
  • 网络Dutch East Indies;The Netherlands East Indies
  1. 在荷属东印度群岛(也就是如今的印度尼西亚)郁郁葱葱的海岛,坦博拉火山(MountTambora)的爆发令数万人丧生。

    Around the lush isles of the Dutch East Indies - modern-day Indonesia - the eruption of Mount Tambora killed tens of thousands of people .

  2. 蔓延的疾病最终来到荷属东印度群岛。

    The pandemic spread and eventually reached the Dutch East Indies .

  3. 东北南美洲和较小的安的列斯群岛的美国印第安族人。ph.1.荷属东印度群岛

    A member of an American Indian peoples of NE South America and the Lesser Antilles . Dutch East Indies

  4. 日本政府认定,有必要把荷属东印度群岛(如今的印尼)的石油控制在手里。它推测,如果对荷属东印度群岛发动袭击,将不可避免地把美国拖入战争。

    Tokyo decided it needed to grab control of oil in the Dutch East Indies , now Indonesia - an assault that , it guessed , would inevitably draw the US into the war .