- 名socialist democracy

China 's socialist democracy is the broadest , most genuine , and most effective democracy to safeguard the fundamental interests of the people .
This is a matter of overall significance to improving socialist democracy .
Extending democracy at the grassroots level is the groundwork for developing socialist democracy .
Socialist democracy enjoys strong vitality and superiority .
We must concentrate on institutional improvement and ensure that socialist democracy is institutionalized and standardized and has its procedures . 1 .
The world tends to over-estimate the economic progress in China and overlook China 's progress in political reform and socialist democratic development .
The key to developing socialist democracy is to combine the need to uphold the Party 's leadership and to ensure that the people are the masters of the country with the need to rule the country by law .
We will expand socialist democracy ; conduct democratic election , decision making , administration and oversight in accordance with the law ; and protect people 's rights to stay informed about , participate in , express views on , and oversee government affairs .
We will develop socialist democracy , and effectively safeguard the democratic rights of the people as masters of the country , particularly their rights to vote and to stay informed about , participate and in , express views on , and oversee government affairs .
Socialist democracy and the legal system will be further improved . The basic principle of ruling the country by law will be implemented completely . The political , economic and cultural rights and interests of the people will be respected and guaranteed in real earnest .