满足问题、VLSI集成电路设计与检测以及计算机科学理论等领域具有广阔的应用背景。

    The satisfiable ( SAT ) problem plays an important role in artificial intelligence , machine learning , mathematical logic , VLSI design and detection other areas .