
hé bāo dàn
  • Poached Egg;poached/fried eggs without breaking yolk
荷包蛋 [hé bāo dàn]
  • [fried eggs] 去壳后在滚油里煎熟的整个儿的鸡蛋

  1. 他早餐就吃了点水煮荷包蛋,喝了点茶。

    He had a light breakfast of poached eggs and tea .

  2. 放一锅水,用文火煮荷包蛋。

    Put on a pan of water to simmer and gently poach the eggs .

  3. 这是大家都喜欢的水果,不仅仅是放在荷包蛋吐司上尝起来美味,同时它也富含维他命E,维他命E可有效防止胶原蛋白受到损害,牛油果可使皮肤更好,能使人更开心,也能使心脏更健康、视力更好。

    Everyone 's favourite fruit does more than just taste incredible smashed on toast with a poached egg ; an excellent source of vitamin E , which does a fantastic job of preventing damage to collagen , avocadoes make for better skin and a happier , healthier heart and eyesight , too .

  4. 他新开的Flock&Fowl餐厅专做中国南方的经典美食海南鸡饭,不过他升级了原料,进行了一些创新,比如在粥的上面放炸鸡(自由放养的鸡)、(有机)荷包蛋和(自制)泡菜。

    His newest venture , Flock & Fowl , is devoted to the classic southern Chinese dish called Hainanese chicken rice , but with upgraded ingredients and innovations like congee topped with fried ( free-range ) chicken , a poached ( organic ) egg and ( house-made ) pickles .

  5. 妈妈总是在早上煎个荷包蛋给我吃。

    Mother always cooks one fried egg for me in morning .

  6. 新视频中公布的地中海水母看起来像荷包蛋

    New footage unveiled of aMediterranean jellyfish that resembles a fried egg

  7. 上菜罗,荷包蛋加香肠和培根

    Here you go . Sunnyside eggs , sausage with bacon ,

  8. 然后,母亲注意到我早餐吃剩的荷包蛋还放在桌上。

    My mother then noticed my half-eaten egg from breakfast .

  9. 你喜欢吃煮的,煎的,荷包蛋,炒鸡蛋,还是摊鸡蛋?

    Boiled , fried , poached , scrambled or would you prefer omelets ?

  10. 我要吃荷包蛋。

    I want to have them sunyside up .

  11. 比尔:单面煎的荷包蛋,熏鲑鱼,火腿?

    Bill : Sunny-side up Lox or ham ?

  12. 荷包蛋要煎成溏心儿的。

    Omelettes should be runny in the middle .

  13. 您要水煮蛋还是荷包蛋?

    A : Would you like your egg boiled or sunny & side up ?

  14. 他们也吃火腿或熏肉和鸡蛋,很常见的水煮荷包蛋或炒蛋。

    They also eat ham or bacon with eggs , very commonly poached or scrambled .

  15. 母亲为我们准备了和平常相同的早餐:加了糖的茶、薄饼与荷包蛋。

    My mother made our usual breakfast of sugary tea , chapatis and fried egg .

  16. 昨天,我做了个荷包蛋

    Yesterday , I poached an egg .

  17. 煮荷包蛋及黑面包。

    Poached eggs with harshed brown .

  18. 用我的孩子来煎荷包蛋吧。

    Make my baby sunny-side up .

  19. 炸荷包蛋加烤火腿肉。

    Fried eggs with baked ham .

  20. 能用水煮荷包蛋吗?

    Could I have them poached ?

  21. 烘烤的英国松饼,上覆有火腿、水煮荷包蛋(或牡蛎)和荷兰辣酱油。

    Toasted English muffin topped with ham and a poached egg ( or an oyster ) and hollandaise sauce .

  22. 乙:好,那么就是柚子汁、香肠,两只荷包蛋、烤面包、牛奶和咖啡。

    B : So , that 's grapefruit juice , sausage , two eggs-poached toast , milk and coffee .

  23. 小姐,我要两个荷包蛋,只要煎一面。另外再加一点香肠

    " Miss , I 'd like two fried eggs sunny side up and the sausage on the side . "

  24. 因为这是工作人员通过“圈养的方式”培育出的“新兴水母”,有趣的是,它的形状酷似“荷包蛋”。

    For these bizarre fried eggs are actually a peculiar type of jellyfish that has just been successfully born in captivity .

  25. 牛奶,面包,奶油,果酱,花升酱,蜂蜜,圈饼,荷包蛋,煮蛋,谷类食物。

    Milk , bread , butter , jam , peanut butter , honey , doughnuts , fried eggs , boiled eggs , or cereals .

  26. 如果我们不让你们引爆荷包蛋,我们肯定不会让科学家们玩弄甚至更危险的潜在性。

    If we won 't let you explode an atomic bomb , we certainly won 't let scientists play around with even more dangerous possibilities .

  27. 菜单就写于黑板上,其中包括了荷包蛋与鲭鱼搭配小扁豆,以及可欲不可求却又美味无比的生姜与柠檬香草做就的鞑靼牛扒。

    Among the dishes listed on the blackboard menu are lentils with poached eggs and mackerel , and an unlikely but successful steak tartare flavoured with ginger and lemongrass .

  28. 但是一名摄影师最近在游玩地中海时看到了一种自由泳式的海洋生物,而且惊奇的发现看起来就像是荷包蛋。

    But while sailing around the Mediterraneanrecently , photographer Barry Bland came across one of the free-swimming marineanimals - and was thrilled to find that it looked just like a fried egg .

  29. 而是煮熟:煎鸡蛋时每一面必须煎三分钟;煮鸡蛋要七分钟;水煮荷包蛋要五分钟,必须要蛋黄完全凝固为止。

    Other recipes also need altering , probably to the cook 's despair : boiling requires seven munites to ensure safety , poaching five , and omelets must be cooked until no liquid remains .

  30. 饥饿的主顾们将水煮荷包蛋放在厚厚的吐司切片上大快朵颐,或者小口小口地品尝着精美的甜点,同时仔细阅读他们所喝咖啡的多元来源地:YirgacheffeKoke产自埃塞俄比亚,FazendaSertaozinho则来自巴西。

    Hungry patrons demolish poached eggs on thick slabs of toast and nibble on beautiful pastries while they read about the diverse origins of the coffees they are drinking : Yirgacheffe Koke from Ethiopia or fazenda sertaozinho from Brazil .