
bō qún
  • wave group
波群[bō qún]
  1. 波群现象对海洋工程具有重要意义。

    The wave group behaviour is important for ocean engineering and coast-al engineering .

  2. 介绍两种波群模拟方法及其在试验室里的应用。

    This paper presents two simulation methods for wave group and gives their application in the laboratory .

  3. 远震P波群信号的自适应时&频分析

    Teleseismic P wave group signal analysis by adaptive time-frequency representation

  4. C高;波群中波高分布受谱宽度影响。

    The wave height distribution in wave groups depends on spectral width .

  5. 应用改进的多重滤波方法测定P波群速度延迟。

    The group velocity delay of P wave was derived by using an improved multi-filtering method .

  6. 基于动态自适应阈值法的QRS波群检测方法

    Detection Method of the QRS Complex Based on Dynamic Adaptive Threshold

  7. QRS波群等电位图对陈旧性心肌梗死的诊断价值

    Value of QRS isopotential map in diagnosis of old myocardial infarction

  8. 形态心电图标准在原有束支阻滞伴宽QRS波群心动过速鉴别诊断中的特异性评价

    Evaluation of the Specificity of Morphological Electrocardiographic Criteria for the Differential

  9. 大鼠急性心肌缺血早期心电图QRS波群和ST段改变

    Electrocardiographic Changes in QRS Waves and ST Segment during Early Acute Myocardial Ischemia in Rats

  10. [方法]对心电(ECG)信号的检测,最关键的是对QRS波群的检出。

    [ Methods ] The key to detect the ECG is to detect the QRS .

  11. 在高侧壁QRS波群平均振幅上亦有非常显著性差异(P<0.01)。

    The average amplitudes of QRS complex ( high lateral wall ) of them were also significantly different ( p0.01 ) .

  12. 预激综合征合并QRS波群增宽的快速性心律失常

    Stability of the relativistic shock waves Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome with wide QRS tachyarrhythmias

  13. 心电信号中QRS波群的实时检测算法

    Algorithm for Real-time Detection of QRS Comples in ECG Signal

  14. 多级自组织映射用于心电信号QRS波群聚类

    Multilayer self-organizing maps method for cluster electrocardiogram QRS wave clustering

  15. 食管心房调搏检查对窄QRS波群心动过速的诊断意义

    Value of transesophageal atrial pacing used for narrow QRS-wave tachycardia

  16. 基于能量变换与小波分解的QRS波群检测算法

    Detection of QRS Complex Using Energy Transform and Wavelet Decomposition

  17. 体育大学生心电图QRS波群的分析

    Analysis of the QRS Complexes on ECG in Sports Majors

  18. 室上性宽QRS波群心动过速的临床分析

    The Clinical analysis of supraventricular tachycardia with wide QRS complex

  19. 碎裂QRS波群&心电图的新概念

    QRS Complex Fragmentation & A New Definition of Electrocardiogram

  20. 方法分析100例心房颤动伴宽QRS波群的心电图。

    Methods Electrocardiograms of 100 patients with Af and wide QRS were analyzed .

  21. 宽QRS波群心动过速的诊断与鉴别诊断研究进展

    Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis of Wide QRS Complex Tachycardia

  22. QRS波群检测方法的新进展

    New developments of QRS - complex detection methods

  23. QRS波群宽度不能预测心脏复律除颤器植入患者是否发生室性快速性心律失常

    QRS duration does not predict occurrence of ventricular tachyarrhythmias in patients with implanted cardioverter-defibrillators

  24. 无典型的S-T段,QRS波群与T波部分重叠,Q-T间期较短。

    There was part overlap between QRS wave and T wave , the duration of Q-T was fairly short .

  25. 利用上述结果,将QRS波群从时域心电信号中剪除,将剩余的心电通过小波变换,得到P、T波特征位置点被明显加强的子带信号。

    So QRS waves are removed from the raw electrocardiogram signals and the characteristics of P-wave and T-wave are obviously strengthened on the remainder .

  26. 左室肥大致QRS波群极高电压61例分析

    The analysis of the 61 patients with QRS wave extremely supervoltage in left ventricular hypertrophy

  27. 正常人不同年龄组QRS波群频谱特征的研究

    Studies on frequency spectrum characteristic of QRS complex in different age groups of healthy subjects

  28. 方法应用心电图机描记常规12导联心电图,按心电图测量标准测量QRS波群电压。

    Methods The voltage of QRS wave were measured with 12 leads electrocardiogram by electrocardiograph .

  29. 方法120例房颤合并宽QRS波群心电图患者。

    Methods 120 patients with AF complicated with wide QRS wave were included in this study .

  30. 现对宽QRS波群心动过速的诊断和鉴别诊断予以综述。

    The article was the summary to diagnosis and differential diagnosis of wide QRS complex tachycardia .