
gài lǜ
  • probability;chance;odds;percentage
概率 [gài lǜ]
  • (1) [probability]∶表示某件事发生的可能性大小的一个量。很自然地把必然发生的事件的概率定为1,把不可能发生的事件的概率定为0,而一般随机事件的概率是介于0与1之间的一个数

  • (2) [percentage]∶根据累积统计得出的可能性

概率[gài lǜ]
  1. 民众感染这种疾病的概率为60%。

    There is a 60 % probability that the population will be infected with the disease .

  2. 目前,我正在学习你的概率课程。

    Currently , I 'm learning your Probability course .

  3. 男人和女人患狂躁抑郁症的概率相等。

    Manic depressive illness affects men and women equally .

  4. 他活下来的概率非常小。

    The odds against him surviving are incredible .

  5. 计算机程序越长,出错的概率也越大。

    The chances of an error occurring in a computer program increase with the size of the program .

  6. 就心脏病而言,从事重体力劳动的普通男性罹患概率最低。

    The average man doing hard physical work has the best record , from the point of view of heart disease

  7. 如果他们不慌乱,我相信他们生还的概率将在95%以上。

    Providing they do not panic , I believe that their chances of survival will be beyond 95 per cent .

  8. 研究表明,即使抽烟不多的人也比不抽烟的人患白内障的概率高出一倍多。

    In one study , light smokers were found to be more than twice as likely to get cataracts as non-smokers

  9. 只有百分之一的概率。

    There is only one percent chance .

  10. 事实上,描述不清晰的得奖的可能性比那些有着明确的得奖概率的选择更有效果。

    In fact , vaguely-stated possibilities of winning a prize were more effective than options with hard odds included .

  11. 总的来说,研究发现大学生们几乎和老年人一样会犯这个错误,而男人和女人的概率也差不多。

    In general , the study found that undergraduates were almost as likely as old people to make this mistake and men as likely as women .

  12. 生存的概率是生殖力的倒数。

    The probability of survival is the reciprocal of fecundity .

  13. 构造了具有不同占据概率的逾渗集团

    The percolation clusters with various occupying probability are constructed .

  14. 他必须计算一下失败的概率。

    He must calculate the probability of failure .

  15. 研究人员发现,一个人日常行为能力的下降比其所患疾病更能预示六个月内的死亡概率。

    Researchers found declines in a person 's ability to carry out activities of daily living were stronger predictors of six-month mortality than the diseases that a person has .

  16. Fuzzy概率空间和扩张定理

    Fuzzy probability space and extension theorems

  17. p)定义为破坏概率,其中X和(?)

    _b ) is defined as the failure probability , where both X and (?)

  18. 随机针偶与凸体K相交的几何概率问题

    A problem of geometric probability for random pairs of needles intersecting a convex body K

  19. 随机线阵阵因子概率分布的MonteCarlo分析

    Monte Carlo Analysis of Probability Distribution of Linear Random Array Factors

  20. 局部映射和W~-概率空间

    Local Maps and W ~ - Probability Spaces

  21. 带干扰的保费收取次数为Poisson过程的破产概率

    Bankruptcy Probability with Interference Item and a Poisson Process of the Premium Collection Number

  22. 遗传算法(GeneticAlgorithm)是模拟生物在自然环境中的遗传和进化过程而形成的一种自适应全局优化概率搜索方法,它通过选择、交叉和变异三个过程实现。

    Genetic Algorithm which simulates descendiblity and evolution of biologist in nature environment forms a searching method of adapting all-round optimize probability . Genetic has been applied in many fields .

  23. Stirling公式的改进及二项分布概率的近似计算

    Improvement of Stirling 's formula and approximate calculation of probability of binomial distribution

  24. 同步技术是TDMA系统的关键技术,可降低漏同步概率、假同步概率从而缩短同步建立时间。

    Synchronization technology is the key technology of TDMA system .

  25. 利用非冗余的蛋白质相互作用数据来观察GO对的特性,得到GO关联的概率。

    The characteristic pairs of GO terms was demonstrated by training a non-redundant PPI data set from two online budding yeast databases , and the probability about this two correlated GO terms was also obtained .

  26. 将概率影响图理论引入到船舶综合安全评估中,解决FSA中的定量风险分析问题;

    Introduce probabilistic influence diagram into FSA to settle the quantitative risk analysis in FSA ;

  27. 基于违约概率模型KMV的上市公司财务危机预警研究

    An Empirical Study on Financial Distress Prediction of Listed Companies on KMV Model

  28. 研究雷达间歇辐射对抗反辐射导弹(ARM)的作战效能,提出了以平均侦察时间和命中概率作为效能指标的方法。

    The operational effectiveness of radar intermittent radiation antagonizing ARM is researched . The method of using average detecting time and shot probability as the operational effectiveness measurements is offered .

  29. 特别是为描述某一彩票模式的吸引力,我们根据各奖项出现的概率、奖金额等因素引进了效用函数U,对彩票模式的合理性进行评价;

    To begin with , based on the probability and bonus amount of prizes , we introduce availability function U to evaluate the feasibility of lottery pattern .

  30. SARS组与对照组发生肾损害概率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);SARS组肾损害发生率与病程之间无相关性(P>0.05);

    There was no difference in probabilities of renal damages between the SARS patients group and the control group ( P > 0.05 ) .