
  • 网络social governance;social management
  1. 加强社区治理体系建设,推动社会治理重心向基层下移,发挥社会组织作用,实现政府治理和社会调节、居民自治良性互动。

    We will strengthen the system for community governance , shift the focus of social governance to the community level , leverage the role of social organizations , and see that government 's governance efforts on the one hand and society 's self-regulation and residents ' self-governance on the other reinforce each other .

  2. 培育NGO是当前我国形成社会治理结构主体新格局的有效途径。

    It is an effective approach for the forming of the new pattern in the structure of social governance to cultivate the NGO .

  3. NGO在国际范畴乃至社区范畴内扮演越来越重要的角色,成为社会治理结构变革的中间力量。

    NGO in the international community and even within the framework of areas plays an increasingly important role as structural changes in society between governance strength .

  4. 论人类社会治理模式的历史演进

    On The Historical Changes Of The Governance Model Of Human Society

  5. 并不是怎样做人的科学,而是如何治国的科学,是关于社会治理道德原则的科学。

    It is the science of moral principles of social governing .

  6. 非政府组织的社会治理功能及发展路径

    The Social Governing Function and the Developing Path of Non-governmental Organization

  7. 税收,是政府行为,有单极强制性;社会治理,是超政府行为,有共治内涵。

    Taxation is an act of government that imposes on individual .

  8. 农地流转与基层社会治理机制:成都例证

    Land Circulation and Governance Mechanisms in Grass-roots : Example from Chengdu

  9. 我国高等教育社会治理的过渡性特征

    Transitional Development of Social Governance in China 's Higher Education

  10. 社区治理是社会治理的微观体现。

    Community governance is a microscopic embodiment of social governance .

  11. 另一方面,也必须加大社会治理力度,推进自组织的治理。

    On the other hand , we must enforce social self-organizing governance .

  12. 五是改进社会治理方式,保持社会和谐稳定。

    Fifth , we improved social governance and maintained social harmony and stability .

  13. 经济社会治理的裂变:从跨国治理到全球治理

    The Transformation of Economic Society Governance : From Transnational Governance To Global Governance

  14. 论社会治理中的诚信实现机制

    On Realization Mechanism of Good faith in Social Governance

  15. 政府部门应该加强素质教育,并且加强社会治理力度。

    Government ought to power the quality-oriented education , and strengthen social regulation .

  16. 中国社会治理方式的历史考察与现实选择

    On the Historical Investigation and Realistic Choice of Social Governing Manner of China

  17. “社会治理”,实质上既是“社会建设”,又是“社会体制改革”。

    Social governance in essence is both society building and social system reform .

  18. 政府的三种能力:情境认知、组织调适与社会治理

    Three Abilities of Government : Situational Cognition , Organizational Adjustment and Social Governance

  19. 公共政策是现代政府达成有效社会治理的基本方式。

    Public policy is an effective government social governance of the basic approach .

  20. 21世纪的社会治理正在向三元组合的现代结构发展。

    Social Governance in 21 century is developing toward modern structure of three-part structure .

  21. 多主体多中心的社会治理与发展模式

    The Mode of Multi-agent and Polycentric Governance Development

  22. 德法并举:小康社会治理之经纬

    By the Rule of VIrtue and Law : Key to Governing the Well-off Society

  23. 没有基层行政体制的改革,就没有基层社会治理结构的优化。

    Primary administrative system reform , there is no grass-roots social governance structure optimization .

  24. 当代西方国家的社会治理思潮

    Social Governance Thought in Contemporary Western Countries

  25. 论不同社会治理模式中的法治与德治

    On the Rule by Law And Rule by Virtue in Different Modes of Social Governance

  26. 摘要非营利组织作为社会治理的重要主体之一,在我国正蓬勃发展。

    Non-porfit organizations as one of the important social governance bodies have been flourishing nowadays .

  27. 摘要单位制和社区制是我国城市社会治理的两大重要模式。

    The working unit system and community system are important governance modes in our country .

  28. 社会治理是人类社会活动的基本内容,也是社会科学理论致思的重大主题。

    Social governance is the basic human activity and the major theme of social science .

  29. 社会治理与法治

    Social Governance and Rule by Law

  30. 它也不是一种权宜之计,而是对现代社会治理模式的理性选择。

    And it is a rational choice to modern society management pattern , not a makeshift .