
xiǎo nóng jīng jì
  • small-scale peasant economy;small-peasant economy;small-scale farming by individual owners
小农经济 [xiǎo nóng jīng jì]
  • [small-scale peasant economy;small-scale farming by individual owners] 农民的个体经济,以一家一户为生产单位,生产力低,在一般情况下只能进行简单的再生产

小农经济[xiǎo nóng jīng jì]
  1. 西南五省是少数民族聚居地、生态环境脆弱区,该地区的农业经济在微观上体现为小农经济。

    Southwest is the environmental area , and inhabited by many minorities , and agricultural economy reflected in the small-peasant economy .

  2. 在以小农经济为基础的古代社会,必然会产生权力崇拜观念,从而造成对人性的严重扭曲。

    It was inevitable that people worshiped power in the ancient society which was based on small-peasant economy and thereby greatly distorted humanity .

  3. 超边际分析与中国小农经济

    Inframarginal Analysis and the Small - scale Peasant Economy in China

  4. 资本主义经济代替传统的小农经济的过程,也就是中国近代经济变迁的过程。

    This course is a process of modern Chinese economic changes .

  5. 台湾小农经济下农民组织之角色任务

    Roles of Farmers ' Organizations in the Small Farm Economy of Taiwan

  6. 我国小农经济改造的创新之路

    The Way to Transform China 's Small - Peasant Economy

  7. 中国的古典政治文明是与传统的小农经济相联系的。

    Chinese classical political civilization is associated with the small-scaled peasant economy .

  8. 因此,有必要对西南贫困地区的小农经济进行改造。

    Therefore , it is necessary to transform peasant economy in Southwest .

  9. 转轨期我国小农经济改造研究

    A Research on Chinese Reclaiming Small-scale Economics in Transition

  10. 论中国古代小农经济的形成及特点

    On the Forming and Characteristics of the Small-Scale Farmer Economy in Ancient China

  11. 人口密度与中国封建小农经济的生成

    The Density of Population and the Formation of Chinese Feudal Small-scale Peasant Economy

  12. 晋西北农村在近代中国是不折不扣的边缘地区,小农经济始终居于主导地位。

    The peasant economy was dominant in the northwest Shanxi in modern China .

  13. 论中国历史进程中小农经济的必然性和相对合理性

    On the Necessity and Rationalization of Small - scale Peasant Economy in Chinese History

  14. 小农经济在21世纪的历史命运

    The Destiny of Small - scale Peasant Economy

  15. 小农经济模式难以形成规模经济;

    The small scale economy pattern will be difficult to form the economies of scale ;

  16. 1932-1934年,农业危机出现了非常惨烈的景象,在长江中下游地区的一些地方及小农经济的某些行业中,表现出完整的形态。

    From 1932 to 1934 , There is an extremely miserable condition on the agricultural crisis .

  17. 小农经济的生产效率低下,因此要以规模化的集体生产所取代。

    But due to its inferior efficiency , it will be replaced by collective production in scale .

  18. 小农经济下的农业产业化

    Agricultural Industrialization under Peasant Economy

  19. 农业多样化与小农经济效率改进:理论分析、经验证据与国际比较

    Agricultural Diversity and Efficiency Improvement of Peasant 's Economy : Theory Analysis , Empirical Proof and International Comparison

  20. 集市中充斥的大量洋货,不仅逐步瓦解了自给自足的小农经济,而且促进了人们思想观念上的日益开化。

    Foreign goods in the market gradually disrupted self-sufficiency of small-scale peasant economy and promoted people more public-minded .

  21. 近代湖北农村小农经济的作物模式及其制约因素

    The Crop Model of Small-Scale Peasant Economy and Its Constraints in the Modern Rural Areas of Hubei Province

  22. 古代中国是以农业为本、自然经济占主导的封建社会,个体小农经济的特点及局限性,决定了人口的内在变化规律。

    The individual characteristics and limit of the small agriculture economy decided the rule of population 's inside variety .

  23. 这里的经济主要还是小农经济,大部分家庭以种田为生。

    The economy is still largely a peasant one , with most familes scraping a living from the land .

  24. 他表示:现代工业及都市经济与小农经济之间的差距越来越大。

    The gap between the modern industrial and urban economy and the small peasant economy is getting larger and larger .

  25. 集体化之前的小农经济,是中国存在数千年之久的小农经济的最后阶段。

    The peasant economy before collectivization represents the terminal epoch of the thousand years existing peasant economy in traditional China .

  26. 而东方的法律以实质合理性为特征,它是在小农经济、家产制官僚体制以及儒教伦理等因素的共同作用下形成的。

    Law of essence rationality in east is affected by natural economy , system of agnation-bureaucracy and ethic of Confucianism .

  27. 小农经济基础上形成的传统思维方式,也是制约戏剧发展的重要原因。

    The traditional thought based on the small-scale peasant economy was another important barrier for the development of Zaju Plays .

  28. 小农经济自给自足的特征使人们缺乏对外界的联系,视野狭窄,思维闭塞。

    The characteristics of small-scale peasant self-sufficiency to a lack of the outside world , tunnel vision , thinking occlusion .

  29. 在均田制下,小农经济独立性日益增强,乡村市场日趋繁荣。

    The Average-land System helped strengthen the independence of the family fanning , and resulted in a booming village market .

  30. 传统意义上自给自足的小农经济在生产管理、经营方式上被日益发展的大地产所取代。

    From the management and the manner of running , the traditional self-sufficient economy was increasingly replaced by the developing latifundium .