
  • 网络Prehistoric culture;Protoculture
  1. 超越时间的跳跃能够解释史前文化的消失,虽然我们自己的继续存在似乎与此矛盾。

    A jump beyond time could perhaps explain how and why the Protoculture vanished , although our own continued existence would seem to contraindicate it .

  2. 台湾早期移住民的史前文化述论

    On the Pre - historical Culture of Early Settlers in Taiwan

  3. 试论辽东半岛南部地区的史前文化

    On the Prehistoric Culture in the Southern Region of Liaodong Peninsula

  4. 中国东南海岸史前文化的适应与扩张

    Coastal Adaptation as Expansion Phenomenon in the Prehistory of Southeastern of China

  5. 自然环境与沂蒙史前文化

    On the Relation of Natural Environment and Yimeng Prehistoric Culture

  6. 澳门、珠海史前文化探索

    Exploration on of the Prehistoric Cultures in Macao and Zhuhai

  7. 西安半坡史前文化村创作构想

    The Creation Conception of Banpo Village of Prehistoric Culture

  8. 史前文化时期的酿酒(二)&谷芽酒的酿造及演进

    Wine Production in Prehistoric Culture Period (ⅱ) Production Evolution of Millet Sprout Wine

  9. 史前文化时期的酿酒(三)&曲酒的诞生与酿酒技术进步

    Liquor-making in Prehistoric Period (ⅲ) Emergence of Qu Liquor and Liquor-making Technical Progress

  10. 且史前文化变迁与气候变化在时相上具有一致性。

    The changes of pre-history culture and the climate are identical with each other .

  11. 台湾西海岸史前文化编年初论

    Try to Comment on the Culture of Prehistoric Age in West Coast of Taiwan

  12. 青海东部史前文化对气候变化的响应

    Pre-history and Climate Change of Eastern Qinghai

  13. 中原史前文化的优势&中国早期文明研究札记之一

    Superiority of Prehistoric Culture of Central Plains

  14. 分析了半干旱的甘青地区全新世中期环境变化序列与史前文化发展序列,探讨了环境变化对史前文化发展的影响。分析发现;

    Through analysis of the environmental change and cultural evolution of Gansu-Qinghai region in mid -

  15. 史前文化的主要成果

    The Major Achievement of Prehistoric Culture

  16. 江南地区史前文化海路输日蠡测

    Studies of the Sea-route via Which the Pre-historical Culture of the Southern Yangtze River Region Reached Japan

  17. 从19世纪史前文化实践灭绝以来,同类相食就极其罕见。

    Cannibalism has been rare since prehistory and extinct as a cultural practice since the 19th century .

  18. 史前文化的主要成果在于原始农业的出现。

    The major achievement of prehistoric culture could be seen in the emergence of the primitive agriculture .

  19. 宁绍地区史前文化遗址地理环境特征及相关问题探索

    A Discussion on the Geographical Environment Features of Prehistoric Sites in Ning bo-Shaoxing Area and the Relevant Problems

  20. 概况到目前为止,不同种类的史前文化在中国各地都已被发现,

    General So far , Prehistoric cultures of different types have been found in all parts of China ,

  21. 奥莫低谷位于图阿卡那湖附近,是世界上著名的史前文化遗址。

    A prehistoric site near Lake Turkana , the lower valley of the Omo is renowned the world over .

  22. 本文论述了建立半坡史前文化村的意义,并详细介绍了作者所做的西安半坡史前村规划方案。

    The significance of building Banpo village of prehistoric culture and its planning by the author are described in this paper .

  23. 在史前文化中,仰韶文化的彩陶和龙山文化的黑陶是手工业的典范。

    In the prehistoric culture , the painted pottery of Yangshao culture and the black pottery of Longshan culture were models of handicraft .

  24. 本文采用比较方法,从十个方面论证潮汕史前文化的源头&南澳象山遗址的年代,距今约1.2万年左右;

    In this Paper the comparative approach is adopted to Probe into the sources of prehistorical culture in Chaozhou-Shantou-Shantou Area in ten aspects .

  25. 分布于陇东地区的新石器时代文化遗存较丰富,为我们研究这一地区史前文化状况提供了材料。

    The richer Neolithic cultural relics distributed in Longdong area provide us materials to discuss the condition of the prehistoric culture in this region .

  26. 同时结合对其周边文化同类器的研究,对史前文化之间的交流状况也有一定的论述。

    The paper also have discussed the communications among prehistory cultures which borders on Central Plains culture zone based on the basin with gloves .

  27. 在新石器时代中、晚期和青铜时期,甘青地区分布有众多的史前文化。

    In the Modern Gan-Qing area , where was found many remains of prehistoric culture that belong to the middle to the late of Neolithic Age and Bronze Age .

  28. 辽东半岛南部地区与山东半岛地区的文化交流不仅促进了该地史前文化的形成,而且对历史时期也产生了深远的影响。

    2600 . The cultural communication between the southern region of Liaodong Peninsula and Shandong Peninsula both promoted the formation of prehistory cultural features and profoundly influenced the historical period .

  29. 第二章,对东南沿海地区史前文化中的鸟形象材料进行了较为全面的梳理。

    Chapter two combs the bird image material of the primitive cultures in Southeastern Coast China thoroughly , which is based on the archaeology information with definite time and space data .

  30. 河洛地区史前文化的形成与发展以及不同考古学文化生产和生活方式的异同,与自然环境有着密切的关系。

    The form and development of cultural area of Heluo as well as the same and difference ways of production and life of different archaeological culture have close relation to natural environment .