
pínɡ fānɡ mǐ
  • square metre
平方米 [píng fāng mǐ]
  • [square meter] 面积单位,等于每边为1米的正方形面积

  1. 这个房间面积是12平方米。

    The room is 12 square metres in area .

  2. 英国人的卫生间平均只有区区3.5平方米。

    The average British bathroom measures a measly 3.5 square metres .

  3. 3平方米的厚板倾斜放置着。

    The 3-metre-square slabs are on a tilt .

  4. 这间屋子是五米的三米,合十五平方米。

    This room is five metres by three , or fifteen square metres .

  5. 中国丝绸古道上的敦煌莫高窟内的壁画是世界最长的石窟画廊。窟内有壁画45,000余平方米。

    The painted murals in the Dunhuang Grottoes along the ancient Silk Road in China form the world 's longest painted corridor , with a total of 45,000 square metres of painted murals .

  6. 中国是世界上最早种植水稻的国家。浙江省余姚县河姆渡遗址,距今已6,000多年。在这个遗址中发现分布遍及400平方米的水稻遗物,证明中国是最早种植水稻的国家。

    China was the first country in the world to plant rice . This is evident in the remains of rice covering an area of 400 square metres found in the ruins of Hemudu in Yuyao County , Zhejiang Province , which dates back more than 6000 years .

  7. 它们将一束的聚光反射到镇中心广场,形成约600平方米的日照面积。

    They reflect a concentrated beam of light onto the town 's central square , creating an area of sunlight roughly 600 square meters .

  8. 它是四平方米的镜子,长度为6到8米。

    It is four square meters of mirrors , six to eight meters in length .

  9. 平方米的羊毛地毯超过了以往的订货

    The maximum quantity of cotton jerseys this year is about DM25000 .

  10. 展厅面积3400平方米,展出1100多件精选出来的党史文物。

    More than 1100 selected items that highlight the Party 's history have been displayed in the exhibition area spanning 3400 square meters .

  11. 新发现的五号坑出土大量黄金制品五号祭祀坑面积大约3平方米,是最小的一个坑,但其中出土的黄金制品最多,其中包括一个黄金面具。

    A gold mask has been unearthed at the No5 sacrificial pit . With an area of about three square meters , it is the smallest pit , but it 's where the most gold pieces were unearthed , according to archaeologists .

  12. 每个房间28平方米的规模和有独立淋浴,是2栋U形建筑。

    Each room is28 sqm in size and with separate shower , located in2-storey U shape building .

  13. 现在公司正在为petroleumdevelopmentoman设计一个年产7百万瓦特的工厂&一个16000平方米温室,每年生产大概570亿英热单位的蒸气。

    And the company has now signed a deal with petroleum development Oman for 7 megawatts of plant-a 16000-square-metre greenhouse providing some 57 billion BTU of steam a year .

  14. 在武汉,开发商正在扩建摩尔城(MallCity)&其所有者称,落成后,它将是全球最大的购物中心之一,总面积达40万平方米。

    In Wuhan , developers are extending Mall City , a retail complex , which its owners say will be one of the biggest shopping centres in the world , with 400,000 square metres of space , when completed .

  15. 另一家开发商德信地产(DoThinkGroup)上周也宣布,为了处理尾房,毗邻天鸿香榭里的北海公园(NorthSeaPark)项目降价12%,每平方米均价从人民币18000元降至15800元(约合2578美元)。

    Another developer , DoThink Group , said last week it cut prices by 12 % at its North Sea Park project near the Champs - É lys é es to 15800 yuan ( $ 2578 ) per square meter from 18000 yuan per square meter to clear inventory .

  16. 仲量联行(joneslanglasalle)驻上海的董事总经理顾东尼(anthonycouse)预计,从现在起至2012年,上海高档写字楼市场将会扩大一倍,至600万平方米。

    Anthony couse , managing director of Jones Lang LaSalle in Shanghai , expects the market for premium office space in Shanghai to double between now and 2012 , to 6m square metres .

  17. 这个面积达7000平方米的雨林将是迪拜罗斯蒙特酒店及公寓的一部分。该酒店隶属希尔顿旗下的奢华自主品牌Curio。

    The 7000-square-meter rainforest will be part of the upcoming Rosemont Hotel and Residences Dubai , one of the properties under Hilton 's luxury independent brand Curio -- A Collection by Hilton .

  18. PYT公司是一中美共同在上海投资注册的合资企业,占地面积126000平方米。

    PYT is a joint venture company located in Shanghai with the area of 126000 square meters , which is invested by one China Company and one America Company .

  19. 米兰博览会将设在1.7万平方米的遗址在西北的城市,包括对佩罗和Rho市部分领土,根据Formigoni的总体规划。

    Milan Expo will be located on a1.7-million-square-meter site in the northwest of the city that includes parts of the municipal territories of Pero and Rho , according to Formigoni 's master plan .

  20. 这个350平方米面积的明亮画廊上周四开业,与PhillipsdePury拍卖行(目前由一家俄罗斯奢侈品巨头所有)位于同一幢大楼里,但两家的业务明显没有什么联系。

    The light-filled , 350 sq m gallery , which opened on Thursday , is in the same huge complex as the auction house Phillips de Pury , which now belongs to a Russian luxury goods tycoon . But there is apparently no connection between the two operations .

  21. 在海口秀英钢材市场有15000平方米储运仓库。

    It has a warehouse of15000m in Haikou Xiuying steels market .

  22. 表面积单位等于平方米。

    A unit of surface area equal to 100 square meters .

  23. 代表60万平方米大社区的创新欲望。

    Third , the large community of600,000 square meters innovative desires .

  24. 占地面积达6000平方米,交通十分便利。

    Occupying an area of6000m2 , The traffic is very convenient .

  25. 那栋写字楼占地1900平方米。

    The office building covers 1,900 square meters of floor space .

  26. 中国馆占地1000平方米。

    The Chinese Pavilion occupied a floor space of1000 square metres .

  27. 葡萄牙家庭平均住房面积83平方米。

    Portuguese household is average housing area 83 square metre .

  28. 接触地面不足10平方米,且单向倾斜。

    Contacts the ground insufficient 10 square meters , also unidirectional incline .

  29. 人均面积4平方米以上的住房条件特别差的家庭

    An overcrowded family cramped into few than four square metres per capita

  30. 六幢高级外销公寓大楼总面积500000平方米。

    Six high-grade foreign sales oriented apartment buildings covering 500,000 sq.m.