
  • 网络american college;american academy
  1. 去年,超过67万外国学生在美国学院或大学就读。

    Last year , more than six hundred seventy thousand foreign students attended an American college or university .

  2. 现在,我们继续为那些考虑美国学院和大学的人播放我们的“外国学生系列”节目。

    Now , we continue our Foreign Student Series for those of you considering an American college or university .

  3. 从1993年开始,针对博士生教育难以适应高等教育对大学新教师的要求,美国学院与大学联合会和研究生院委员会共同发起了未来师资培训规划项目(PFF)。

    Since 1993 , Association of American Colleges and Universities and the Graduate School Committee co-sponsored the " Preparing Future Faculty " project ( PFF ), according to the fact that it is difficult to make the doctoral education adapt to the requirements of new teachers in University .

  4. 几乎所有的美国学院和大学的入学登记数量都在减少。

    Enrollment kept decreasing in virtually all American colleges and universities .

  5. 我的测度是,美国学院的大局部西宾仍旧不再利用这种子了。

    My assessment is that most teachers in American law schools no longer use the method .

  6. 弗莱克斯纳认为,美国学院杂乱无章的课程设置违反了博雅教育精神。

    Flexner thought that the disordered curriculum of American colleges was contrary to the spirit of liberal education .

  7. 许多美国学院和大学要求,秋后学期的申请必须在1月1日前必须完成。

    Many American colleges and universities require applications for the fall term to be completed by January first .

  8. 按照上一次的统计,美国学院和大学21%的国际生学习商务和管理。

    At last , twenty-one percent of foreign students at American colleges and universities were studying business and management .

  9. 自从那,我们得到更多关于如何进入美国学院或者大学的请求信息。

    Since then we have gotten more requests for information about how to attend an American college or university .

  10. 德尔班科写道,美国学院太重要了,不能允许它们放弃理想。

    The American college is too important to be permitted to give up on its own ideals , Delbanco writes .

  11. 一所典型的美国学院或大学招收的学生,来自全国各阶层和世界各地区,有着各种不同的背景。

    A typical college or university enrolls students from many different backgrounds coming from all sections of the country and from several regions of the world .

  12. “对于建立合作关系,一些院校简直到了不加选择的地步,”他说,“美国学院要的是独家的联合课程。”

    " Some schools are , I dare say , promiscuous in their willingness to form partnerships , " he says . " American schools want exclusive joint programmes . "

  13. 美国学院里的学生宿舍通常有卧室、休息室、娱乐室、图书馆和学习室、食堂、小厨房和洗衣设施。

    The residence halls found on United States campuses usually contain sleeping rooms as well as lounges and recreation areas , libraries and study rooms , dining rooms , snack kitchens , and laundry facilities .

  14. 体育设施、博物馆、剧场、餐厅,俱乐部或联谊会所、宾馆以及其他各种专门设施,在美国学院或大学校园内也是常有的。

    Athletic facilities , museums , theaters , dining rooms , club houses or fraternities , guest quarters , and a variety of other specialized kinds of facilities are also common features of a college or university campus in the United states .

  15. 我是一名英国男性,白人,在美国商学院攻读MBA。

    I am a white , British , male MBA student at US business school .

  16. 据美国药剂学院协会(AmericanAssociationofcollegesofPharmacy)公布的数字,至2011年秋,报名攻读药剂师专业学位的学生中,60%为女性。

    As of Fall 2011 , 60 % of students enrolled in pharmacy professional degree programs were women , according to the American Association of Colleges of pharmacy .

  17. 在回国之前,奥尔韦拉曾在纽约的美国烹饪学院(CulinaryInstituteofAmerica)接受培训,现在他是墨西哥最负盛名的大厨。

    and Olvera , who trained at New York 's Culinary Institute of America before returning home , is the country 's most well-known chef .

  18. 多诺万曾在美国海军学院(USNavalAcademy)执教。若是在这个学校的工程学测验时作弊,或许就会意味着一旦战舰上发生问题,你将猝不及防。

    Ms Donovan used to teach at the US Naval Academy , where cheating on an engineering test might mean being unprepared when a problem arose on a battle ship .

  19. 在康涅狄格州的哈特福德市,美国三一学院(TrinityCollege)最近举行了一个活动,让学生和老师一起讨论刻薄话的问题,以及坚守善意/真实/必要三原则的意义。

    In Hartford , Conn. , Trinity College recently held an event at which students and faculty discussed derogatory language and the power behind the kind / true / necessary mantra .

  20. 正当海外mba学生认为可以考虑回到美国商学院之际,信贷紧缩开始使他们遭受重创。

    Just when overseas MBA students thought it was practical to consider returning to us business schools , the credit crunch has begun to hit them hard .

  21. 但在一些不那么关注排名的美国商学院,学员们完成核心mba内容后可专注于体育模块的机会正变得越来越多。

    But among US schools less focused on rankings , there are growing opportunities for students to concentrate on Sports modules once they have completed core MBA content .

  22. 那些计划今年晚些时候攻读美国商学院海外MBA学员们,如今在获得在美学习所需贷款方面遇到了真正的困难。

    Aspiring overseas MBAs who plan to enroll on US programmes later this year are now facing real difficulties in securing the loans they need to study in the country .

  23. 美国大多数学院和大学使用A、B、C、D和F的评分系统。A是四分,B三分,C两分,D一分。

    Most American colleges and universities use the grading system of A , B , C , D and F. An A is worth four points , a B three points , a C two points and a D one point .

  24. 因此,美国商学院的MiM往往是为其所属大学的文科本科生设计的。

    As such , masters in management ( MiM ) in the US were frequently designed for liberal arts graduates from the parent university .

  25. 布莱克曼在报告中称,顶级美国商学院的申请人也会申请欧洲工商管理学院、伦敦商学院以及巴黎高等商学院(HEC)。

    Ms Blackman reports that applicants applying to top US business schools will also apply to Insead , London Business School and HEC in Europe .

  26. 据纽约哥伦比亚大学商学院(ColumbiaBusinessSchool)的斯蒂芬•梅尔(StephanMeier)等教授称,对于美国商学院而言,在某个意义上,打开通往古巴的道路是一种不折不扣的成功。

    For US business schools , the opening up of access to Cuba has been an unmitigated success in one regard , according to professors such as Stephan Meier at Columbia Business School in New York .

  27. 时至今日,大多数顶级商学院(尤其是美国商学院)仍无法与insead创立之初所形成的文化多元性比肩。

    Today , most top business schools , particularly in the US , still cannot match the cultural diversity that INSEAD established at the outset .

  28. 纸质教材、电影录像和互联网超文本教材:以专业学科为基础的ESL多媒体教学模式&美国林菲尔德学院ESL多媒体教学模式的研究

    Paper-printing material , video tape and the super-textbooks on the internet : The multimedia ESL teaching mode of discipline-based instruction & Study on the multimedia ESL teaching mode of Linfield College

  29. 管理专业研究生入学考试委员会(GraduateManagementAdmissionCouncil,简称GMAC)的最新数据显示,去年大多数美国商学院两年全日制MBA项目的申请人数下降。GMAC是管理专业研究生入学考试(GMAT)的所有者和管理者。

    Applications for full-time two-year MBA courses fell in most US business schools last year , according to the latest figures from the Graduate Management Admission Council , the owner and administrator of the GMAT admission exam .

  30. 美国商学院全日制mba课程外国申请者数量的增加,在去年特别显著,威尔逊描述称,这与9/11恐怖袭击之后的情况大相径庭。

    The rise in foreign applicants to full-time MBA programmes at US schools was particularly marked last year , and is described by Mr Wilson as a dramatic turnround from the situation following the September 11 terrorism attacks .