
  • 网络slave morality
  1. 他听那人向他解释起奴隶道德,便懒懒地想起了自己的尼采哲学。

    He listened to the man expounding the slave-morality , and as he listened , he thought languidly of his own Nietzsche philosophy .

  2. 他对复仇的提倡,是以主体意志与反抗精神解构传统伦理奴隶道德中的怨恨。

    His advocating of revenge was a destruction to the conventional slavery moral - " hatred ", with his strong will and rebelling spirit .

  3. 而且还反映了当时奴隶社会的伦理道德观念,成为历史的见证。

    They reflect the essential concepts of Chinese Slavery Society and are rare historical relics .