
  • slave-owner class
  1. 其次,亚里士多德推崇中产阶级掌权和亚里士多德对于中产阶级的赞赏既与他作为中小奴隶主阶级的代言人有关,也与中产阶级所独有的其他阶层无可比拟的优越性有关。

    Second , the reasons for Aristotle held in esteem middle-class in power and appreciated middle-class not only concerned with that he was the spokesman for small and medium-sized master class , but also incomparable superiority of middle-class than other classes .

  2. 对各家观点加以认真梳理,认为这是一首反映贵族阶层爱情婚姻观念的诗篇,是奴隶主贵族阶级所追求的理想婚姻。

    The paper believes that the poem reflects the concept of love and marriage hold by noble class of that time .

  3. 内战和重建后,南方社会结构的最大变化是奴隶主贵族阶级和奴隶阶级在美国历史上永远消失了。

    The most obvious change after the Civil War in social class in the South is that as social classes the slave owners and slaves were eliminated in American history for ever .