
  • 网络Thinking quality;quality of thinking;the quality of thought
  1. 数学思维品质与数学学业成绩具有相关性。

    There is correlation between the quality of thinking about math and the result of learning math .

  2. 新世纪需要培养和造就创造性人才,创造性人才要有良好的思维品质。

    The new century needs cultivating and fostering creative talent , creative talents as a good quality of thinking .

  3. 本文从构建DP与CP有机结合的训练模式着手,并在有机结合的模式化训练中有效地促进了创新思维品质的培养。

    The paper tries to use the training mode of the combination of DP and CP and promotes its fostering of innovative thinking quality effectively .

  4. 谈数学教育中学生思维品质的培养

    Discuss mathematics education and the cultivation of students ' thinking quality

  5. 影响组织公关策划的思维品质研究

    Study on Thinking Charater Which Affects Organization of Public Relation Scheme

  6. 在地理教学中培养学生优秀的思维品质

    The thinking character training for the students in the teaching of Geography

  7. 浅谈高校教练员应具备的思维品质

    Discussion on Thinking Character for Coaches in Colleges and Universities

  8. 拓宽教学时空纬度,发展学生思维品质;

    To expand teaching space and develop their thinking qualities ;

  9. 参读教学与思维品质训练探讨

    Teaching of Comparable Text Reading and Training of Thinking Ability

  10. 浅谈中学物理教学对学生思维品质的培养

    On the Cultivation of Thinking Quality in School Physics Teaching

  11. 该文从决策思维品质的四个方面论述了决策思维所体现的十二个特点。

    This paper analyses 12 Characteristics of the headmasters ' decision-making Thinking .

  12. 实验课堂教学与学生创新思维品质的培养

    Teaching in the Experimental Classroom and Incubating Student 's Innovational Thought Character

  13. 写作主体要具有创新思维品质。

    The writer should have the quality of creative thinking .

  14. 问题解决的功能与学生思维品质的培养

    The Function of Problem-Solving and Cultivation of Students'Thought and Morality

  15. 在中学数学教学中学生思维品质的培养

    Training Students ' Thinking Character in the Teaching of Mathematics

  16. 网络学习环境下低年级小学生写作中的思维品质特点

    Research on Thinking Traits of Grade 2 Pupils in Online Learning Environment

  17. 中学化学课中学生思维品质的培养

    The Cultivation of Thinking Qualities of High School Students in Chemistry Classes

  18. 计算机辅助教学与创造性思维品质的培养

    Computer & assisted Teaching of Mathematics and the Development of Active Thinking Quality

  19. 在教学过程中要注重学生思维品质的优化

    Giving Much Heed to Optimization of Students ' Thinking Quality in Teaching Course

  20. 习题课:培养大学生思维品质的殿堂

    Exercise Class & A Place of Developing Thinking Character

  21. 论思想工作者的思维品质

    On the Quality of Th in k in g to the Ideological Workers

  22. 以知识为载体,培育学生良好思维品质。同时借助现代教育技术手段,创设历史思维情境;

    Train the students ' fine thinking quality to create historical thinking situations .

  23. 培养学生优良的化学思维品质;

    To raise students ' fine chemistry thought quality ;

  24. 论语文阅读教学中的思维品质培育

    Training students ′ thinking in the teaching of reading

  25. 谈学生物理思维品质的训练

    On training of student ′ s physics thinking quality

  26. 思维品质,实质是人的思维的个性特征。

    The thinking quality is personal thinking character .

  27. 避开烦琐计算优化思维品质

    Evading Complicated Calculation and Improving Qualities of Thinking

  28. 浅谈初中学生良好学习习惯和思维品质的培养

    Training Focused on Good Study Habits and Thoughts

  29. 思维品质建构与问题意识的培养

    The Development of Mental Quality and Problem Consciousness

  30. 谈反例教学对数学思维品质的培养

    Analyzing the Function of Inverse Teaching in Cultivating Students ' Thinking Quality in Mathematics