
  • Prometheus;Promethean;Prometheus Bound
  1. 普罗米修斯周期性的F环触的彩带,从材料的戒指

    Prometheus periodically gores the F ring drawing out streamers of material from the ring .

  2. 于是信使赫耳墨斯将她带给普罗米修斯的弟弟厄庇墨透斯。

    So Hermes them essenger brought her to Epimetheus , brother of Prometheus .

  3. 每一个人,特别是那种远见卓识的人,永远处在普罗米修斯所处的那样一种境地。

    Every man , especially those that are overprovident , is in estate like that of promethus .

  4. 普罗米修斯警告过他不得接受宙斯的任何馈赠,而他已将之忘于脑后。

    He had quite forgotten pometheus ' warning : never to accept anything from Zeus .

  5. 2011年12月7日美国高等法院听取了梅奥V普罗米修斯的辩论。

    On December 7th America 's Supreme Court heard arguments in Mayo v Prometheus .

  6. 疾病事件付费,如普罗米修斯系统(PrometheusSystem),根据治疗一个确定的疾病付费。

    Episode-based payments such as the Prometheus System pay doctors a set fee for treatment of a given condition .

  7. 生物科技产业组织(BIO)的汉斯.萨奥尔说,但普罗米修斯案可能实际起的作用更大。

    But Prometheus may have greater practical import , says Hans Sauer of the Biotechnology Industry Organisation ( BIO ) , a trade group .

  8. 排在第二位的是雷德利•斯科特(RidleyScott)执导的科幻惊悚片《普罗米修斯》(Prometheus),该片的主演是劳米•拉佩斯(NoomiRapace)和迈克尔•法斯宾德(MichaelFassbender)。

    Coming in second place was " Prometheus , " Ridley Scott 's science-fiction thriller starring Noomi Rapace and Michael Fassbender .

  9. 普罗米修斯知道他必须给人类一样好东西。

    Prometheus knew he had to give something good to man .

  10. 普罗米修斯精神:人性升华的最高境界

    Spirit of Prometheus : the Supreme State of Human Nature Distillation

  11. 普罗米修斯就这样被绑在石头上好几百年。

    There Prometheus hung on the rock for hundreds of years .

  12. 困惑的普罗米修斯:科学与当代文化的矛盾

    Prometheus Bedevilled : Science and the Contradictions of Contemporary Culture

  13. 美国黑人的普罗米修斯&马丁·路德·金

    Martin Luther King , Jr. , & The Prometheus of American Blacks

  14. 普罗米修斯用一些土和水混合在一起。

    Prometheus took some earth and mixed it with water .

  15. 普罗米修斯公司是陷入一系列生物技术专利权之争的公司之一。

    Prometheus is part of a series of suits over biotech patents .

  16. 都是一个人像普罗米修斯被锁在巨石上

    Table for one . Prometheus alone chained to the rock

  17. 普罗米修斯案可能裁定使用这种相关方法是否能授予专利。

    Prometheus may determine whether methods using such correlations may be patented .

  18. 普罗米修斯偷走了火种,送给人类。

    Permitheous stole the secret of fire and gave it to man .

  19. 他把两名泰坦人普罗米修斯和伊比米修斯找来。

    He called the Titans Prometheus and Epimetheus to him .

  20. 双性合体、普罗米修斯与母亲的性别

    Androgyny , Prometheus , and the Gender of Mother

  21. 他显然忘记了普罗米修斯的忠告:不要从宙斯那里接受任何东西。

    He had quite forgotten Pometheus'warning : never to accept anything from Zeus .

  22. 偷火的普罗米修斯&西方人道主义蠡测

    Prometheus Stealing Fire & Inspection of The West Humanism

  23. 普罗米修斯是西方文学史上的经典形象。

    Prometheus is a classical image in Western literature .

  24. 耶稣形象和普罗米修斯形象对马克思的意义

    The Influence of Jesus and Prometheus on Karl Marx

  25. 最后是伟大的希腊英雄海克力斯拯救了普罗米修斯。

    The great Greek hero Hercules eventually freed Prometheus .

  26. 希腊神话中的普罗米修斯把火带给人类。

    Prometheus in Greek mythology brought fire to man .

  27. 普罗米修斯不同时期作品中都表现了面对强大的宙斯进行的英勇斗争。

    Prometheus in works of different writers has been bravely fighting against powerful Zeus .

  28. 但普罗米修斯却说伊比米修斯必须小心天神宙斯送来的这个礼物。

    But Prometheus said that Epimetheus had to be careful with Zeus ' gift .

  29. 第二篇则注重气氛的渲染,以普罗米修斯式的悲剧展现出人在自然面前的脆弱。

    The second one lays emphasis on mood .

  30. “那么我将把火送给人类。”普罗米修斯说。

    Then I 'll try to get fire for him , " said Prometeus .