
  1. 《日书》“岁篇”为楚国历法研究提供了新证据。

    The Suipian offered new evidence for study calendar of Chu state .

  2. 秦简《日书》择吉民俗研究

    Research on the folk custom of choosing lucky days from sun book on bamboo slips of Qin Dynasty

  3. 出土日书与楚地的疾病占卜《激楚》是春秋战国时期楚地流行的一支歌舞曲,与郑卫之音并称,具有急促交迫的音乐特点。

    Excavated Rishu ( Soothsaying Calendar ) and the Disease Divination in Chu Area On Spring and Autumn Period Warring States ," Jichu " was famous as a song in Chu area .

  4. 亚达月十四日书珊的犹大人又聚集在书珊,杀了三百人,却没有下手夺取财物。

    For the Jews who were in Shushan came together again on the fourteenth day of the month Adar and put to death three hundred men in shushan ; but they put not a hand on their goods .

  5. 本文主要以汉日双语书作为语料,对体式在汉语和日语中的表达进行对比,探讨日本汉语学习者在汉语体标记方面的偏误类型和原因。

    Based on the Chinese-Japanese bilingual data , this thesis makes a relatively detailed comparison between the expressions of aspects in the two languages and traces the causes of all the errors of aspect markers by Japanese learners of Chinese .

  6. 而在那时,报告的内容早已通过3月29日的委托书对外公开。

    By that point its contents were already public record , via the March 29 proxy .

  7. 清末留日学生译书在中国近代翻译史上占有十分重要的地位。

    Works of the Chinese overseas student translators in Japan had a major effect on modern Chinese ( 1900 ~ 1919 ) translation .

  8. 许多人分享了自己站在长城上举着写有#D-STRONG(意指多里安坚强)的标语的照片,响应多里安的爸爸11日在脸书上发布的帖子。

    In response to a Facebook post Murray 's father wrote on Monday , many people shared photos of themselves standing on the Great Wall holding signs that read " \# D-STRONG . "

  9. 这家国有油气集团在9月20日的招股书中曾表示,预计将募集资金378亿元人民币(合50亿美元),如今看来,这个数字有可能被超过。

    The state-controlled oil and gas group had said in its prospectus on September 20 that it expected to raise Rmb37.8bn ( $ 5bn ) , a figure that now could be exceeded .

  10. 卡普说,6月10日这本书在美国发行的当日,其英文版在亚马逊中国被撤下,基本上阻止了该书在中国的广泛分销。

    The English version of the book was delisted from Amazon China on June 10 , the day of publication in the United States , a move that effectively barred wide distribution in China , Mr. Karp said .

  11. 我必须在六日归还图书馆的书。

    I have to return my library books on the sixth .

  12. 你必须在1月1日之前提交申请书。

    You must submit your application before january1st .

  13. 他们将在5月20日出版这本书。

    They will issue this book on may20 .

  14. 三个月纪念日是带什么书?

    What 's the three-month anniversary book ?

  15. “呆子骄傲日”旨在庆祝书呆子和技术控,人们也称它为“技术控骄傲日”。

    Nerd Pride Day , also called Geek Pride Day , is a fun and serious day which celebrates nerds and geeks .

  16. 原创图画书发展的困境与契机&中、日、韩图画书发展论坛引发的思考高职院校教育研究机构的发展趋势与定位

    The Dilemma and Opportunities for the Development of the Original Picture Books On the development trend and position of the think factory of education in high professional college

  17. 劳动争议仲裁委员会收到答辩书后,应当在五日内将答辩书副本送达申请人。

    The labor-dispute arbitration commission shall , within five days after it receives the statement of defense , serve a copy of the statement of defense on the applicant .

  18. 当庭宣告判决的,应当在五日以内将判决书送达当事人和提起公诉的人民检察院;

    If the judgment on a case is pronounced in court , a written form of the judgment shall be delivered within five days to the parties and the people 's procuratorate that initiated the public prosecution .

  19. 甲午战前中日外交政策思想比较分析&由中日两国宣战书谈起

    Comparative analysis of foreign policies between Japan and China prior to Jiawu ( 1894 ) War & Beginning from written declaration of war between Japan and China