
sī xiǎnɡ zì yóu
  • freedom of thought
  1. 他倾其一生来宣讲并撰写有关思想自由之重要的文章。

    He spent his life speaking and writing about the importance of freedom of thought .

  2. 偏激表达与思想自由

    Radical Expression and Freedom of Thought

  3. 你我都是明白事理、思想自由的成年人。

    You and I are mature , freethinking adults .

  4. 他于1777年执笔的弗吉尼亚宗教自由法(virginiastatuteonreligioustoleration)草案,掷地有声地反对政府以任何方式干涉思想自由以及干涉个人选择何地与何种方式信教的自由。

    His 1777 draft of the Virginia Statute on religious toleration is plangent in its fierce refusal to allow government any role in interference with freedom to think or worship how and where one wishes .

  5. 精神解放,思想自由。以三个代表为指导,加强精神文明建设

    Taking Three Representatives as Instruction Reinforce the Construction of Spiritual Civilization

  6. 哲学的本质应该是思想自由和兼容并包。

    The essence of philosophy should be free thinking and tolerance .

  7. 笔者在该部分从五个方面对思想自由权进行了阐述。

    It has been explained from the following five aspects .

  8. 自由权核心是思想自由。

    The core of liberty right is the right of idea liberty .

  9. 思想自由是图书馆自由的思想基础。

    Thought freedom is the ideological basis of library freedom .

  10. 自由论者:信仰行动和思想自由的人。

    Libertarian : one who believes in freedom of action and thought .

  11. 斯宾诺莎论人的思想自由

    Spinoza 's Ideas on One 's Freedom of Thinking

  12. 抄袭和剽窃是对思想自由和完整的破坏。

    Plagiarism attacks the freedom and integrity of thought .

  13. 这一天,人们推崇并感激思想自由给我们带来的好处。

    It is an opportunity for people to promote and appreciate free thought .

  14. 如果生命中曾经有过思想自由和充满创造力的时期,那么那个时期就是你在读大学。

    If a mind is ever free to be creative , that 's the time .

  15. 作为一种纯粹的探索精神,学术自由实质上是思想自由。

    As one kind of sheer searching spirit , academic freedom is ideological freedom essentially .

  16. 无论结果如何,没有人可以质疑我们思想自由的权利。

    Regardless of the outcome , no one can question our right to free will .

  17. 超越价值:生物多样性与思想自由

    Bio - diversity and Free Thinking

  18. 人们每天花上几个小时阅读,根据书中情节,任思想自由驰骋。

    People would spend hours reading books and traveling to lands far away in their minds .

  19. 独立型知识分子以“思想自由,远离权力”为人格的外部特征;

    Independent intellectual is a typical case of " thought liberty , depart from power " .

  20. 思想自由,兼容并包办学方针的实践及其影响

    Practice and Significance of the School-running Policy of Promoting Ideological Freedom and Absorbing Anything and Everything

  21. 任何鼓励思想自由交流和追求知识的社会团体都是对社会有用的。

    Any social group that encourages free exchange of ideas and pursuit of knowledge is beneficial .

  22. 学术自由与思想自由

    Academic Freedom and Ideological Freedom

  23. 图书馆自由观念的理论基础是现代民权理论中的思想自由的原则。

    The basic concept of the freedom of library was developed from the theory of democratic rights .

  24. 学术自由产生于思想自由,其精神实质是一种人性的体现。

    Academic freedom comes from ideological freedom , the essence of which is a manifestation of humanness .

  25. 倡导自主之学,提倡学生学习独立、管理自治、思想自由。

    Advocating self-determination study , and calling for self-independence study , self-controlled management and freedom of thoughts .

  26. 这种校风的支持者们把布朗描述为“思想自由”和“态度开明”;

    Defenders of this ethos portray the school as " free-thinking , " and " liberal " ;

  27. 论思想自由

    On Freedom of Thought

  28. 生机勃勃,充满热情,思想自由,还没被生活的重压。

    They come in fresh , enthusiastic , open to ideas , unscarred by the battles of life .

  29. 科学研究自由具有双重性:作为思想自由,它是一项消极的权利;

    The freedom of scientific research is dualism : being a mental freedom , it is a negative right ;

  30. 可以说,高效交流是保证公民思想自由的客观条件。

    It can be said that efficient communication is the objective conditions to guarantee citizens ' freedom of thought .