
nú cai
  • flunkey;lackey;minion;slave;I;stooge
奴才 [nú cái]
  • (1) [minion;slave]∶奴仆;家奴

  • (2) [lackey]∶指甘心供人驱使、帮凶作恶的人

  • 一脸奴才相

  • (3) [I]∶明清两代太监和清代满人、武官等对皇帝的自称

奴才[nú cai]
  1. 他言辞激烈地驳斥了称自己是政府的狗奴才的说法。

    He has vehemently rejected claims that he is a government stooge

  2. 奴才巴结主子。

    Underlings fawn on their bosses .

  3. n.卑鄙小人你这个卑鄙无耻的奴才!

    creep You slimy little creep !

  4. 在这个协议之后,通过在他们江郎才尽的时候规定Anunnaki的地球奴才。

    After the treaty , the ruling Earth-minions of the Anunnaki were at their wit 's end .

  5. 在她看来,他不过是跑腿的佣人,低下的奴才。

    She looked upon him as her errand-man and humble slave .

  6. 钱德勒:哦,撒旦的奴才又开始活跃了。

    Chandler : Oh , Satan 's minions at work again .

  7. 这种奴才不会了解我们的苦心。

    No matter what you say , he will never understand us .

  8. 钱德勒:噢,撒旦的奴才又开始活跃了

    Chandler : Oh , Satan 's minions at work again

  9. 马伏里奥:否则还是让我把你看作奴才吧。

    Malvolio : If not , let me see thee a servant still .

  10. 他需要控制。听好了。奴才部队。

    He has to control * Listen up please * an army of minions .

  11. 不懂挣钱和积财,只能永远当奴才

    He will always be a slave who knows not how to earn and save

  12. 帮你找衣服的奴才

    Some mignon to do your dress bidding .

  13. 和往常一样,奴才们回头看主子的眼色行事。

    As usual , those followers were looking over their shoulders at their master .

  14. 唯命是从屈尊卑膝你真想一辈子都当她的奴才吗

    You really want to be her lackey for the rest of your life ?

  15. 殿下,奴才一直在中宫伺候才人们。

    Your highness , I am always in the Central Palace serving the talent ladies .

  16. 在宫殿里,男爵、伯爵走来走去,个个一副奴才相。

    Inside the house , barons and counts and dukes were walking around like servants .

  17. 撒旦的奴才又在活动了。

    Satan 's minions at work again .

  18. 他才不是愚蠢的奴才。

    He 's not a fool servant .

  19. 我将没有一个臣民,我将不再是奴才们的君主。

    Then , with all my subjects gone , I would no longer be the king of flunkeys .

  20. 这些奴才们如此担心自己的生命而没注意到这些大洞也不想去知道。

    They were so afraid for their lives that they just ignored them and didn 't want to know .

  21. 奎托斯;我也希望你将是我遇到的最后一个命运女神的奴才。

    Kratos : And you are the last one I would expect to become a servant of the Fates .

  22. 如果你非要自己送命那些奴才要来何用?

    What 's the point of having people taste for you if you 're going to get yourself killed anyway ?

  23. 奴才及其主子还不还政与民,滚回德国马列祖宗家去。

    The slave and his master political back to people , and Go back homeland for Marx and Lenin 's Germany !

  24. 只见江远风面目狰狞双眼发红道狗奴才看到我都不认识该杀!

    See river 's far breeze facial expression ferocious double eyes flush a dog slave to see my incognizance should kill !

  25. 我认为,蒋管区的教育是为范介石训练奴才的工具。

    In Chiang Kai-shek 's areas , I found that education was used as a tool to forge servile followers for Chiang Kai-shek .

  26. 生活在奴才们中间,作奴才们的首领,我将引为生平的最大耻辱,最大的悲哀。

    I would regard it as the deepest disgrace and sorrow of my life to live among the flunkeys and become their chief .

  27. 最好医生愤恨地不去参加兵役,拒绝做部长大臣们的奴才。

    A minister without portfolio the best doctors would stay resentfully out of the national service , refusing to become the minions of a Minister .

  28. 与此同时,他们的前奴才们被留下来没有了方向,但还有一些未完的被弃的计划。

    Meanwhile , their former slaves were left with no direction , only plans that had been left behind from a schedule that had been discarded .

  29. 7若遇见人拐带以色列中的一个弟兄,当奴才待他,或是卖了他,那拐带人的就必治死。

    If a man is caught kidnapping one of his brother Israelites and treats him as a slave or sells him , the kidnapper must die .

  30. 对于这些灵魂来说并不容易,因为黑暗势力依旧有着遍布全球的奴才们,他们都是把这些事情完成的障碍。

    It is not easy for such souls as the dark cabal still has its minions all over the world , and they are obstacles to getting things done .