
  • 网络Aha;the American Heart association;American Heart Association AHA
  1. 美国心脏协会(AHA)建议把举重列入有氧运动中。

    The AHA recommends pumping iron in addition to aerobic exercise .

  2. 猝死发生前可无任何先兆,据美国心脏协会(AmericanHeartAssociation,AHA)统计,在猝死病例中,约有高达30%的死者没有或从来没有发现过心脏病。

    There is no sign before it . According to statistics by AHA ( American Heart Association ), up to 30 percent of people died of a sudden death have no or never have heart disease .

  3. 而美国心脏协会(AmericanHeartAssociation)及一些专家表示,每天的理想走路步数应为10000步。

    A good daily goal , by contrast , is 10000 steps , according to the American Heart Association and other experts .

  4. 美国心脏协会(AmericanHeartAssociation)的指南建议,心血管疾病10年风险达到10%或以上者可每天服用阿司匹林作为一级预防。

    The American Heart Association guidelines recommend daily aspirin for primary prevention in people with a 10-year cardiovascular risk of 10 percent or more .

  5. 美国心脏协会会议的情况介绍中,CARDIAC项目联合创始人ValerieE。

    In a presentation at the American Heart Association meeting , CARDIAC Project co-founder Valerie E.

  6. 反式脂肪是上世纪初被创造出来的,据美国心脏协会(AmericanHeartAssociation)说,它是第一种进入美国食品供应的人造脂肪。

    When created in the early 1900s , trans fat was the first man-made fat to join America 's food supply , according to the American Heart Association .

  7. 美国心脏协会(AmericanHeartAssociation,简称“AHA”)的数据显示,每年还有65万人被新诊断出患上该疾病。不过“医疗保险计划”的数据显示,新患者的数目比这个数字更高。

    An additional 650000 new cases are diagnosed each year , according to the American Heart Association , though Medicare data suggest the number is higher .

  8. 美国心脏协会(AmericanHeartAssociation,简称AHA)的数据显示,每年还有65万人被新诊断出患上该疾病。不过医疗保险计划的数据显示,新患者的数目比这个数字更高。

    An additional 650,000 new cases are diagnosed each year , according to the American Heart Association , though Medicare data suggest the number is higher .

  9. 美国心脏协会建议单纯手压式CPR只用于突然倒下的成年人。

    The American Heart Association recommends hands-only CPR for use on adults who suddenly collapse .

  10. 走路或骑车的上班族是第二健康的,自己开车上班的人身体最差。这一研究发现在佛罗里达举办的美国心脏协会科学会议(AmericanHeartAssociation'sScientificSessions)上发表。

    Those who walked or cycled were next healthiest , while those who drove to work were in the worst shape , the American Heart Association 's Scientific Sessions meeting in Florida heard .

  11. 总体而言,他们从饱和脂肪中摄取的热量占卡路里日摄入量的13%多一点,超过了美国心脏协会(AmericanHeartAssociation)推荐的5%到6%限值的两倍。

    Over all , they took in a little more than 13 percent of their daily calories from saturated fat , more than double the 5 to 6 percent limit recommended by the American Heart Association .

  12. 这些研究结果促使美国心脏协会(AmericanHeartAssociation)等组织在大约十年前大力推崇心脏病患者服用鱼油来补充膳食ω-3脂肪酸。

    compared with patients taking vitamin E. These findings prompted groups like the American Heart Association to endorse fish oil about a decade ago as a way for heart patients to get more omega-3s in their diets .

  13. 美国心脏协会(AmericanHeartAssociation)建议成年男子将高密度脂蛋白保持在至少40毫克/分升的水平,成年女子则为50毫克/分升,最好比这个数值再高一些。

    The American Heart Association recommends adults maintain an HDL level of at least 40 milligrams per deciliter of blood ( mg / dL ) for men and 50 mg / dL for women , and preferably higher .

  14. 本周一,相关研究人员在美国心脏协会(AmericanHeartAssociation)的年会上做了报告。这项研究耗时六年,涵盖1.8万名患者。他们均曾经历过心肌梗死,或者严重到需要到医院就诊的胸痛发作。

    The six year study , reported Monday at the annual meeting of the American Heart Association , involved 18000 people who had had heart attacks or episodes of chest pain so severe they went to a hospital .

  15. 美国心脏协会前主席、科罗拉多大学RobertEckel博士说。

    Robert Eckel of the University of Colorado and a former president of the American Heart Association .

  16. 美国心脏协会的乔治·普卢茨基(JorgePlutzky)博士提醒人们不要对研究结果作太多解读。

    Dr Jorge Plutzky , of the American Heart Association , cautioned against reading too much into the results .

  17. 美国心脏协会(AHA)调查发现每周举重几次可以改善心脏健康。

    An American Heart Association ( AHA ) survey found that lifting weights a few times a week can improve heart health in some people .

  18. 并且美国心脏协会认为每天1500mg的推荐量适用于所有的美国人。

    And the American Heart Association believes the1,500-milligram-a-day recommendation should apply to all Americans .

  19. 冠状动脉病变程度应用CAG分析,冠状动脉狭窄程度根据美国心脏协会(AHA)1975年分类标准评价,冠状动脉病变的危险因素应用多元逐步直线回归分析。

    The coronary artery changes were analysed by CAG , and the severity of coronary artery stenosis were evaluated by AHA standards . The related risk factors in coronary artery disease were analysed by pluralism straight line statistics .

  20. 2014年,美国心脏协会(AHA)建议美国女性将每天的糖类消耗从平均20茶匙(80克)减少至6茶匙(24克),男性减少至9茶匙(36克)。

    In 2014 , the American Heart Association ( AHA ) recommends Americans slash their sugar consumption from the average 20 teaspoons ( 80 grams ) a day to six ( 24 grams ) for women and nine ( 36 grams ) for men .

  21. 总之,我们的研究认为美国心脏协会推荐的运动量对于e4等位基因阳性的认知正常病人降低脑部淀粉样蛋白沉积大有裨益。研究人员总结说。

    In summary , our findings suggest that exercise at levels recommended by the AHA [ American Heart Association ] may be particularly beneficial in reducing the risk of brain amyloid deposition in cognitively normal e4-positive individuals , they concluded .

  22. 美国心脏协会膳食指南委员会前主席罗纳尔·M·克劳斯博士(RonaldM.Krauss)称,至少当碳水化合物的摄入量不高时,饱和脂肪可能会使LDL粒子变得更大、密度更低,从而降低堵塞动脉的可能性。

    Saturated fat tends to make LDL particles larger , more buoyant and less likely to clog arteries , at least when carbohydrate intake is not high , said Dr. Ronald M. Krauss , the former chairman of the American Heart Association 's dietary guidelines committee .

  23. 2005年国际复苏联盟(ILCOR)和美国心脏协会(AHA)重新修订了心肺复苏(CPR)及心血管急救(ECC)的推荐方案,目的使指南更适用于全球范围。

    International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation ( ILCOR ) and American Heart Association ( AHA ) has revised the recommending plan for cardiopulmonary resuscitation ( CPR ) and emergency cardiovascular care ( ECC ) in 2005 for a better application in the world .

  24. 研究成果发表在美国心脏协会的期刊上。

    Their findings are in the American Heart Association Journal circulation .

  25. 美国心脏协会不再推荐大豆作为预防心脏疾病的食物。

    The American Heart Association no longer recommends soy for heart disease .

  26. 这项研究是由美国心脏协会。

    This study was funded by the American Heart Association .

  27. 研究发表在的美国心脏协会的《中风》杂志上。

    The study appeared in Stroke , a journal of the American Heart Association .

  28. 但是美国心脏协会只建议询问病史和体检。

    But the American Heart Association suggests only a medical history and physical exam .

  29. 美国心脏协会表示,现在还不能建议使用家庭型电击器。

    The American Heart Association says it cannot yet advise the use of home defibrillators .

  30. 美国心脏协会2005科学年会

    American Heart Association 's Scientific Sessions 2005