
  • 网络Baptistery;baptistry
  1. 佛罗伦萨洗礼堂门七的青铜浮雕是15世纪由吉贝尔蒂设计的。

    The bronze reliefs on the doors of the Baptistery in Florence were designed by Ghiberti in the15th century .

  2. 由大教堂、钟塔和洗礼堂组成,位于佛罗伦萨杜阿莫广场和圣。

    From the Cathedral , Bell Tower and Baptistery composition , is located in Florence Due Mo Square and St.

  3. 首批旨在保护斜塔及其附近的中世纪教堂和洗礼堂的安全门已经安装完毕。

    The first of several gates aimed at protecting the tower as well as the adjacent medieval cathedral and baptistery has been put into place .

  4. 因设计了城市的洗礼堂和圣尼古拉钟楼,一位名为迪奥提莎维的人被认为最有可能是比萨斜塔的设计者。

    An architect named Diotisalvi is seen as the more likely person to have designed the tower because he designed the city 's baptistery and the San Nicola Bell Tower .