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xiǎo shǔ
  • Slight Heat;Minor Heat
小暑 [xiǎo shǔ]
  • [Slight Heat;Moderate heat (11th solar term)] 二十四节气之一,在7月6、7或8日

小暑[xiǎo shǔ]
  1. 小暑前后,我国南方大部分地区各地进入雷暴最多的季节。

    Around the day of Slight Heat , most areas in the South China see the coming the period with the most thunderstorm days .

  2. 小暑、大暑表示天气炎热的程度,大暑是一年中最热的时候。

    The Slight Heat and Great Heat indicate the full onset of summer , with the Great Heat being the hottest day of the year

  3. 专选小暑前后可强身健脑的黄鳝宰杀去骨,反复敲打后爆油入汤炖酥。

    Before and after post-election Xiaoshu can be physical brain of the eel killed boneless , repeatedly beat the oil into the soup after the explosion stew cakes .