
  • 网络poehler;Amy Poehler;bohler;Polle
  1. 艾美奖得主茱莉亚•路易斯-德瑞弗斯读错了演讲,感谢提名艾米•波勒的孩子

    Emmy winner Julia Louis-Dreyfus reads the " wrong " speech , thanks nominee Amy Poehler 's kids

  2. 当蒂娜•菲和艾米•波勒在金球奖上嘲笑她的爱情生活时,泰勒•斯威夫特一点都不高兴。

    Taylor Swift was anything but pleased when Tina Fey and Amy Poehler mocked her love life at the Golden Globes .

  3. 在波勒兹别墅,一种新的生活展现在我面前。

    A new life opening up for me at the Villa Borghese .

  4. 快去找波勒和派康提来!

    Bring on Boyle and perconte , go !

  5. 第二天,我们去了在萨瑞的另两处景点,克兰顿公园和波勒思顿列斯。

    The next day , we went to another two places in Surrey , Clandon Park and Polesden Lacey .

  6. 这个营地提供约100个露营车及帐篷,还有新的徒步及骑行路线,与古尔兹波勒村和公园目前的路线相连,一直通往半岛的尖端。

    The site will offer almost 100 R.V. and tent sites , as well as new hiking and biking trails connecting to Gouldsboro Village and existing park trails leading to the peninsula 's tip .

  7. 最近我一直在重温吉姆•柯林斯的著作,他是我最喜欢的管理学作家之一,曾著有畅销书《从优秀到卓越》,还和杰里•波勒斯合作出版过《基业常青》。

    Lately I 've been re-reading one of my favorite management writers , Jim Collins , the author of the best-selling " Good to Great ", and co-author with Jim Porras of " Built to Last " .

  8. 他最爱的两本书是石黑一雄的《长日将尽》和吉姆-科林斯与杰里-波勒斯合著的《基业长青》。

    He cites 2 books as among his most favourites , namely – ' The Remains of the Day ' by Kazuo Ishiguro and ' Built to Last : Successful Habits of Visionary Companies ' by Jim Collins and Jerry Porras .