
  • 网络The real world;real-world;actual world;True World
  1. 我们只不过进行监管,这就像在真实世界中由央行、财政部长或国家经济研究所对经济进行监管一样。

    It is simply monitored by us just like any other economy in the real world is by a central bank , finance minister or national economic institute .

  2. 他们的画很轻,有点模糊,给人一种真实世界的印象。

    Their paintings were light and a bit fuzzy-they gave an impression of what the real world looked like .

  3. 美国大学尽管在教学方面享有全球性声誉,但也只是刚开始证明自身在真实世界学习中的产出。

    American universities , despite their global reputation for excellence in teaching , have only begun to demonstrate what they can produce in real-world learning .

  4. 但是,正处于研发中的最尖端的工具是“可被教的机器人”个电脑化的角色,他能够学习、尝试犯错误,并且像一个真实世界的学生一样提问题。

    But the most cutting-edge tool under development is the " teachable agent " — a computerized character who learns , tries , makes mistakes and asks questions just like a real-world pupil .

  5. 传统艺术家的作品通常是在工作室完成的,他们的画作往往是现实主义,看起来和真实世界里的东西一样。

    Traditional artists always did their artwork in a studio and their paintings were realistic-they looked exactly like the real world .

  6. Digitaldetox指一个人远离智能手机和电脑等电子设备的一段时间,以借此机会为自己减压或将关注点转移到真实世界的社交活动中,我们称之为“数字戒毒期”。

    Digital detox refers to a period of time during which a person refrains from using electronic devices such as smartphones or computers , regarded as an opportunity to reduce stress or focus on social interaction in the physical world . ( Source : Oxford Online dictionary ) For example :

  7. 他们需要更多地接触真实世界。

    They need to be in touch with the real world more .

  8. 因此,也有人认为与网恋相比,还是传统的“媒灼之言”更值得信赖,真实世界的爱情更加“保险”。

    Therefore , some people believe , compared with on-line affection , the traditional matchmakers are more trustworthy , and affection in real life is more stable .

  9. 纸上写的东西并不总是能反映真实世界中的Rails。

    What happens on paper does not always perfectly mirror real-world Rails .

  10. 将Web页面、客户端界面、组件对象、数据表和数据库都作为类或对象,按照真实世界的观点进行建模。

    Takes web pages , client UI , component object , table and database as objects or classes to do modeling from the viewpoint of real world .

  11. 这些年来我们在SOA上采用的是稳健、直接的方式确立其在真实世界中的地位。

    Over all these years , our approach to SOA has been steady , direct and entrenched in the real world .

  12. stub的作用就是模拟真实世界。

    A stub 's job is to simulate the real world .

  13. 假如你想了解的话,“真实世界”里速度最快的网络浏览器还是谷歌公司(Google)的Chrome。

    In case you were wondering , the fastest web browser in the " real world " remains Google Chrome .

  14. 最后,我们将运行demo,并研究一些真实世界的开发任务。

    Finally , we will run the demo and look at some real world development tasks .

  15. 学员和教员的网络化身在3D虚拟社区复制了真实世界的活动,参与者不必真正亲自到场能够感觉自己身临其境。

    Avatars of students and faculty have been replicating real-world activities in a three-dimensional virtual community where participants can feel they are present without really having to be there .

  16. 接着重点探讨了两个渲染模块:光照和纹理。因为它们在3D图形里面非常重要,是模拟真实世界的关键技术。

    Secondly , it mostly discusses two rendering modules : lighting and texture , because they are very important in 3D graphics and key technique for simulating real world .

  17. 所有在本文中显示的图都来自于真实世界的实例,用以研究对其操作性的GUI的改进。

    All the figures shown in this article come from a real world example to study improvements to its operational GUI .

  18. 如果说stub提供了一个简化的真实世界模拟,那么mock可以做更多。

    If a stub provides a simplified simulation of the real world , a mock does more .

  19. 这样做保证了编译器经受了真实世界、复杂软件的检验,以检查出任何存在其中的Bug。

    This is done to ensure the compiler is tested against real-world , complex software in order to detect any bugs existing in it .

  20. 虚拟现实(virtualReality,简称VR)又称灵境技术,即用计算机来生成一个逼真的三维感觉世界,给观众以如同真实世界的体验。

    Virtual reality ( VR ), the spirit boundary technology , its purpose is to use the computer to get a lifelike three-dimension feeling world , give audience the true world experience .

  21. 结果发现RP模型是连接虚拟世界与真实世界重要媒介之一。

    It is found from the study that RP models were an important media in connecting the virtual world and the real world .

  22. 然后你让Alfred开始工作,它就会为你寻找在真实世界中你可能会喜欢的地方。

    Finally , you let Alfred go to work , discovering new favorites for you in the real world .

  23. 社交的方式包括短信、电话、邮件、博客、twitter、聊天,既有真实世界的聚会,也有虚拟社区的交流。

    Social is texting and talking , letters and blogs , tweeting and chatting , and gathering in person as well as in a virtual community or world .

  24. 在此平台下,算法的程序实现针对真实世界地形的DEM数据进行了实际测试,结果证明该算法是有效的,而且真实感较强。

    On this platform , the implement of the new algorithm is tested by the DEM data from real world . Experimental results show it is effective .

  25. Leibniz在区分可能世界与真实世界时确实留有怀疑的余地。

    Leibniz did leave some room for doubt when he distinguished between possible and actual worlds .

  26. 而络世达网看来更小心翼翼地贴近真实世界,它的PIP由联盟成员加以考核。

    RosettaNet , however , seems more carefully grounded in the real world , and its PIPs are tested by consortium members .

  27. 增强现实(AR)技术是在虚拟现实技术的基础上发展起来的新兴研究领域,是一种利用计算机产生的附加信息对真实世界的景象增强的技术。

    Augmented Reality ( AR ) is a new research field derived from virtual reality . It is a technology that enables computer-generated information to be superimposed on the real world .

  28. Schneier使用真实世界作类比,帮助我们更好地理解这些技术。

    To help us understand these technologies , Schneier uses real-world analogies .

  29. 雷蛇的NabuX智能手环还可以使玩家在真实世界中互相沟通,并分享游戏信息。

    And its Nabu X smart band is designed to allow gamers to connect with each other in the real world and share game information .

  30. 在下一篇文章中,在继续深入真实世界中的Rails的同时,我将带您探究能增进ActiveRecord性能的一些技巧。

    In the next article , I 'll dive into techniques that will improve your ActiveRecord performance as you continue to dive into Real world Rails .