
  • 网络ideology and politics teaching
  1. 问题是:传统思想政治课教学目标忽视学生科学精神的培养;

    The problem is that the objective of traditional ideology and politics teaching neglects the cultivation of the students ' scientific spirit ;

  2. 转变学习方式,在探究活动中体会成功的乐趣浅谈研究性学习方式在思想政治课教学中的运用

    Transforming learning method , experiencing the enjoyment of success in research-based activity On the Application of the Exploring Learning Method in Ideology and Politics Teaching

  3. 浅谈WTO与思想政治课教学思想政治课教学中的创新教育之我见

    On the Relationship between Politics Teaching and WTO Several ideas on the creative education of politics teaching

  4. 展示类CAI在思想政治课教学中的应用

    The Application of the Kind of CAI Display to the Course of Political Theoretic

  5. 中学思想政治课教学存在的问题及对策

    Existing Issues and Strategies of Politics Teaching in the Middle School

  6. 探索新时期思想政治课教学实践

    Teaching Practice of Ideological and Political class in the New Period

  7. 对话教育&思想政治课教学的发展趋势

    Dialogue-based Education & The Development Trends of Ideological and Political Teaching

  8. 如何增强思想政治课教学的吸引力

    How to Strengthen the Appeal of Teaching of Ideology and Politics

  9. 在传统的思想政治课教学中,往往是教师讲学生听的授课形式,学生成为课堂上知识的被动接受者。

    In the traditional politics class , students are passive listeners .

  10. 浅析高职高专思想政治课教学的现状与解决途径

    Simple Analysis on the Present Situations of the Ideology in Colleges

  11. 关于思想政治课教学个性化的实践与思考

    On the Practice and Pondering of Individualization in Concept Politics Teaching

  12. 情感教学在中等专业学校思想政治课教学中的应用

    Emotional Education in the Political Ideology Course in Secondary Vocational Schools

  13. 论思想政治课教学艺术的和谐美

    On the Harmonious Beauty of Teaching Arts of Thought and Politics Classes

  14. 思想政治课教学对听障学生的教育作用和影响

    The influence of ideological and political teaching on hearing-impaired students in universities

  15. 中学思想政治课教学创新的实践与研究

    Practice and Study on Teaching Innovation of Political Lesson in Middle Schools

  16. 思想政治课教学的社会心理学研究

    Research on Ideological Politics Teaching in view of Social Psychology

  17. 高中思想政治课教学目标的价值取向研究

    The Study of the Values of Goal-oriented of the Senior Political Lesson

  18. 依托信息网络构筑思想政治课教学新平台

    Constructing New Teaching Platform of Ideology Basing on Cyber Teaching

  19. 高校思想政治课教学实践的理性探索

    A Rational Probe into the Ideological and Political Teaching Practice in Colleges

  20. 思想政治课教学向素质教育转轨之管窥

    My Humble Opinions on Shifting the Course of Ideological Politics to Quality-oriented Education

  21. 第一部分是传统的高中思想政治课教学与新课程改革。

    The Summary of the New Teaching Course Reform .

  22. 增强中学思想政治课教学实效性的探析

    Researching on Strengthening the Middle School Politics Teaching Effects

  23. 思想政治课教学中的学生个性发展问题

    A Tentative Research on Students ' Personality Development in Ideological and Political Education

  24. 思想政治课教学中研究性学习与学生创新能力的培养

    To Foster the Students ' Ability of Creativity and Research Learning in Politics Teaching

  25. 知识经济与思想政治课教学改革

    Knowledge-based Economy And Politics Reform In Teaching Method

  26. 思想政治课教学改革应着力于新、活、多

    New , Flexible and Rich-the Focus of the Reform of Ideological and Political Teaching

  27. 这使高中思想政治课教学失去了应有之义。

    This make ideological and political education of high school lost its due meaning .

  28. 开展小论文写作是思想政治课教学中回归学生主体的有效措施,推进了学生的学习能力的可持续发展。

    Developing writing small disquisitions is effective measure to regress students in politics teaching .

  29. 思想政治课教学中培养学生科学精神的研究

    Research on Cultivating Students ' Scientific Spirit in the Instruction of Ideology and Politics

  30. 思想政治课教学的德育渗透

    Thoughts THOUGHT Moral Education in Teaching Politics