
hé mǎ
  • Homer
荷马 [hé mǎ]
  • [Homer] 相传是希腊公元前九世纪到前八世纪的盲人诗人,著名的史诗《伊利亚特》、《奥德赛》是他所作,口传于世,后经民间流浪歌手整理加工而成书

荷马[hé mǎ]
  1. 她写了一篇关于荷马的文章。

    She wrote an essay on Homer .

  2. 我们是通过荷马的史诗和海希奥德的诗歌了解古希腊人的法律思想的。

    The legal conceptions of archaic age of the Greeks are known to us through the epic works of Homer and the poetry of hesiod .

  3. 他写了一篇关于俄克拉荷马州一家地方银行兴衰的精彩传奇故事。

    He wrote a brilliant saga of the rise and collapse of a bank in Oklahoma .

  4. “这当然就是赫西奥德,一个我们认为与荷马同时代但更年轻的诗人。”斯皮奥斯说。

    " This is Hesiod , of course , a younger contemporary poet , we believe , with Homer , " Soupios says .

  5. 他注意到荷马在两千年后仍然受到人们的敬仰。

    He observed that Homer was still admired after two thousand years .

  6. 俄克拉荷马州的几所学校今年早些时候做出了一些改变,一些学校告诉CBS新闻报道说,在改变后,更多的老师想在那里教书。

    Several school in Oklahoma made the some move earlier this year , and some them told CBS News Reports that more teachers wanted to teach there after the change .

  7. 荷马的《伊利亚特》和弥尔顿的《失乐园》是史诗

    Homer Iliad and Milton 's Paradise Lost are epics .

  8. 荷马的史诗不是只有暴躁的妻子和勇敢的战士。

    Homer 's epic is not just composed of harridan wives and brave men .

  9. 当济慈提到荷马的“骄傲的领域”时,他指的是史诗。

    Keats is referring to epic poetry when he mentions Homer 's " proud demesne " .

  10. 《静水城》的大致情节基于阿曼达·诺克斯谋杀案件。马特·达蒙在该片中饰演居住在美国俄克拉荷马州静水城的肌肉发达、留着大胡子、戴着棒球帽的石油工人比尔·贝克。

    Loosely based on the Amanda Knox case , Stillwater stars a brawny3 , bearded , baseball-capped Matt Damon as Bill Baker4 , an oil worker who lives in Stillwater , Oklahoma .

  11. 伍德后来在俄克拉荷马基督教会大学(OklahomaChristianUniversity)学习计算机和数学专业。

    Mr. Wood went on to study computer science and math at Oklahoma Christian University .

  12. 柏拉图Vs.荷马&西方文明史上哲学与文学的第一次激烈对抗与融合

    Plato Vs. Homer The First Confrontation Merging between Philosophy and Literature in the Western Civilization

  13. 毕竟,早在3000年前,荷马(Homer)就提出过类似的问题。

    After all , Homer addressed similar issues three millenniums ago .

  14. 巴特的笨爸爸荷马(homer)则觉得无所谓。

    Homer , his clueless father , is unmoved .

  15. 最近,俄克拉荷马州立大学的VanceFried完成了一个迷人的思维实验(有详细计算支持)。

    Vance Fried , of Oklahoma State University , recently conducted a fascinating thought experiment , backed up by detailed calculations .

  16. 中海油一直在积极投资北美的非传统油气储量,过去一年,该公司已与美国俄克拉荷马州的chesapeakeenergy签订两笔数十亿美元的页岩油协议。

    CNOOC has been investing aggressively in unconventional oil and gas deposits in North America , signing two multibillion-dollar shale oil deals with Chesapeake energy of Oklahoma during the past year .

  17. 荷马时代的polis

    Polis at Homer 's Times

  18. 伍德在俄克拉荷马基督教会大学的同班同学特德•诺顿(TedNorton)回忆道,伍德也有艺术的一面,喜欢涂涂画画。

    He has an artistic side , though , loving to paint and draw , recalls Ted Norton , a classmate at Oklahoma Christian University .

  19. NPR新闻的柯克·塞格林报道当南俄克拉荷马城下雨的时候,朋友和家人仍然记得9岁的安东尼娅·森德莱拉。

    NPR 's Kirk Siegler reports friends and family remember nine-year-old Antonia Candelaria as the rain fell in south Oklahoma City .

  20. ReeseMonhundro应该是这样读的吧俄克拉荷马州的StillWater晚上10:037月31日一名男子因酒醉驾车被捕他对警察说红灯变得太快快到他都来不及停下来

    Reese Monhundro , I think , in Still Water , Oklahoma , 10:03 pm , A man arrested for DUI on July 31st , told a cop the stop sign turned red too fast for him to stop .

  21. 俄克拉荷马城雷霆队的乔治顶替受伤的德马库斯-考辛斯进入NBA全明星赛,虽然入选全明星赛是一个很好的机会,但他希望下次能通过另一种方式入选全明星。

    Oklahoma City 's Paul George says that while being named to the All-Star Game for an injured DeMarcus Cousins is a great opportunity , he wishes he got in another way .

  22. 学校拒绝给美国俄克拉荷马州优秀高中生凯特琳·努特芭颁发毕业证书,因为她作为毕业生代表进行毕业演讲时说了“hell”这个词。这样的结果让她及其父母震怒不已。

    Kaitlin Nootbaar , a straight-A Oklahoma high school student , is being denied her diploma because she used the word " hell " in her graduation speech as valedictorian , and she and her parents are furious .

  23. RyanTedder,这个音乐家父亲和教师母亲的儿子,在俄克拉荷马州乡下的一个宗教家庭中长大。

    The son of a musician father and a school-teacher mother , Ryan Tedder grew up in a religious family in rural Oklahoma .

  24. 研究压力问题已有30年的俄克拉荷马州立大学(OklahomaStateUniversity)管理学教授德布拉•纳尔逊(DebraNelson)说,要想尽量让压力于己有益,发现工作的意义很重要。

    For stress to be most beneficial , it 's important to find meaning in your work , says Debra Nelson , a management professor at Oklahoma State University who has been studying stress for 30 years .

  25. 由于他给俄克拉荷马动物园的大象注射大剂量的LSD,并在West试图用一种混合的药物使大象苏醒时导致大象死亡,而获得丑名。

    He achieved notoriety for his injection of a massive dose of LSD into an elephant at the Oklahoma Zoo , the elephant died when West tried to revive it by administering a combination of drugs .

  26. 俄克拉荷马州的奥布雷?麦克伦登(AubreyMcClendon)和汤姆?沃德(TomWard)是从事土地租赁的专业人士;作为页岩气领域的先行者,他们成功地建起了美国第二大天然气生产商。

    Aubrey McClendon and Tom Ward of Oklahoma were land-leasing specialists ; they managed to build the nation 's second-largest gas producer by leading the charge into shale fields .

  27. 梅尔文莫兰(MelvinMoran)的公司拥有俄克拉荷马州的低产井,他表示,每年需要数千美元来维持一口低产井的运营。

    Melvin Moran , whose company owns stripper wells in Oklahoma , said it costs thousands of dollars a year to keep one pumping .

  28. 今天从俄克拉荷马州马斯科吉(Muskogee,Oklahoma)来这里出席晚宴的纳沙拉·赫恩(NashalaHearn)曾在年幼时为维护这项权利表明了自己的立场。

    Nashala Hearn , who joins us from Muskogee , Oklahoma , took a stand for that right at an early age .

  29. IEA去年曾表示,WTI合约的交割地点在俄克拉荷马州的Cushing,由此造成的内在逻辑缺陷,经常导致与国际市场割裂。

    It said last year that inherent logistical flaws caused by the WTI contract delivery point at Cushing , Oklahoma , frequently led to a disconnect from international markets .

  30. 好好先生的戏码在去年6月戛然而止。那时,杜兰特先生在小市场球队俄克拉荷马城雷霆不辞劳苦地坚守8年后,成为了NBA历史上最热门的自由球员之一。

    That narrative persisted until last June , when Mr. Durant , who had spent eight years dutifully toiling in small-market Oklahoma City for the Thunder , became one of the most heavily courted free agents in league history .