
  • 网络purdue university;Purdue University-West Lafayette;Purdue University--West Lafayette
  1. 2013年成为普渡大学的校长之后,米奇·丹尼尔斯就要求教师证明自己的学生达到了高等教育的最重要目标之一,即具有批判性思维的能力。

    After becoming president of Purdue University in 2013 , Mitch Daniels asked the faculty to prove that their students have actually achieved one of higher education 's most important goals : critical thinking skills .

  2. 阮修林教授�美国普渡大学

    Prof Xiulin Ruan , Purdue University

  3. 普渡大学开展初步试验,以评估学生们的批判性思维能力。

    Purdue now has a pilot test to assess students ' critical thinking skills .

  4. 丹尼尔斯先生需要向学生和其家长证明就读普渡大学的高额花费是有道理的。

    Mr. Daniels needed to justify the high cost of attending Purdue to its students and their families .

  5. 但是,就像美国其他大学的很多教师一样,普渡大学的教员们也怀疑自己作为教育者的工作是否能用“学习成果”,例如毕业生的研究和推理能力来衡量。

    Yet like many college teachers around the U.S. , the faculty remain doubtful that their work as educators can be measured by a " learning outcome " such as a graduate 's ability to investigate and reason .

  6. 他从普渡大学获得了计算机科学博士学位,在加入IBM之前,他在威奇托州立大学从事软件工程教学。

    He received his PhD in Computer Sciences from Purdue University and taught Software Engineering at Wichita State University before joining IBM .

  7. 这种理念之所以能够被人们所重视,一定程度上得归功于普渡大学区域发展中心(PurdueCenterforRegionalDevelopment)经济政策顾问艾迪•莫里森以及其他人的不懈努力。

    Some of this has come to the forefront through the efforts of ED Morrison , economic policy advisor at the Purdue Center for regional development , and others .

  8. 布鲁斯·埃里克森(BruceErickson)是印第安纳州普渡大学的农学家。

    Bruce Erickson is an agronomist at Purdue University in Indiana .

  9. 该项目被称为“PICS”项目,即普渡大学改善豇豆储藏项目。

    The project is called PICS , for Purdue Improved Cowpea Storage .

  10. 普渡大学的研究人员研究该病毒的结构,比如病毒的马达;Catholic大学的研究人员则负责分离病毒组分,并进行生化分析。

    Purdue researchers studied the virus structures , such as the motor , while the Catholic University researchers isolated the virus components and performed biochemical analyses .

  11. 普渡大学的政治科学教授JamesMcCann说,对选民来说国内的问题比Lugar的外交政策经验更加重要。

    Purdue University Political Science Professor James McCann says domestic concerns outweigh Lugar 's foreign policy experience .

  12. 如果印第安纳州普渡大学(purdueuniversity)的科学家们获得成功,手机可能构成防范核恐怖袭击威胁的系统的核心。

    And if scientists at Purdue University in Indiana are successful , the phone could form the heart of a system to protect against the threat of a nuclear terrorist attack .

  13. 九十年代,GebisaEjeta与普渡大学另外一个研究人员LarryButler一起发现了斯特赖加和高粱作物之间的复杂关系。

    In the nineteen nineties , Gebisa Ejeta and another Purdue researcher identified the complex relationships between Striga and sorghum plants .

  14. 智能控制自20世纪70年代初由美国普渡大学(PurdueUniversity)电气工程系的傅京孙(K.S.Fu)教授提出智能控制以来,一直是当代科学技术中一个十分活跃和具有挑战性的领域。

    Since the early 1970s , Intelligent control has been proposed by Professor K. S. Fu of Purdue University in United States , which has always been a very active and challenging fields in contemporary science and technology .

  15. GebisaEjeta是普渡大学的教授。

    Gebisa Ejeta is a professor at Purdue University in Indiana .

  16. 但是,美国普渡大学(PurdueUniversity)的理查德·D·马特斯(RichardD.Mattes)和共同作者综述了调查美国和国外的大群体的研究,发现最常见的情况是,吃坚果的成年人体重小于不吃坚果者。

    But a review of studies of large populations here and abroad by Richard D. Mattes of Purdue University and co-authors most often found that adults who eat nuts weigh less than nut avoiders .

  17. 普渡大学(PurdueUniversity)年龄和寿命研究中心副主任大卫·沃特斯(DavidJ.Waters)说,同样是八岁的狗,不同品种之间也会有所区别。

    ' Eight years in one breed is not equivalent to eight years in another , 'says David J.Waters , associate director of Purdue University 's Center on Aging and the Life Course .

  18. 在加入MCI之前,Bob担当AmericanManagementSystems(AMS)和Ideation,Inc.的顾问。他拥有普渡大学计算机科学专业的学士和硕士学位,曾被授予两个电话领域的专利。

    Prior to joining MCI , Bob worked as a consultant for American Management Systems ( AMS ) and Ideation , Inc. He has MS and BS degrees in Computer Science from Purdue University and has been granted two patents in the area of telephony .

  19. 如果nanoHUB在普渡大学的当前主页受到了一定程度的破坏,那么它可以(至少在原则上可以)恢复到当前状态。

    If nanoHUB 's current home at Purdue University were somehow destroyed , it could , at least in principle , be restored to nearly its current state .

  20. 同样,使用普渡大学的缺省规则(它并不赞成开放源代码)来管理NCN源代码的发行。

    Also , the release of NCN source is governed by the default rules of Purdue University , which do not favor open source .

  21. BruceErickson是印第安纳州普渡大学的农学家,他说即使只是节省了一点种子、杀虫剂或化肥,“也能直接计算出节省的成本,减少对环境的危害。”

    Bruce Erickson is an at Purdue University in Indiana . He says saving even a little bit of seed , pesticide or fertilizer " computes directly to cost savings and less environmental damage . "

  22. 美国印第安那州普渡大学的CharleneGyurko认为,另一个重要因素是有充分资格的护理学教员短缺。

    Charlene Gyurko , of Purdue University , in Indiana , USA , thinks that another important factor is the shortage of well qualified nurse trainers .

  23. 美国普渡大学的研究人员使用的是合成的鸟嘌呤与胞嘧啶。

    Researchers at Purdue University used synthetic forms of guanine and cytosine .

  24. 他曾率领一个球队参加1932年在美国普渡大学的全国锦标赛。

    He led Purdue University to a national championship in nineteen thirty-two .

  25. 普渡大学的心理学家维克托·奇奇雷利解释说

    explains Victor Cicirelli , a psychologist at Purdue University .

  26. 普渡大学的研究人员在非洲一些不同国家制作了视频。

    The Purdue researchers have produced their videos in different countries in Africa .

  27. 伊丽莎白。基斯是印第安那州普渡大学的私人财务专家。

    Elizabeth Kiss is a personal finance specialist with Perdue University in Indiana .

  28. 他拥有美国普渡大学颁发的电子和计算机工程硕士学位。

    He holds a Masters degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Purdue University .

  29. 琳达·伯格曼是印第安纳州普渡大学的写作专业主任。

    Linda Bergmann is director of the Writing Lab at Purdue University in Indiana .

  30. 我认为两个因素是普渡大学最有吸引力的地方。

    I think Two factors are important is that Purdue has an excellent academic reputation .