
  • 网络historiography;History and Theory
  1. 爱德华·吉本的史学理论和社会思想探析

    Analysis on Edward Gibbon 's Theory of Historiography and Social Thoughts

  2. 刘咸忻对传统史学理论的研究也颇具特点。

    His traditional historiography is also full of features .

  3. 论东方社会历史发展的道路及其研究&第九届全国史学理论研讨会观点综述

    SUMMARIES OF ARTICLES On the Path of Development of the Oriental Society

  4. 史学理论建设三题

    Three Lectures on the Construction of the Theory of History

  5. 嵇文甫在史学理论上的贡献

    The Contribution of Ji Wen Fu to the Historical Theory

  6. 梁启超对史学理论与方法的创新

    LIANG Qi-chao 's Innovation in Theories and Methods of Study on History

  7. 当代中国的口述史学理论研究

    The Theoretical Study of Oral History in Chinese Mainland Since the 1980s

  8. 史学家应该也必须关注史学理论的相关问题,史学家应该也必须关注现实社会和人生。

    Historians should and must pay attention to current social reality and life .

  9. 兰克的史学理论及方法是对于前人的超越。

    The theory and method of Ranke history far more surpassed his formers .

  10. 总之,他为新史学理论之传播、构建做出了相当之贡献,理应在中国近代史学史上占一突出席位,其历史学说在今天仍具有重要的借鉴意义和参考价值。

    He should hold a prominent position in history of modern Chinese historiography .

  11. 民族精神研究与史学理论的思考

    Reflections on National Spirit and Theories of Historical Studies

  12. 西方古典文化交流的典范&波里比阿史学理论的形成及其特点分析

    The Model of the Exchanges of Western Classical Cultures

  13. 史学理论研究与新时期中国史学的复兴

    Researches in theories of historiography & renaissance of historiography of China in New Period

  14. 史学理论和文学理论都不是封闭、孤立的,它们有着很多的契合点。

    Literature theory and historic theory are opening , they have many common area .

  15. 构建中国的城市史学理论。

    Setting the Chinese theory of urban historiography .

  16. 21世纪中国史学理论走向问题研究综述

    A Review of the Research on the Trend of Chinese Historical Theory in New Century

  17. 作者不反对引进新史学理论,但反对教条主义;

    The author does not oppose introduction of new theories of historiography , but opposes dogmatism .

  18. 后现代主义带给历史学的挑战首先反映在史学理论的层面。

    The challenges of postmodernism to history are reflected first on the level of historical theories .

  19. 21世纪中国的西方史学理论研究刍议

    On Studies of Western Historical Theory in China in the 21 ~ ( st ) Century

  20. 论王世贞的史学理论

    Achievements of Wang Shizhen 's historiography

  21. 按照汤因比的文化形态史学理论,他认为除了西方文明能够持续生存,其它文明都处于衰落或解体期。

    According to his theory except Western Civilization , other civilizations are all in their wanes .

  22. 论史学理论的类型

    A typology of historical theories

  23. 传统史学理论的特征及其对外国教育史研究范式的影响

    The Trait of Traditional History Theory and its Influences on the Research Model of Foreign Education History

  24. 下篇4~7章从史学理论体系的内在发展理路上对此作了详细考察。

    Chapters 4 to 7 particularly analyze the developmental route inside the system of the historical theory .

  25. 在这个史学理论体系指导下,产生了大量彝文历史著述,丰富了中国古代史学的内容。

    There were a large number Yi script historical writings emerged by guidance of this theory system .

  26. 任何史学理论的提出,都不是一蹴而就的,有其深厚的文化思想背景。

    Any historical theory is not achieved on one day . It has its profound cultural background .

  27. 从是/应该问题看传统史学理论中的现代因素

    A Study of Modern Factors and Values in Traditional Historical Theories from the Perspective of " is-ought "

  28. 从欧洲精神到人类精神&近代以来欧洲史学理论的特征一瞥

    From European Spirit to Human Spirit - A Glance at the Characteristics of the Modern European Theory on History

  29. 年鉴学派的史学理论和研究实践对世界历史学的发展做出了贡献。

    There is no doubt that the Annales School made great contribution to the development of the world historiography .

  30. 史学理论结构的非平衡发展&西方和古代中国的比较

    Non - Equilibrium Development in the Structure of History Theory : The Comparison Between the West and Ancient China