
  • 网络real business cycle;Real business cycle theory
  1. 真实经济周期理论的基本思想及其评价

    The Elementary Thoughts of Real Business Cycle Theory and Its Critiques

  2. 论真实经济周期理论的源流、内涵及影响

    On the Origination , Connotation and Influence of the Real Business Cycle Theory

  3. 对真实经济周期理论进行综述和评析,介绍了标准RBC模型的理论框架、实证检验、特点以及RBC研究的深化和发展。

    RBC model as the theory structure , the experimental test and new directions was summarized and reviewed in this paper .

  4. 其二是真实经济周期理论,该理论对传统的货币经济周期理论形成挑战。

    The second , real-business-cycle theory , challenges the traditional monetary-business-cycle theory .

  5. 真实经济周期理论与政策涵义

    The Theory and Policy Meaning in Real Business Cycle

  6. 混沌与货币经济视角下的真实经济周期理论

    Confusing true economy cycle theory under currency economy angle

  7. 这种乐观观点信奉的是如今主导学术界的真实经济周期理论。

    This optimistic view is steeped in the real business cycle theory , which is nowadays the dominant academic one .

  8. 作为新经济自由主义最新发展阶段代表的真实经济周期理论,再结合我国国情的语境之下,对我国经济法基础理论的发展产生一定冲击。

    In the paper the author thinks that True Economic Circle Theory will conflict with actual Economic Law Theory foundation in China .

  9. 真实经济周期理论属于西方经济学中的经济自由流派。

    The real business cycle theory belongs to the liberal school of the western economics , which breaks through the monetary cycle theory .

  10. 按照真实经济周期理论,农户对两种外生冲击预期收益率的变化造成了家庭经营投资费用的波动。

    In the respective of the real business cycle theory , the change of farmers expectation is the main cause of agricultural wave .

  11. 我们发现模型的拟合水平高达74%,这就说明真实经济周期理论能够较好地解释中国经济波动。

    As the result shows , the fitness of this model reaches 74 % . This indicates that RBC can also explain the economic fluctuation of China to a satisfying degree .

  12. 本文从中国的基本国情&存在大量农村剩余劳动力出发,提出了分析我国经济周期性波动的基本理论框架:基于劳动力转移的真实经济周期理论。

    Starting from China 's fundamental circumstances that there exist a huge amount of rural surplus labor , we in this article have provided a basic theoretic framework concerning China 's cyclical economic swing-a cyclical theory of real economy founded on labor force transfer .

  13. 本文介绍了真实理论经济周期理论的产生、它的基本思路及其评价。

    This essay is and introduction to the emergence of the Real Business Cycle Theory , its elementary thoughts and its critiques .

  14. 真实经济周期(RBC)理论运用动态一般均衡方法,从微观经济主体的最优化行为出发建立模型。

    The optimization of micro-economic subject is the basis of real business cycle theory ( RBC ) .