
  1. 从参与社会角度看当代文学的价值

    The Contemporary Literary Value from the Perspective of Social Participation

  2. 从社会角度讲,混合型城市是可持续的&我们从未真正读到过可持续性的这一面。

    Mixed cities are socially sustainable – which is the aspect of sustainability we never really read about .

  3. 尽管接受移民看上去可能有经济道理,但如果人们认为它从社会角度不可接受,那这种局面就不会出现。

    While it might seem to be economically rational , if it is considered socially unacceptable , it is simply not going to happen .

  4. 第四,从政府和社会角度,要加大对幼儿园的管理和资金投入,建立健全评价机制。

    Fourth , from the perspective of government and society , they should increase the nursery management and capital investment , establish and improve the evaluation mechanism .

  5. 方法采用综述的方法,分别从社会角度、学校角度、家庭角度和大学生自身等方面分析其自杀的原因。

    Methods Usingreview literature as research method , the article analyze the causes from the view of society , school , family and undergraduates themselves and so on .

  6. 她希望最终能获得一个博士学位,帮助她从社会角度来解决环境问题,确保当地社区成为未来绿色解决方案的一部分。

    She hopes to eventually earn a doctoral degree that will allow her to address environmental problems from a social perspective , making sure that local communities are part of future green solutions .

  7. 费用&效益分析从整个社会角度分析评价系统对整个区域经济的净贡献,是一鉴别和度量系统经济效益和费用的方法,其目的在于实现系统资源最优化配置,以达到可持续发展的系统目标。

    Cost - effectiveness analysis ( CEA ) is a method to differentiate and measure economic effectiveness and cost of system in order to achieve the best utilization of systemic resources and achieve sustainable development .

  8. 它是从全社会角度对水库移民工程所产生的社会效果进行客观评价,选择最佳安置方案,促进水库移民工程社会发展目标顺利实现。

    From the point of view of the whole society , the social effects of reservoir resettlement engineering are evaluated , and the optimal resettlement scheme is selected in order to promote social development through reservoir resettlement .

  9. 通过问卷调查,访谈和测试,结果显示,教师的角色从三个角度积极影响学生网络自主学习的发展:认知角度,社会角度和心理角度。

    Through the investigations from the questionnaire , interview and tests , the findings showed that teachers ' role may impact on online autonomous learning by college non-English majors through three dimensions : cognitive dimension , social dimension and psychological dimension .

  10. 从社会的角度来看,查看手机不像在公共场合打嗝那样,而更像是另外一种坏习惯。

    From a societal perspective , phone checking is less like belching in public and more like another bad habit .

  11. 社会排斥角度的城市反贫困战略;(6)就业+保障型城市反贫困政策建议。

    Anti-poverty strategy in urban areas from the perspective of social exclusion ;

  12. 从社会学角度解析我国女子体育的崛起

    Analyzing Rising of Our Country ′ s Female Sports From the Sociological Angle

  13. 从社会适应角度看,心理健康的内在含义是什么呢?

    According to social adaptation , what is inherent essential of mental health ?

  14. 社会学角度下的乞讨行为

    Act of Begging : A Perspective of Sociology

  15. 从社会变迁角度看证券犯罪

    Crime in Stock Exchange in Social Changing Perspective

  16. 从社会学角度分析篮球运动的健身性

    Analysis on Fitness of Basketball from Sociology Angle

  17. 从社会保障角度研究人工成本与企业成本竞争力的关系

    Studying the Relationship Between Labor Cost and Cost Competitiveness of Enterprises from the Perspective of Social Security

  18. 不过,若从社会的角度来看,童乩确实很容易被归类为「病人」或「异常者」。

    Nevertheless , shamans are very easily categorized as sick or abnormal in social or cultural terms .

  19. 从社会学角度分析,证人不出庭作证与中国的传统文化及国民心理有关。

    From the eye of sociology , it 's related to Chinese traditional culture and national psychology .

  20. 鉴于此,本文试图从社会语言学角度洞悉广告语言。

    Based on the previous researches , this thesis attempts to perceive advertising language through sociolinguistic respects .

  21. 本文从社会语言学角度调查了我国小学英语教材中的语言性别歧视现象。

    This paper examines linguistic sexism in current English textbooks of China primary schools from a sociolinguistic perspective .

  22. 然而似乎只有少数人尝试从社会语言学角度分析品牌翻译的问题。

    However only a few have tried to analyze the question of brand translation from a sociolinguistic perspective .

  23. 目的:从社会医学角度分析部队慢性胃肠道疾病的社会心理危险因素,促进部队成员改变不良生活方式,降低慢性病发病率,提高部队健康水平。

    Objective : To research into the social and psychological risk factors of chronic gastrointestinal diseases in armymen .

  24. 从社会网络角度研究营销网的形成与管理。(3)模型创新。

    Studying on marketing networks from the perspectives of social networks . ( 3 ) The innovation of model .

  25. 专业、专业属性及判断成熟专业的六条标准&一个社会学角度的分析

    Speciality , Professional Attribute and Six Standards of Estimating Mature Speciality : A Point View of Sociology for Analysis

  26. 无论从劳动产品的角度看,还是从社会的角度看,技术都是理性的表现;

    Viewed from whether the perspective of labour product or that of society , technology is the manifestation of cognition .

  27. 国家的两种基本类型及其现实理解:基于社会契约角度的分析

    The Two Basal Kinds of Country and Its Realistic Understanding : An Analysis Based on the View of Social Contract

  28. 研究性学习在这方面具有独特的功能。本文从社会学角度,以Am。

    And research learning is of special functions for this . Viewed from the sociology , this essay take Am .

  29. 目前,大多数体育消费的研究主要是从今经济学、社会学角度对部分地区整体人群的体育消费做出概括分析。

    Nowadays a majority of research about sport consumption mainly analyze the whole people in part zones from economics and socialist .

  30. 从社会心理学角度来研究对残疾人的态度问题,目前国内这一领域尚属空白。

    The research on the attitudes toward people with disabilities from the perspective of social psychology has been void in China .