
  • 网络Journal of Historiography
  1. 近十年清代史学史研究的特色

    The Feature of Historiography of Qing Dynasty in Recent Ten Years

  2. 论学术史视野下的史学史研究

    The Chinese Historiography Studies Under the Academic History Fields of Vision

  3. 关于深化西方史学史研究的若干问题

    On deepening the studies of the history of Western history

  4. 西方史学史研究中的问题和方法

    Problems and Methods in the Studies of Western Historiography

  5. 我们的西方史学史研究应有自己独立的理论、原则和方法。

    Our studies of the history of Western historiography should have our own independent theories , principles and methods .

  6. 从20世纪初年以来,中国的西方史学史研究也经历了几个阶段的发展与变化。

    From the first years of the 20th century , the studies of Western history also have gone through several phases .

  7. 王树民在中国史学史研究方面所做的成绩主要包括对中国史学史的相关理论问题探讨和中国史学发展史的问题的研究。

    His main achievements were made in the history of Chinese historiography theory research and development of Chinese historiography history problem research .

  8. 我们必须建立起自己独立的西方史学史研究体系,首先是以唯物史观为理论指导的理论体系。

    We must construct our own independent systems of studies of the history of Western historiography , first of all the theoretic system directed by historical materialism .

  9. 历史学的自省:从经验到理性的转折&略评20世纪上半叶我国的史学史研究

    The Self-examination of Historiography : A Turn from Empirical to Rational & A Comment on Chinese Studies of the History of Historiography in the First Half of the Twentieth Century

  10. 我国学者对外国环境史著述的译介,以美国学者为主;环境史学史研究也以美国环境史学史为主。

    When translating or introducing environmental history works written by foreign scholars , Chinese scholars often focus on American scholars ; it is the same with historiography research on it .

  11. 近20年间,我国的西方史学史研究,已有了长足发展,但仍有不少事情要做。

    In the past twenty years , studies of the history of Western historiography in China have made great progress , but there is still a lot of work to do .

  12. 中国绘画史学史研究作为史学史研究的一个分支,在我国发展的历史还较短,有关绘画史学史研究较为系统的论著及论文至今尚不多见。

    As a branch of the study of history of the historiography , the history of the historiography of Chinese painting history came into being in China not long time ago .

  13. 关于理论问题的研究,以《中国史学史研究述要》中的《中国史学史绪论》一文为例,探讨了他在中国史学史理论问题方面的研究。

    The research of theory discussed his research about Chinese theory with " Introduction to Chinese historical studies " in the " The summary of Chinese historical history research " as example .

  14. 该文从天文学史学史研究出发,系统地论述了清代学者对中国古代历法的整理研究工作。

    As a preliminary attempt on the history of study of astronomical history , this paper analyzes some research works on ancient calendars by Qing Dynasty scholars , and especially investigates the compiling process of ding Shi Li Zhi .

  15. 杨氏史学史研究方法的特点是注重史料的基础工作,理论与实证并重,宏观与微观相结合,治史观念与时俱进。

    The feature of the study of Yixiang Yang included as follows : paying attention to the basic work of historical materials , both focusing on the theory and empirical research , macro and micro were combined and treating history concept to keep pace with the times .

  16. 这三个层次具有相同的学术特点和学术方法,应当有机地结合起来,我们统称之为“历史学科学术史”,其实质是在学术史的视野下总体强化与分支细化的史学史研究。

    All above three points can be named by " the academic history of the history subject " since they have the same academic characteristics , and essentially , are the basic ways to deepen the historiography research totally and in details under the academic history fields of vision .

  17. 然而在民国绘画史学史的研究中,对他的研究则近乎是一项空白。

    However , no study of his historiography is given .

  18. 20世纪美国对中国史学史的研究

    Studies of the History of Chinese Historiography by American Scholars in the 20th Century

  19. 首先是拓展了中国史学史的研究内容,其次是贯通史学古今。

    Firstly , the research expanded the extent of Chinese history study . Secondly , it had a through from ancient to modern .

  20. 在史学史的研究中,杨翼骧发表了多篇论文,编著了史学史教材、参考书、辞典等。此外还授课育人,培养了一大批史学史方面的后备人才。

    In his research , he published many papers , compiled textbooks , reference books , dictionaries history , etc. In addition , he taught and educated his students , and he cultivate a large number of historical studies of reserve talented person .

  21. 论白寿彝先生对汉代史学思想史的研究

    On Mr. Bai Shou-yi 's Studies of the Historiography of the Han Dynasty

  22. 传统史学与农史研究在史料的开掘和题材的拓展方面虽然表现出了迥然各异的轨迹与线索,但其对于史料的重视与开拓却是一脉相承的。

    Although it appears that there are contrary route and resource in the historical materials ' discovery of traditional history and the theme development of agricultural historical research , it shows no difference in paying high attention and developing of historical materials .

  23. 民国时期史学革命对美术史研究的影响

    Influence of Historiography Revolution on Chinese Fine Arts History Research During the Republic of China

  24. 俞剑华与现代美术史学&以绘画史研究为中心

    Yu Jianhua and Modern History of Art & a Study of the History of Painting

  25. 经典文献是史学尤其是思想史研究的主流资源。

    Classical documents are the main resources of historiography , especially the study of ideological history .

  26. 近十年来,学术界在清代史学史领域里的研究越来越深入,成绩斐然,成果突出。

    In recent years academia studied the historiography of Qing dynasty more deeply and got striking achievements .

  27. 婚姻家庭问题一直是史学研究和社会史研究领域中一个重要的研究课题。

    Has been the history of marriage and family studies and social history research is an important research topic .

  28. 事实上,李大钊对西方史学思想史的教学研究与他对唯物史观的宣传是有内在联系的两件事。

    In fact , Li 's teaching and study on the Western history of thoughts and his propaganda of historical materialism are closely linked .

  29. 《茶叶与鸦片》是全球史研究的一部力作,也是对国际史学界关于全球史研究的一个呼应。

    Tea and Opium is an important book of global history , a Chinese response to the global history research as espoused by historians worldwide .

  30. 认真了解与梳理西方史学的反省精神,对史学史研究的开拓与创新具有重要的意义。

    It is very important to apprehend the spirit of self-reflection of western historiography , because it is significant to the development and innovation of historiography .