
xǐ lǐ
  • baptism;christening;severe test;cleaning flames
洗礼 [xǐ lǐ]
  • [baptism;cleaning flames;severe test] 基督教的入教仪式,行礼时主礼者口诵规定的礼文,用水浸、浇或洒

洗礼[xǐ lǐ]
  1. 1585年,Annibale圣格雷戈里奥在博洛尼亚教会完成基督的洗礼的祭坛。

    In1585 , Annibale completed an altarpiece of the Baptism of Christ for the church of San Gregorio in Bologna .

  2. 而巨头Tickemaster致力于服务大企业,它的目标客户可不是什么准备筹备乔迁新禧的初创企业或准备子女洗礼聚会的普通母亲。

    Tickemaster catered to the big names , not the startup that wanted to hold an office-warming or the mother who wanted to throw a baptism party .

  3. 她出生一个月时受洗礼,十三岁时受坚信礼。

    She was baptized when she was a month old and confirmed when she was thirteen .

  4. 接受了洗礼的她纯洁无瑕。

    She was baptized and she was pure and clean of sin .

  5. 他问金尼是否同意在洗礼之后小小地庆祝一下。

    He asked Ginny if she would consent to a small celebration after the christening

  6. 他是学校里唯一一个被称呼洗礼名而不是姓氏的男孩儿。

    He was the only boy in the school who was known by his Christian name and not his surname .

  7. 三个星期前,他带着孩子到那里为他施行洗礼。

    Three weeks ago he had proudly carried his baby there to be christened .

  8. 参加婚礼我要哭,出席犹太男子的成年礼我也要哭,什么洗礼,毕业典礼和生日宴会都会使我落泪。

    I cry at weddings , bar mitzvahs , christenings , graduations and birthday parties .

  9. 他经历过NBA的战火洗礼,他明白需要怎么去做,来发挥自己的角色作用,来保持这支球队向着正确的方向前进。

    He has been through the NBA wars and knows what it takes to fill a role and try to keep this team moving in the right direction .

  10. 我今天要去参加迎婴洗礼Norah有活要干

    You see , I have to this baby shower thing and Norah has a job .

  11. 几英里以外的那所Sacré-Coeur教堂——中上阶层的人过去常在那接受洗礼,举行婚礼或葬礼——现在只剩下一片断壁残垣。

    A few miles down , the Sacr é - Coeur church , where the upper-middle class used to be baptized , married , and buried , is a big pile of rubbish .

  12. 洗礼是所有基督教徒都要经历的浸水净身仪式。

    Baptism is a water purification ritual practiced by all Christians .

  13. 洗礼是基督教会的圣事之一。

    Baptism is one of the sacraments in the Christian Church .

  14. 不过,岁月的洗礼,灯光和灰尘已经磨损了旗子的材料。

    However , age , light and dirt weakened its material .

  15. 但是在经历了一场又一场比赛的洗礼后,我逐渐地重拾自我。

    But with one match after another , I gradually recovered .

  16. 我们也有婚姻,也会洗礼,所有的一切都一样。

    We also have marriages , baptisms and all of that .

  17. 基督徒在出生时或洗礼时被给予的名。

    The first name given to Christians at birth or christening .

  18. 洗礼的恩典,我畅饮着圣水甘泉,它是。

    God gave for baptism , I am fain to drink .

  19. 面对新时代的洗礼,陶陶居将何去何从?

    Baptism ofa new era ," Tao Taoju " go from here ?

  20. 他通过圣洗礼使我们成为他的孩子。

    He makes us his children through the waters of Holy Baptism .

  21. 现在,死者可以透过洗礼及耶稣的临在而得救。

    Now , the dead can be'baptised'and saved through Jesus'presence .

  22. 感受一下阅读给你的大脑带来的洗礼。

    Experience the magic brain juice that takes place when you read .

  23. 上星期这个教堂为六个人施行了洗礼。

    There were six baptisms at this church last week .

  24. 基督教的洗礼仪式是一种象征式的做法。

    The Christian ceremony of baptism is a symbolic act .

  25. 在给他施洗礼的时候将给他命名为保罗,我的董贝夫人,当然是这样。

    He will be christened Paul , my-Mrs Dombey-of course .

  26. (神学)洗礼前死掉的儿童居住的地方。

    ( theology ) the abode of infants who die before baptism .

  27. 幸亏我们还可以举行一个洗礼仪式。

    Fortunately , we can have what we call a ceremonial bris .

  28. 在历史上,它因战火洗礼而经过多次修葺。

    It has experienced numerous renovations due to constant battles and fires .

  29. 我真的很想去参加洗礼仪式

    I really wanted to go to that baby shower .

  30. 在新的一年里,我将彻底洗礼我的人生。

    In the New Year , I will completely baptism my life .