
  • 网络Japanese Civilization;Japanese Empire
  1. 近世基督教与日本文明的冲突与融和

    Clash and Integration between Christianity and Japanese Civilization in the Early Modern Period

  2. 日本文明开化思想探源

    Origin of the Thought of Civilization in Japan

  3. 尤其是其20世纪六七十年代的经济腾飞,基于日本文明的日本式管理显示了极大的成功。

    From economic miracle during the 1960s and 1970s , Japanese management based on Japanese civilization begins to show its special success .

  4. 本文运用新制度主义的研究方法,探索构建基于日本文明的日本管理特质的新分析框架。

    By using the research method of new institutionalism , the paper studies on the new analysis structure of Japanese management characteristics which are on the basis of its civilization .

  5. 对于天皇观的理解,他引用进化论的观点,证实日本文明和人类文明的进化发展并没有本质上的差异。

    For his understand to the Mikado thought , he cited the view of evolution to Confirmed that the Japanese civilization and the evolution of human civilization development is not the essence of the difference .

  6. 夜明珠之谜在中华文明、印度文明、希腊文明、罗马文明、犹太文明和日本文明中都存在,但迄今为止仍是一个世界性的难题和一个人类文明史上的未解之谜。

    The mystery of night-shining jewel exists in a variety of civilizations including Chinese , Indian , Greece , Roman , Rabbinical and Japanese , but is up to now still a conundrum in the history of human civilization on a worldwide basis .

  7. 汉语言文字对日本古代文明进程的影响

    The Impacts of Chinese Characters on the Evolution of Ancient Japanese Civilization

  8. 由汉字和假名为主组成的日本语,加快了日本的文明进程。

    Thus written Japanese , mainly composed of Chinese characters and Kana , has greatly quickened the evolution of Japanese civilization .

  9. 论中国和日本接受西洋文明的异同

    The Differences and Similarities of Accepting Western Civilization between China and Japan

  10. 儒学的开放兼容精神与日本韩国现代文明的发展

    The Open and Compatible Spirit of Confucianism and the Development of Japanese and Korean Modern Civilization

  11. 尤其是在国家的形成、皇权的确立、政治与宗教的分合等具有指标性的文明发展变迁上,日本在世界文明进化史中并没有任何的特殊之处。

    Especially on the formation of the country , the establishment of imperial power , political and religious division , such as indicators of change on the development of civilization , Japan in the evolutionary history of civilization in the world do not have any of the special nature .

  12. 这种传统的社会结构在日本历次吸收外来文明的过程中都没有改变,在其现代化的过程中同样延续了下来。

    Japan absorbed alien civilization several times in history , but this traditional social structure never altered , even during its modernization process .

  13. 中国的儒家思想也影响到了日本,日本古代的文明更是得益于中国传统文化。

    Chinese Confucian thoughts also influenced Japan , moreover , the ancient Japanese civilization benefited from Chinese traditional culture .

  14. 从儒家思想在日本的演变和发展,阐述了儒学对日本古代文明以及工业现代化所起的积极作用,旨在探讨儒学的现代价值。

    From the angle of the evolution of Confucianism in japan , this paper expounds the positive influence of Confucianism on the ancient civi-lization and industrial modemization of japan , aimed at probing the modem value of confucianism .

  15. 日本在吸收中国文化的基础上,创造出了日本繁荣的封建文明和极具民族特色的传统文化。

    Based on the Chinese culture it absorbed , Japan created prosperous feudal civilization of strong ethnic characteristics and cultural traditions .

  16. 日本之武力,必须予以彻底摧毁,使其不复能作战,始可解除日本对于文明之威胁。

    Japanese military might must be decimated as a fighting force before its threat to civilization is removed .