
  • thinker
  1. 在思想的跋涉过程中,思想者往往完全失去了自己。

    A thinker often completely lost oneself on the long thought trek .

  2. 这些观念不仅使之成为那个时代卓越的思想者,而且对当代国人思想的改铸亦不无启发意义。

    These ideas made him outstanding thinker of that times .

  3. 自由思想者总是不喜欢拘泥形式者,爱好自由者总是憎恶清规戒律者

    The freethinker hated the formalist ; the lover of liberty detested the disciplinarian .

  4. 中庸思想者(Thegoldenmean)说,在所有事物中,中庸之道是生存的最佳。

    The golden mean says moderation in all things is the best way to live one 's life .

  5. 改造董事会会议【相关阅读:为何董事会会议不是个好东西(WhyBoardMeetingsSuck)】也是一种企业开拓的方式,它已经吸引了如史蒂夫•布兰克和布拉德•菲尔德等顶级思想者的注意。

    One of them , reinventing board meetings ( or , " why board meetings suck " ) , has gotten some attention from leading thinkers like Steve blank and Brad feld .

  6. 在苏格拉底主要效力的圣保罗科林蒂安斯(Corinthians)球队的近300场比赛以及代表巴西出场的60场比赛中,他是纵横球场的思想者,像数学家一样阅读着场上比赛,随后便是天才般的点睛之笔,几乎若无其事一般。

    Over a career that included almost 300 games for his main club , Corinthians of Seo Paulo , and 60 games for Brazil , he trod the pitch as a man of thought , reading the game like a mathematician before , almost nonchalantly , applying some genius touch .

  7. 哈姆雷特:政治意识形态阴影中追踪死亡理念的思想者

    Hamlet : Philosopher of Death in the Shadow of Political Ideology

  8. 如果你是个爱思考的人,不要以思想者自居;

    If you can think and not make thoughts your aim ;

  9. 教师真正的理想追求与职业期盼应当是一个思想者。

    What teachers should actually pursue is to be thinkers .

  10. 他是个胆大包天的思想者,富有创新观点。

    He 's a bold thinker , with lots of original ideas .

  11. 培养出不少的优秀思想者和成功�

    some of the leading thinkers and achievers in our country

  12. 摩西很有才华,说教远胜过系统的思想者。

    Moses de Leon was a brilliant homilectical rather than a systematic thinker .

  13. 因此,思想者该做些什么?

    So , what is the thinker to do ?

  14. 两个男孩正在欣赏罗丹的著名雕塑《思想者》。

    Two boys were admiring the famous statue by Rodin entitled The Thinker .

  15. 教育研究者应当首先是思想者。

    Educational researcher must first be a thinker .

  16. 寻找思想文化的立足点&20年代自由思想者的理想构造

    Ideals of the Free Thinkers in the 1920s

  17. 何况高智商能思想者人乎?

    How can people the thinker high IQ ?

  18. 如果说《思想者》是有关艺术的创造,《吻》则是有关人类自身的创造。

    If The Thinker concerns artistic creation , The Kiss is about human procreation .

  19. 北大思想者的天堂

    Ideals of the Free Thinkers in the 1920s Peking University - Thinkers ' Paradise

  20. 思想者:教师的应然追求

    Thinkers : The Requisite Pursuit of Teachers

  21. 孤冷却清醒的孙犁&从文学家到思想者

    Sun Li , A Lonely but Sober Person & from a Writer to a Thinker

  22. 思想者到底在想什么?

    What is he thinking about ?

  23. 一位独立思想者的探索

    The Exploration of an Independent Thinker

  24. 《财富》头脑风暴技术大会将网罗技术领域最棒的一些思想者。

    Fortune brainstorm tech will round up many of the best and brightest thinkers in technology .

  25. 当你开始观察这个思想者的那一刻,一个高一层次的意识已经被启动了。

    The moment you start watching the thinker , a higher level of consciousness becomes activated .

  26. 把知识开放出来的思想和思想者&邓正来知识批判之一

    The Thought and the Thinker Opening Knowledge & The first part of knowledge-critique of Deng Zheng-lai

  27. 好像与生俱来一般,我一直是个思想者。

    It seems like from birth , so far , I ' v been a thinker .

  28. 《思想者》和《吻》都非常接近真实的生命。

    Both The Thinker and The Kiss are close to the reality of flesh and blood .

  29. 他对音乐创作的一些特殊手法影响了在他之后的几代音乐家。另外,作为20世纪影响最大的思想者&尼采的精神之父,瓦格纳对20世纪文艺的发展,也起到了巨大的作用。

    His special skills for music creation produce a great impact on several generations after him .

  30. 具有教育智慧的教师是思想者与实践者的统一体。

    The teacher who has educational wisdom is the unification of a thinker and a practicer .