- editorial;leader;leading article

[editorial] 报刊以本社名义发表的有关当前重大问题的评论
A newspaper ran an editorial attacking him for being a showman .
An editorial in The Times sounds a cautionary note .
Yesterday the Washington Post editorialized on this subject .
We are not about to change our editorial policy .
In an editorial , The Independent suggests the victory could turn nasty .
Many editorials express their anxieties about the economic chaos in the country .
The chief editorial writer also blames weak leadership for the current crisis .
The editorial contained several factual errors
The newspaper ran a series of four editorials entitled ' The Choice of Our Lives . '
Other papers have editorialized , criticizing the Czech government for rushing to judgment on this individual .
We now bring you the full text of the Renmin Ribao editorial .
In an editorial released Monday in the American Journal of Public Health , Katherine Record and Bryn Austin made their case for government regulation of the fashion industry .
The community besieged the newspaper with letters about its recent editorial .
For a full hour they argued over the wording of the editorial .
The editorial had an antiunion slant .
When he took over as editor in 1920 , he realized that the page opposite the editorials was " a catchall for book reviews , society boilerplate , and obituaries2 " .
Although standard editorial pages have been printed by newspapers for many centuries , the direct ancestor to the modern op-ed page was created in 1921 by Herbert Bayard Swope of The New York Evening World .
In a Monday editorial , the state-run Global Times urged the government to address the frequency of chengguan conflicts .
An article in China Daily says although selling household electrical appliances at discounts in villages will boost rural consumption , it only works when manufacturers cooperate .
Gorman said he thought the recent New York Times op-ed by former Goldman Sachs ( GS ) employee Greg Smith was unfair .
If it works , patients could be cured with a single shot of gene therapy instead of a lifetime of antiretroviral therapy ( ART ), says the editorial .
If Wu Ying is sentenced to death , how should we deal with all the others ? asked the Southern Metropolis Daily in an editorial .
An editorial yesterday in the China Daily , the government 's English-language mouthpiece , quoted another survey that found 91 per cent of respondents were sceptical of official data , up from 79 per cent in 2007 .
Lessons were learnt from dealing with severe acute respiratory syndrome ( SARS ) and the H5N1 bird flu virus , argues the editorial .
An editorial in Nature asks what worked in global efforts to control influenza A ( H1N1 ) swine flu and what needs improving .
" Pittsburgh is rebuilding again , " declared a Pittsburgh Post-Gazette editorial in 1998 .
US editorials were boiling with anger at the latest bank bail-out plans , and quietly supportive of the outrage underpinning bus tours of the AIG mansions-of-shame .
Dr. Mette Kalager , an epidemiologist and screening researcher at the University of Oslo and the Harvard School of Public Health who wrote the editorial , said there was a reason its results were unlike those of earlier studies .
The investigators and editorialist speculate that the same is true for evening primrose oil , another source of gamma linolenic acid ( GLA ) .
A recent project analyzed the depiction of gender in a year 's issues of the Dutch design magazine " Frame , " and discovered that more than 80 percent of the people , mostly designers and architects , photographed in its editorial pages and the models in the advertisements were male .