
nú lì shè huì
  • slave society
奴隶社会 [nú lì shè huì]
  • [slave society] 一种社会形态,基本特征是奴隶主占有奴隶和生产资料,奴隶没有自由,为奴隶主进行生产劳动

  1. 这幅画反映出在奴隶社会少女被掠夺的情况。

    This painting shows how girls were kidnapped in a slave society .

  2. 中国奴隶社会制度特征影响了《诗经》的内容。

    The contents are affected by the system of slave society in China .

  3. 我国奴隶社会时期没有明确的刑事证明标准。

    There was no clear proof standard in the slavery society in China .

  4. 人物雕塑的特征和意义在奴隶社会有所变化。

    The nature and meaning of human figure sculpture changed in slave societies .

  5. 他们收买政要作为他们的代理人,向奴隶社会的中国人。

    They buy over dignitaries as their agents , to slave the Chinese .

  6. 奴隶社会刚一能够形成,就已经开始衰退了。

    No sooner can a slave society be organized than deterioration sets in .

  7. 奴隶社会和整个中世纪,囚犯权利是完全被忽视甚至被否定的。

    Prisoner rights were completely neglected in Slave society and the middle ages .

  8. 而且还反映了当时奴隶社会的伦理道德观念,成为历史的见证。

    They reflect the essential concepts of Chinese Slavery Society and are rare historical relics .

  9. 中国历史上最初进入奴隶社会是在夏朝。

    The Xia Dynasty saw the first introduction in Chinese history of the slave system .

  10. 起源阶段与早期阶段的文明不可能是奴隶社会。

    The civilization of the original and early stage must not be a slave society .

  11. 线条的运用在原始社会和奴隶社会就已经成熟了。

    It had reached its mature age even in the primitive society and the slave society .

  12. 凉山彝族奴隶社会博物馆

    Liangshan Yi Nationality Slave Society Museum

  13. 美国是从奴隶社会发展起来的,是从灭绝土著人和奴隶制中发展起来的。

    The United States was founded on the slaughtering of indigenous population and the slave system .

  14. 欧美代议制度,萌芽于奴隶社会,在封建时代正式形成,又在近现代日臻完善、确立和进一步发展。

    It sprouted in slave society , shaped in feudal society and maturated in modern age .

  15. 夏朝的中国由原始社会逐步进入了奴隶社会。

    In Xia dynasty , China had gradually entered the slave society from the primitive society .

  16. 最大区别在于加拿大没有像我们一样的奴隶社会。

    The main difference is that Canada does not have a history of slavery like ours .

  17. 它揭示出西周王朝中国奴隶社会全盛时代的特点。

    It showed characters of the West Zhou Dynasty which was the most advanced Chinese Slavery Society .

  18. 法律产生于原始社会向奴隶社会过渡的时期。

    Law 's generation dates back to a period of transition from primitive society to slave society .

  19. 对中国存在奴隶社会的质疑和否定已成为许多人的共识。

    The existence of Chinese slavery society was questioned and denied , thus gradually came to a co-recognition .

  20. 荷马时代是古希腊由原始社会向奴隶社会过渡的时期,这个时期主要留存的文献就是荷马史诗。

    Homer 's era was a period that ancient Greek was transition from primitive society to slave society .

  21. 严格地说他们都是奴隶社会的人,我们为什么研究他们?

    Strictly speaking , both men lived in a slave society . So , why do we study them ?

  22. 学徒制度是近代以前职业教育的主要形式,起源于古代奴隶社会的养子制。

    Apprenticeship , which originated from fostering child system , was the main form of vocational education before modern times .

  23. 自从进入奴隶社会,中国就有了孝观念的萌芽。

    Since China gone to the slavery society , the ideas of " filial piety " had bud in China .

  24. 刑事附带民事诉论萌芽于原始社会末期,形成于奴隶社会。

    Civil suit collateral to criminal proceedings germinated in the late primitive society and became common practice during the slave society .

  25. 她把自己的母爱无私地奉献给了赛丝,并在黑人完全被否定的奴隶社会里号召自己的同胞要爱自己的一切。

    She gives all her selfless maternal love to Sethe , and calls her people living under slavery to love themselves .

  26. 但在奴隶社会和封建社会,以劳动人民创造的知识为内容的教育却成了统治阶级的特权或宗教的附属物。

    However , in the slavery and feudalistic society , education became the privilege of ruling class or the subsidiary of religion .

  27. 周代是奴隶社会发展的一个新的时期,疆域得到扩展,人们交流更为频繁。

    Zhou Dynasty is a new era for the development of the slave society , territory expansion , people communicate more frequently .

  28. 第二个时期是中国的奴隶社会时期,比较著名的是三代夏商周。

    The second one is the period of China 's Slave Society , composed of three dynasties of Xia , Shang and Zhou .

  29. 中国传统法律文化产生于奴隶社会与封建社会,具有浓厚的封建性与时代特征。

    The Chinese traditional legal culture created in slave society and feudalistic society , and had dense characteristics of the feudalism and ages .

  30. 厚葬是中国的一种特殊社会现象,这一社会现象从奴隶社会开始一直延续到现在。

    Luxuriant Burial has been a special social phenomenon in China , with a long history from the Slavery Society to the present times .