
  • 网络Hercules;Heracles;Herakles
  1. 赫拉克勒斯被众神接纳为神以后,朱庇特为他设宴庆贺。宴会上,赫拉克勒斯热情友好地向众神一一问好,唯独财神普罗托斯除外。

    When Hercules was received among the gods and was entertained at a banquet by Jupiter , he responded courteously1 to the greetings of all with the exception of Plutus , the god of wealth .

  2. 赫拉克勒斯知道这是阿特拉斯,山神。

    Hercules knew it was Atlas , the Mountain God .

  3. 而雅典人则坚持认为,提修斯远远超过了赫拉克勒斯,因为他的命运在各方面都得到了充分的眷顾,而赫拉克勒斯曾一度被迫充当奴隶。

    while the Athenian insisted that Theseus was far superior , for his fortune had been in every way supremely3 blessed , whereas Hercules had at one time been forced to act as a servant .

  4. 菲罗克忒忒斯:希腊英雄,杀死特洛伊王子帕里斯的人,是大力神赫拉克勒斯的儿子。

    A Greek hero who killed Paris and the son of Hercules .

  5. 赫拉利用神谕以及欧律斯透斯来彻底打垮赫拉克勒斯。

    Hera is using the oracle and King Eurystheus to crush Hercules .

  6. 霹雳熔化了赫拉克勒斯身上的凡人的部分。

    The thunderbolts had consumed Heracles ' mortal part .

  7. 赫拉克勒斯不能与海妖抗衡。

    Hercules stands no chance against the sea monster .

  8. 赫拉克勒斯和狄俄尼索斯都去过印度。

    India , where hericlees , and dienisious traveled .

  9. 只有些典型,就好像赫拉克勒斯。

    But patterns only , such as Hercules .

  10. 那个人就是赫拉克勒斯,而且战争的结局也正如我预言的那样。

    That man was Heracles , and the battle fell out as I prophesied .

  11. 详细描绘了他的十二个劳动力的争夺,从九头的蛇水润赫拉克勒斯。

    Detail of Herakles battling the nine-headed serpent Hydra from a depiction of his twelve labours .

  12. 传说古代奥运会的创办者是宙斯儿子&大力士赫拉克勒斯。

    It is said that Hercules , son of Zeus , originated the ancient Olympic Games .

  13. 这个周末我和赫拉克勒斯一道去参加了朋友在湖上举行的乔迁庆宴。

    Hercules and I went to a friend 's housewarming party on the lake this weekend .

  14. 也正是这桩可怕的事故引出了赫拉克勒斯接下来的故事。

    And it 's from this horrible incident that the rest of Hercules 's story unfolds .

  15. 赫拉克勒斯在宴会上跟我说,无论我在想什么,别人也在想着同样的事情。

    Hercules told me at the party that whatever I am thinking , somebody else is thinking .

  16. 局势平定后,宙斯派赫拉克勒斯把那只老鹰杀死并且解开铁链。

    After this , Zeus sent Hercules to shoot the eagle and to break the Titan 's chains .

  17. 赫拉克勒斯的神力绝不可能永远为翁珐梨王后效劳,在安乐窝中消磨壮志!

    It is impossible that the divine strength of Herakles should languish forever in ample bondage to Omphale .

  18. 没有人指望自己能活着完成其中一项挑战,赫拉克勒斯却必须完成12项。

    No man could be expected to survive even one of these challenges , but Hercules must overcome twelve .

  19. 在神话里,命中注定无法战胜赫拉克勒斯的尼米亚雄狮最终倒在了大力士的面前,死后成为天上的狮子座。

    The same thing rings true when the ? Nemean Lion representing Leo in the mythology finally fall to Hercules .

  20. 赫拉克勒斯一想也对,于是他答应在阿特拉斯离开的这段时间里亲自背负青天。

    Hercules I would like to also , and he promised to leave in the Atlas period to bear the sky .

  21. 但通常人们认为是希腊神话中宙斯的儿子,大力士英雄赫拉克勒斯在更早的时候创办了这些比赛。

    But it is believed that the god greek demigod Heracles , son of Zeus founded the games many years before .

  22. 在激烈的战斗中,许德拉有一只巨蟹助战,被赫拉克勒斯用大棒将蟹壳击碎而亡。

    In the fierce battle , Cancer , Hydra 's assistant , was killed by Heracles who crushed shells with a stick .

  23. 法律论证理论视域中,德沃金独白式的赫拉克勒斯法官形象已经被听众和解释的共同体等复数主体的观念所取代。

    So the image of the judge Hercules has been replaced by the concept of audience , or interpretive community in legal argumentation .

  24. 是力士赫拉克勒斯似的音乐之力量:音乐,在悲剧中达到最高表现时,便能够以一种新的最深刻的意义来解释神话;

    It was the Heraclean power of music , which reached its highest form in tragedy and endowed myth with a new and profound significance .

  25. 赫拉克勒斯的故事是集大成者&来自不同文化的人们聚在一起分享他们的故事,讲述他们所知的本地英雄如何克服巨大困难。

    The stories of Hercules come together from people getting together in different cultures , and sharing their own tales of local heroes that they know who overcome great difficulties .

  26. 他所假想的、具有超人能力的赫拉克勒斯法官向我们显示了隐藏在他们的判决之中的结构,从而可以让人们公开研究和批评。

    Hercules who was a imaginary person from Dworkin with superhuman ability revealed the structure which hided in their judgment , which can be publicly researched and criticized by people then .

  27. 为了在希腊各国建立信誉,迦太基人糅合了希腊英雄赫拉克勒斯(以赫尔克里斯而闻名)和特洛伊守护神麦勒卡特。

    In order to establish their credentials within the Hellenic world the Carthaginians conflated the Greek hero , Heracles ( better known as Hercules ), with Melqart , his Tyrian counterpart .

  28. 因此,她采取冷酷的计谋,例如在生赫拉克勒斯的事情上;有时,她借用阿佛洛狄特的腰带来勾起他的情欲,从而削弱他的意态。

    She therefore resorted to ruthless intrigue , as in the matter of Heracles'birth ; and sometimes borrowed Aphrodite 's girdle , to excite his passion and thus weaken his will .

  29. 赫拉克勒斯将成为希腊的英雄楷模,但他有一个强大的敌人,她想亲眼看着他毁灭,那就是宙斯的妻子&赫拉女神。

    Hercules would grow up to be Greece 's model hero , but he has one powerful enemy who wants to see him destroyed : Zeus 's wife , the Goddess Hera .

  30. 我们斯巴达人是大力神赫拉克勒斯的传人,神指引我们永不退却,永不屈膝投降,指引我们只有战死沙场方能无上光荣不枉此生。

    We Spartans descended from Hercules himself , taught never to retreat , never to surrender , taught that death in the battlefield is the greatest glory could achieve in his life .