
  • Americano;Caffe Americano;American Coffee
  1. 他手里端着一杯美式咖啡坐在店里;

    There he sits with an Americano in hand ;

  2. 您还要加美式咖啡吗?

    Would you like another Americano ?

  3. 我讨厌我现在必须点regularAmericano(常规美式咖啡)。

    I hate the fact I now have to order a regular Americano .

  4. 我讨厌我现在必须点“regularAmericano(常规美式咖啡)。”为什么就不能说amediumsizedcoffee呢?

    I hate the fact I now have to order a " regular Americano . " What ever happened to a medium sized coffee ?

  5. 在坚尼地城(KennedyTown),不起眼的面店和传统茶馆要多于服装店和美式咖啡馆,香港岛上这样的街区已经不多见了。

    Kennedy Town is among the few remaining districts on Hong Kong island where hole-in-the-wall noodle joints and traditional tea houses outnumber clothing stores and US coffee shops .

  6. 3.美式咖啡Americano我要一杯只加冰块不加水的美式咖啡。

    I want an Americano with ice , no water .

  7. 像这里的许多客人一样,凯利惊讶地发现,里克美式咖啡馆除了在好莱坞一个片场以外,从未真的存在过。亨弗莱·鲍嘉(HumphreyBogart)和英格丽·褒曼(IngridBergman)主演的那部经典影片就是在那个片场中诞生的。

    Like many visitors here , Kelley was surprised to learn that Rick 's Caf é Am é ricain never existed , except on a Hollywood movie lot , where the classic film starring Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman was made .

  8. 他要了卡布奇诺,我要了一杯美式咖啡。

    He orders a cappuccino , I an Americano .

  9. 美式咖啡:加入热水稀释的浓缩咖啡。

    am é ricano - espresso diluted with hot water

  10. 参考数据显示,星巴克一杯大杯美式咖啡中含有咖啡因225毫克。

    For reference , a Starbucks Grande Cafe Americano has 225mg of caffeine .

  11. 美式咖啡可换奶茶,蜂蜜柚子茶,冻柠乐。

    Americano canbe changed to Milktea , Fruit Honey Tea , Cold Lemon Cola .

  12. 麻烦你,我想外带一杯中杯美式咖啡。

    NO04 , I 'd like a medium American coffee to go , please .

  13. 小安:你何不试试美式咖啡?

    Why don 't you try an Americano ?

  14. 特鲁:你确定不要浓咖啡,美式咖啡或者拿铁?

    Drew : Are you sure you don 't want to try an espresso , an Americano , or a latte ?

  15. 不过,电影的重点难道不是在于,像里克美式咖啡馆这样的绿洲也无法长期逃避广阔世界中发生的事情吗?

    Wasn 't the point of the movie , though , that the oasis that was Rick 's Caf é Am é ricain could not long evade what was happening in the wider world ?

  16. 罗宾叔叔比萨店是一家双语西餐厅,经营着纯正的美国比萨、意大利美食、美国冰淇淋、美式咖啡和甜点等西方饮食。

    Uncle Robin 's Pizza , located in Yinchuan ( Ningxia , China ) is an authentic western-style restaurant serving pizza , Italian food , homemade ice cream , specialty coffees , and desserts .

  17. 不过,在你狂灌六杯美式咖啡之前,请先记住最有效剂量是:200毫克的咖啡因——大概是一大杯咖啡中的咖啡因含量——才能起到这个效果。

    Before you down a six-shot Americano , though , be aware that there 's a sweet spot : A 200-milligram dose of caffeine - about the amount in a large cup of coffee - was the only one to do the trick .