
  • 网络buddhism;Buddhism and Taoism;Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism
  1. 然而,官场上的挫折却使得柳宗元的文学事业繁荣了起来:他创作了诗歌、寓言、游记以及融合了儒释道思想元素的散文。

    However , this setback allowed his literary career to flourish : he produced poems , fables , reflective travelogues and essays sythesizing elements of Confucianism , Taoism and Buddhism .

  2. 盂兰盆节是中国古代三大传统祭祀节日之一,是有着儒释道三家文化背景的重要的宗教节日。

    The Yu-lan-peng festival is one of the three big traditional festivals offering sacrifices to gods and ancestors in ancient China , an important festival with a cultural background of Confucianism , Buddhism and Daoism .

  3. 关于儒释道相互关系的思考

    Thinking about the interrelations between Confucianism , Buddhism , and Taoism

  4. 萨都刺作为东来的回回人,注意了解中国传统的儒释道文化。

    Sa Du La paid much attention to the Chinese traditional culture-the Taoism .

  5. 静的同与异:儒释道思想对晚明小品的影响分析

    Tranquility : Influence of Taoism on Late Ming Essays

  6. 明清时儒释道兼容并蓄,成为崆峒山地区这个西北宗教圣地的一个显著特征。

    It became a significant feature of religious sites in the Northwest Area .

  7. 儒释道三家在养生上既有争论又互相援引。

    Confucianism , Buddhism and Taoism debated on health but invoked each other .

  8. 中国古塔的儒释道文化意蕴钩沉

    Exploring the Cultural Implications of Confucianism , Buddhism and Taoism of Ancient Chinese Pagodas

  9. 袁宏道美学思想的转变与儒释道精神的循环

    Transformation of YUAN Hong-dao 's Aesthetic Thought & Cycle of Confucian , Taoist and Buddhist Philosophy

  10. 关于本体的开显方式,儒释道三教互异:儒主张“格物致知”、“立象尽意”;

    Concerning the way of disclosing the being , Confucianism , Buddhism and Taoism have different ideas .

  11. 充实旧天师道的教义,建立了融儒释道三家于一体的新天师道教义体系。

    Enriching and constructing a new doctrine system which combines the Buddhism , the Confucianism with the Taoism .

  12. 儒释道与中国民俗关系述要道教斋醮科仪与民俗信仰

    Outlines of the Relationship between Confucianism , Buddhism , Taoism and Folk Custom Taoist Rites and Folk Belief

  13. 诗性智慧的和弦&儒释道与苏轼的艺术人生

    The Chord of the Poetic Wisdom : On Confucianism , Buddhism , Taoism and Artistic Life of Su Shi

  14. 此后乃进入他哲学思想发展的第三阶段,即儒释道融合,而又回归儒学。

    After that the Confucian , Buddhism and taoism converge to enter the third period of his philosophic development .

  15. 儒释道是中国传统文化的根基,可见其对清格研究的重要性。

    Taoism is the mainstream of traditional Chinese culture , showing its " clear cell " the importance of research .

  16. 除此之外,他精通儒释道,并且对佛教各家各派思想都十分熟悉。

    He is fluent in Confucianism , Buddhism , Taoism , and are very familiar with the various schools of Buddhism .

  17. 他对儒释道三教不存在偏见,能够以宽广的胸怀来对待三者。

    He holds no prejudice among the Confucianism , Taoism and Buddhism , and treats the above three with broad mind .

  18. 论儒释道对隋唐五代绘画的影响

    On the Influence of Confucianism , Buddhism and Taoism on Painting of the Sui , the Tang and the Five Dynasties

  19. 这种认识事物本源的方法,在儒释道精神领域中尤为深刻。

    Such methodology aiming to study the essence appeals more far-reaching in the spiritual sphere of Confucianism , Buddhism and Taoism .

  20. 梁代是佛教兴盛的时代,同时也呈现出儒释道三教合流的基本态势。

    Liang dynasty is an era of Buddhism prevalence and showing the basic trend about blending of Confucianism , Buddhism and Taoism .

  21. 苏轼的一生以一种开放兼容的态度,吸纳了儒释道三家思想,并以此为基础建立了自己的学术思想体系。

    He was in a tolerant attitude towards Confucianism , Buddhism and Taoism , and established academic system by himself on this base .

  22. 这些人文生态观受到了儒释道生态思想、传统山水田园诗中的生态智慧、自然环境生态的影响。

    The Cultural and Ecological Thought was affected by Taoism ecological thinking , traditional ecological wisdom pastoral poems , the natural environment and ecology .

  23. 儒释道思想因素与苏轼人生艺术的关系,表现在学习和应物两个方面。

    The relationship between the ideological factor of Confucianism , Buddhism , Taoism and artistic life of Su Shi is expressed in studying and replying .

  24. 其中也饱含着儒释道三家思想的相互渗透、融合、吸收,更加维系了吉祥图案的文化传承与发展。

    Which also contains the Confucianism three thought infiltration , fusion , absorption , more to maintain the auspicious patterns of cultural inheritance and development .

  25. 在儒释道教化大背景下阐释中国人的宗教心理,对于认识中国传统文化是有意义的。

    Therefore , to interpret the religious psychology of Chinese against the background of Confucius study is significant to better understand the traditional Chinese culture .

  26. 中国文学中自然观的发展演变到了北宋时期,在儒释道三家合流的思想背景下进入了全新的阶段。

    The natural conception of Chinese literature developed to a new step in North Song dynasty , under the background of three religions ' converging .

  27. 我们将在本文中指出西部电影与儒释道文化相辅相成,不可分割的关系。

    In this article we will point out that the film and the western culture of Confucianism , Buddhism and Taoism complementary and inseparable relationship .

  28. 他将当时的主流宗教“儒释道”中的思想赋予到《茶经》之中。

    He invested The Classic of Tea with the concept of Bud-dhism , Taoism , or Confu-cianism that dominated the religious thought of his age .

  29. 第三,宋以后渐趋明显的儒释道彼此冲撞、互为交织的文化现象,构成了明末清初劝善运动的重要思想背景。

    Third , the conflict and mix of Confucianism , Buddhism and Taoism , which assumed a more notable cultural proportion , was the important context .

  30. 儒释道三家共同构成了中国传统文化三维一体的基本框架,支撑着整个中国传统文化的大厦。

    Confucianism clear up dishes of three form three-dimension integrative basic frame , traditional culture of China , supporting the mansion of the whole traditional culture .