
  • Hera
  1. 由于揭露此事,他被女神赫拉弄瞎了眼。

    For this revelation he was struck blind by the goddess Hera .

  2. 女神赫拉是出席由她的婢女虹膜。

    The goddess Hera is attended by her handmaiden Iris .

  3. 昨天,瑞士球迷在雅各布·赫拉塞克对阵库里耶的比赛中为赫拉塞克喝彩加油。

    Swiss fans cheered Jakob Hlasek during yesterday 's match with Courier .

  4. 罗利赫拉赫拉?曼德拉(RolihlahlaMandela)出生于1918年7月18日,“纳尔逊”是他上学后添加的南非科萨人腾布王朝的一酋长的名字。

    Rolihlahla Mandela - 'Nelson ' was added when he started school-was born July 18 , 1918 , to a chief of the Thembu tribe of the Xhosa people in South Africa .

  5. 母亲节的历史可以追溯到几百年前的古希腊,当时,人们都会举行庆祝活动纪念Rhea(瑞亚),(古希腊的众神之母,她是主神宙斯和天后赫拉的母亲)。

    The history of Mother 's Day is centuries old and goes back to the times of ancient Greeks , who held festivities to honor Rhea , the mother of the gods .

  6. 阿富汗喀布尔——作为一个小姑娘,扎赫拉(Zahra)向往着一个不断学习的人生,生活在阿富汗西部古尔省的这个偏远小镇上,她会抓住每一个机会去学习。

    KABUL , Afghanistan - As a young girl , Zahra became consumed with the idea of a life of learning , seizing on every new opportunity that trickled to her isolated town in the western Afghan province of Ghor .

  7. 赫拉克里特斯指出,世间的事物都是相对的。

    Heraclitus pointed out that the world is characterized by opposites .

  8. 哈姆雷特:在我的心中,赫拉修。

    Hamlet : In my mind 's eye , Horatio .

  9. 一尊大理石赫拉像站立在入口出迎接着参观者。

    Marble statue of Hera greets visitors at the entrance .

  10. 宙斯经常不在奥林波斯山,这引起了赫拉的怀疑。

    Zeus'frequent absences from Mt Olympus caused Hera 's suspicions .

  11. 他选择了阿佛洛狄忒,却因此引起了雅典娜和赫拉的不满。

    He picked Aphrodite , thus angering Athena and Hera .

  12. 其次是女皇赫拉,一位既骄傲、嫉妒心又强的女人。

    Next to him was Hera , his proud and jealous queen .

  13. 他同诸神之后赫拉结婚。

    He is married to Hera , the queen of the gods .

  14. 赫菲斯托斯和他的哥哥阿瑞斯赫拉的儿子。

    Hephaestus and his brother Ares were sons of Hera .

  15. 天后赫拉出于嫉妒烧死塞密莉。

    Seven days of Hera out of envy and burned close Li .

  16. 赫拉利用神谕以及欧律斯透斯来彻底打垮赫拉克勒斯。

    Hera is using the oracle and King Eurystheus to crush Hercules .

  17. 他认为这些凶手是赫拉的信徒。

    In his opinion these homicides were committed by hera .

  18. 在赫尔克里斯还是个婴儿时,赫拉就使用了很多方法要杀死他。

    She attempted in many ways , to kill Hercules as a baby .

  19. 枪击案中的死者名为赫拉尔多·埃尔南德斯,是美国国家运输安全管理局的一名官员。

    Gerardo Hernandez is a TSA officer who was killed in the shooting .

  20. 阿瑞斯,宙斯和赫拉之子,被委任为战神。

    Son of Zeus and Hera , Ares was appointed god of war .

  21. 你杀死独角兽时,我在树林里看到了安赫拉。

    When you killed the unicorn , I saw Anhora in the forest .

  22. 赫拉,宙斯的妻子,也是他的姐姐,非常气愤。

    Hera , Zeus'wife , and also his sister , was very upset .

  23. 关于昨晚安赫拉说的话你后来有没有再想一想?

    Have you given any more thought to what Anhora said last night ?

  24. 我是安赫拉,独角兽的主人。

    I am Anhora , keeper of the unicorns .

  25. 也许能找到安赫拉的踪迹。

    Maybe we can pick up Anhora 's trail .

  26. 他坚信安赫拉应对此负责。

    He 's convinced Anhora is responsible for it .

  27. 详细的虹膜从她的绘画描绘在赫拉出席。

    Detail of Iris from a painting depicting her in the attendance of Hera .

  28. 赫淮斯托斯:火神和锻治之神,赫拉和宙斯的儿子。

    The god of fire and metalworking and the son of Hera and Zeus .

  29. 赫拉对宙斯沾花惹草的行为十分恼火,经常千方百计地设下圈套羞辱他。

    Vexed by his infidelities , she often humiliated him by her scheming ways .

  30. 马利尼。梅赫拉,社会市场中心创办者兼首席执行官。

    Malini Mehra is founder and chief executive of the Centre for Social Markets .