
wǎnɡ luò fēn xī
  • network analysis
  1. 基于社会网络分析方法的Web资源挖掘研究

    Research on Web Mining Based on Social Network Analysis Methods

  2. GIS网络分析技术在河流水污染追踪中的应用

    Application of GIS network analysis technology to river water pollution tracing

  3. 网络分析方法在GPS控制网优化设计中的应用

    Application of Network Analysis Method in GPS Control Network Optimal Design

  4. GIS网络分析的动态分段方法与实现

    Dynamic Segmentation and Its Implementation in GIS Network Analysis

  5. 最短路径分析是地理信息系统(GIS)中网络分析的一项重要功能,等价于图论中的节点间求解最短路径问题。

    Shortest path analysis is one of the basic problems of GIS network analysis .

  6. 网络分析(NA)系统是调度自动化系统的重要组成部份。

    The network analysis system is an important part of power dispatching automation system .

  7. 利用GIS网络分析技术、数学模型并结合传统的优化解法,设计了基于GIS的城市物资运输最优化配置的设计方案。

    The approach , which combines GIS network analysis , mathematical model and traditional optimum method , is used to design the optimum distribution schema on goods transportation .

  8. 进而,系统地分析和总结了当前在ATM网络分析和模拟中所使用的典型业务模型的主要特性。

    Furthermore , they systematically analyze and summarize main properties of various typical traffic models available in the analysis and simulation of the ATM networks .

  9. 一类可修非周期Fork-Join排队网络分析

    Analysis of a class of repairable acyclic fork join queuing networks

  10. 针对现有GIS在网络分析应用程序中的局限性,对GIS拓扑功能和特点进行了分析,研究了如何基于GIS的拓扑数据,构建满足电力网络分析需要的拓扑数据。

    For the limitation of GIS 's application to network analysis program , this paper analyses the geographical information system topological techniques and features , and studies how to get the data that satisfies network analysis based on topological data given by the GIS .

  11. 本文采用复杂网络分析技术,分别计算出电信社群网络的度、连通性、集聚度、膨胀率、平均最短路径、betweenness等静态几何量

    In this paper , we use complex network analysis methods to compute the static measures of every node : connectivity , clustering coefficient , expandability , average

  12. 随机图是社会网络分析的重要工具,在Newman等对传统随机图模型的研究基础上,研究了具有群集性的随机图这一与现实社会网络更为接近的随机图模型中的波及效应。

    Random graph is one of the most important tools in social network analysis . Following Newman 's work on traditional random graph , clustering random graph is analyzed , which is a version more close to the reality than other random graph models .

  13. 径向非均匀圆柱介质波导本征值问题的网络分析

    Network analysis of eigenvalue problem for radially inhomogeneous cylindrical dielectric waveguides

  14. 基于网络分析法的综合物流信息系统选择

    Integrated logistics information system selection based on the analytic network process

  15. 水库流域年均径流模型的灰色神经网络分析

    Grey neural network analysis on annual average runoff model of reservoir

  16. 煤炭产业辐射网络分析探讨。

    Analyzing and discussing the radiation net of coal industry .

  17. 双螺杆泵同步双圆弧齿轮传动热网络分析

    Thermal Network Analysis of Synchronously Double Circular-ARC Gear Driving in Twin-Screw Pump

  18. 可约割集和可约回路及其在网络分析中的应用

    Application of reducible cutset and reducible loop to the analysis of network

  19. 多项式矩阵理论在网络分析中的应用

    Application of Polynomical Matrix Theory to Analysis of Linear Time-Invariant Active Networks

  20. 舟山直流输电工程谐波和滤波的网络分析

    Network Analysis of Harmonics and Filters in Zhou shan HVDC Transmission Engineering

  21. 双图法在开关电容网络分析中的应用

    The Application of Double Figure Method in Analysing Switch-capacitor Network

  22. 中原油田企业网络分析软件开发

    Exploitation and Research of Network Analysis Software of Zhong Yuan Oil Field

  23. 车用柴油机扭矩和烟度的神经网络分析研究

    Artificial Neural Network of Torque and Smoke Density for Vehicle Diesel Engine

  24. 介质周期结构频率选择特性的多模网络分析

    Multimode Network Analysis for the Frequency Selective Characteristics of Dielectric Periodic Structures

  25. 集成移相网络分析与实现

    Integrated Phase - shift - network Analysis and Realization

  26. 用神经网络分析法评价机械加工工艺参数

    Neural Network Analysis on Evaluating the Mechanical Technological Parameters

  27. 集群高速互连网络分析

    Analysis on High Speed Interconnection Networks of Cluster System

  28. 电容运转式单相电机的网络分析方法

    Network Method of the Analysis of Capacitor Single-Phase Motors

  29. 网络分析法求窑墙内表面温度

    Calculate temperature inside wall of kiln by network analysis

  30. 用病态网络分析强负反馈放大电路

    Deep negative feedback amplifier circuits analysis using pathological