- 名probability density, density of probability

The equivalent probability density error model of 3D random linear segment in vector GIS
Well , it depends on what you know about the measurements'probability density function ( PDF ) .
Conditional PDF of Hidden Variable for Factor Analysis Based on EM Algorithm
The undetermined parameters of the polynomial and the probability density function can be determined by the first n moments of the stress variable .
This paper presents the concept of order random variable for the first time , and obtains the probability density function of X ( k ) .
The PSD and PDF of sample series can be well fit with the AR model and Gaussian mixture model respectively .
Different from parametric estimation , Mean shift does not need any other parameters once the target is defined . And it also can compute the gradient of probability distribution .
Points out the properties of maximum value of X ~ 2 distributed density function , and the relation of different X ~ 2 distributed density function according to different parameters .
In NOx estimating model , thermal NOx formation , prompt NOx formation and fuel NOx formation have been calculated by probability density function ( PDF ) .
And if there are no overlaps between each Gaussian component , parameters of Gaussian mixture PDF model can be exact estimated quickly with the dynamic cluster algorithm ( DC ) .
This cartoon shows the probability density function of1s .
This assumption is extremely important when link-delay PDF is used as state information because the calculation of path-delay PDF is NP-Hard without it .
BEM algorithm learns the parameters of condition probability function of class features . A Bayes classifier is constructed to recognize face .
According to the basic concept of Gamma function and Γ( x ) distribution , this paper gives out some expression including probability density , distribution function and basic numeric characteristic value .
In this paper the evolution equations for pdf of turbulent combustion arc derived . Some common stochastic models and Monte Carlo algorithm for solving the pdf equations are introduced .
The distribution of effective intermediate nodes domains PDF ( probability density function ) to the projection distance of E ( R ), select the domain of valid intermediate nodes , compute nodes .
The precondition of structure multiaxial fatigue analysis in frequency domain with Von Mises stress is to obtain its peak probability density function .
It is proven that the solution of one-class SVM using the Gaussian kernel can be normalized as an estimate of probability density , and can be used to obtain the Bayesian classifier .
A new algorithm for searching the optimal puncture matrices of the rate compatible punctured Turbo ( RCPT ) codes is proposed .
Probability density function ( PDF ) method is proposed for analysing the structure of the reconstructed attractor in carrent study . PDF contains important information about the spatial distribution of the phase points in the reconstructed attractor .
We carry out the probability density averaged in time and contrast with the result by Monte Carlo simulation . The method is efficient to obtain double crater like probability density of the system .
Space debris delta-velocity probability density function was deduced by NASA 's standard breakup model , and time integral algorithm of collision probability between spacecraft and any debris was built .
These algorithms are based on minimizing a contrast function defined in terms of the Kullback-Leibler distance .
Switching algorithm of blind source separation based on kurtosis is used to adaptively learn activation function of the independent component analysis ( ICA ) without assuming the PDF of sources .
By using the Gaussian mixture model , an EM algorithm for approximating the probability density of the data is presented , and a stochastic gradient method is given to separate the independent components .
Finally , based on the fault diagnosis information , a new fault tolerant control based on PI tracking strategy control scheme is designed to make the post-fault probability density function still track the given distribution .
We firstly derive the probability density function of the output SNR for MMSE detection , which is used to analyze the performance and capacity after the different detections .
The paper gives the probability density function of the envelope of received signal and the approximate expressions of Level-Crossing Rate and Average Duration Fades .
In particular , the Laplace and log-Laplace distributions are inducted . According their functions of density of probability , some researchs are spreaded . They enrich the scopes of TCE .
This paper gives a review of the recent developments , including the anisotropy of passive scalar field , PDF of scalar and scalar dissipation , dynamics of small-scale structure and scalar mixing model etc.