
  • 网络social impact;Social effect;sociological effects
  1. 文中引入属性变量以考虑社会效应,建立相应的DEA效率评价模型。

    This paper advances attribute variables to reflect the commercial banks social effects , and develop a fresh DEA model .

  2. 然后,探讨了城市居住空间分异的社会效应;

    Third , a discussion of the social effects of such differentiation ;

  3. 对STD高危人群进行全方位干预的社会效应

    Sociological effect of comprehensive interventions towards STD high risk population

  4. 于是,他开始跟亚洲社会效应投资交易所(ImpactInvestmentExchangeAsia,以下简称IIX)磋商,后者是一家通过投资专注于社会部门发展的机构。

    So he began holding discussions with impact investment exchange Asia ( IIx ) , a group that focuses on social sector development via investment .

  5. 至于软件工程的社会效应方面,Scrum已被证实的过程模式可以即时地方便需求管理,变化控制以及项目管理提供。

    Addressing the social side of software engineering , Scrum 's proven process patterns can offer immediate benefit in requirements management , change control , and project management .

  6. 介绍了清洁发展机制(CDM)的概念及中日在山西实施CDM的可行性,探讨了由此带来的环境、经济和社会效应,以及可能存在的一些问题。

    This paper introduces the concept of Clean Development Mechanism ( CDM ) and the feasibility of CDM implementation between China and Japan in Shanxi Province , and probes into the environmental , economic and social effect brought about by CDM and some existing problems .

  7. 而个人批评的社会效应,又会损伤士气。

    And the social ramifications of personal critique can ruin morale .

  8. 并具有极为可观的经济价值和社会效应;还具有广阔应用前景。

    It economic value and society effect were also quite considerable .

  9. 劳模文化的社会效应及其价值趋向

    The Social Effect and Value Tendency of Model Workers ' Culture

  10. 从足球精神美谈足球的社会效应

    On Soccer 's Social Effect from the Perspective of its Spiritual Beauty

  11. 旅游业对达里诺尔自然保护区带来的社会效应研究

    A Survey on the Social Effects of Tourism on Dalai-Lake Nature Reserve

  12. 地方政府间支出竞争的经济与社会效应分析。

    The social and economic influence of the expenditure competition .

  13. 家庭观念的变革及其人口、社会效应&以宁波为例的实证分析

    The Transformation of Family Notions and the Effects of Population and Society

  14. 近代中国商标立法的特征及其社会效应

    Characteristics and Social Effects of Trademark Legislation in Modern China

  15. 体育明星还制造了很多社会效应呢!

    Sports superstars even have a lot of social impact !

  16. 一人公司是我国新修订的公司法规定的新制度,自其诞生以来,便存在正反两方面的社会效应。

    One man company is a new system in the new company law .

  17. 通货紧缩的经济社会效应分析

    Analysis on the deflation 's economic and social effect

  18. 我国收入分配的经济社会效应

    An Analysis of the Economic and Social Effects of Income Distribution in China

  19. 名牌和名牌群落的社会效应

    Social Effects of Famous Brands and Famous Brand Community

  20. 债务重组产生的社会效应及其对策

    Social Effect and Countermeasure concerning Rescheduling of a Debt

  21. 人力资本投资具有企业、产业、经济增长和社会效应。

    Human capital investment propels the corporate , industrial , social and economic growth .

  22. 浅淡监测数据的共享与社会效应

    Share of monitoring data and its social effect

  23. 教育投资确实具有抑制人口增长的社会效应。

    The educational investment really has a social effect of repressing the population growth .

  24. 论我国中间阶层及其社会效应

    On China middle class and its society effect

  25. 健美操选项课教学中的美育教育及其社会效应

    Aesthetic Education and Social Effect in Gymnastics Teaching

  26. 艺术设计的价值和社会效应

    Value of Art Design and its Social Effect

  27. 容器苗造林取得了良好的社会效应;

    Container seedlings got good social effects ;

  28. 四是对企业诚信缺失的社会效应进行深入分析。

    Fourth , the social effect lacked to enterprise 's sincerity carries on in-depth analysis .

  29. 第三部分,企业年金税收优惠的经济效应和社会效应。

    The Third part , economical and social effects of favorable taxation of occupational pension .

  30. 我国数字鸿沟社会效应主要的表现有教育鸿沟、性别鸿沟、城乡鸿沟。

    Social effect of digital divide includes educational divide , sex divide and city-country divide .