
  • 网络the Vice President;joe biden;Al Gore;Vice President of the United States
  1. 自从98年美国副总统戈尔数字地球(DigitalEarth,简称DE)概念的提出后,使得全球都刮起了一片数字浪潮,它是一种全球战略性计划,有着深远的政治意义和经济背景。

    Since 1998 , the concept of DE ( Digital Earth ) which has aroused a tide in the world was brought forward by the vice president of the United States Gale . It is a global strategetic plan and is full of far-reaching political meaning and economic background .

  2. 这是拜登就任美国副总统以来第二次到访中国。

    This will be Biden 's second visit to the country as vice president of the United States .

  3. 美国副总统戈尔于1998年1月31日提出了数字地球的概念(Core,A.1998),这主要是由美国的国家目标和全球战略决定的。

    In 1998 , America 's vice president put forward the concept digital earth because of America 's nation targets and global stratagem .

  4. 本文作者为美国副总统约瑟夫拜登(JosephBiden)首席经济顾问

    The writer is chief economic adviser to Vice-President Joseph Biden

  5. 1985年的今天,美国副总统乔治·H·W·布什宣布新汉普郡老师克里斯蒂娜·麦克奥莉芙将成为首位登上航天飞船的在校老师。

    1985-US Vice President George H.W.Bush announces that New Hampshire teacher Christa McAuliffe will become the first schoolteacher to ride aboard the Space Shuttle .

  6. 美国副总统拜登(JoeBiden)在上周的一次讲话中说,该计划自获得通过以来已创造或保住了75万份岗位。

    Vice President Joe Biden said in a speech last week that the plan had created or saved 750000 jobs since it was passed .

  7. 不然的话,奥巴马政府还有何理由发誓要将ISIS追到地狱门口(引号里引用的是美国副总统乔•拜登(JoeBiden)说的话)?

    Why else would his administration vow to follow it to the gates of hell , in the words of Joe Biden , the vice-president ?

  8. 美国副总统DickCheney(迪克。切尼)进行了反对该立法的游说活动,他辩解道,该项立法将捆住美国“反恐战”的手脚。

    Dick Cheney , the US vice president , has lobbied against the legislation , arguing it tied America 's hands in its " war on terror " .

  9. 美国副总统迪克切尼(dickcheney)是打击伊拉克的最热衷倡导者之一,在伊朗问题上,他也是一位主要的鹰派人士。

    Dick Cheney , the US vice-president , was one of the most enthusiastic advocates for an attack on Iraq and is also a leading hawk on Iran .

  10. 美国副总统乔拜登(joebiden)最近在慕尼黑的讲话,在伊朗产生了负面影响;鼓吹同样的“胡萝卜加大棒”政策让伊朗感到失望。

    What Joe Biden , the US vice-president , said recently in Munich had a negative impact in Iran ; advocating the same " carrot and stick " policy has disappointed Iran .

  11. 那儿唯一的厕所就是街区尽头地上的一个洞。尽管如此,在这家餐馆的墙上还是挂着造访此处的知名人士的照片:李连杰和前美国副总统阿尔&12539;戈尔(AlGore)。

    The only ' facility ' was a hole in the ground down the block , but still , on the walls of the restaurant hung photos of famous visitors : Jet Li , Al Gore .

  12. 周三,美国副总统小约瑟夫·R·拜登(JosephR.BidenJr.)发表讲话时表示,乌克兰冲突是是对西方国家的考验,普京总统认定了他还能掌权很久。

    Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. said in a speech on Wednesday that the conflict over Ukraine is a test for the West , and that President Putin is wagering that he has greater staying power .

  13. 这位狂热的现任总统高票胜选,对于这一充满争议的大选结果,西方领导人表示震惊。美国副总统乔拜登(JoeBiden)表示,投票结果存在真切疑问。

    Western leaders expressed dismay at the disputed results that awarded a landslide victory to the firebrand incumbent , with Joe Biden , the US vice-president , saying there was real doubt about them .

  14. 今日结束欧洲5日行程的美国副总统乔拜登(joebiden),正试图评估欧盟政界对与美贸易谈判的投入程度,是否让美国感到满意。

    Joe Biden , vice-president , who concludes a five-day trip to Europe today , is attempting to assess whether the US is comfortable with the level of political commitment in the EU to negotiations .

  15. 在新一季的《纸牌屋》(HouseofCards)中,美中关系成为重点。由凯文・史派西(KevinSpacey)扮演的诡计多端的美国副总统弗兰克・安德伍德(FrankUnderwood)在剧中与一名腐败的中国商人秘密交易。

    U.S. - China relations are front and center in the new season of ' House of Cards , ' which has scheming U.S. Vice President Frank Underwood , played by Kevin Spacey , backchanneling with a corrupt Chinese businessman .

  16. 美国副总统切尼预计下星期访问第比利斯。

    Vice President Dick Cheney is expected to arrive next week .

  17. 美国副总统乔·拜登结束了对以色列和巴勒斯坦领土的访问,呼吁双方恢复谈判。

    US Reaffirms Support of Israel , Palestinians Threaten to Cancel Negotiations

  18. 1881年三月,他就任美国副总统。

    He assumed office as Vice President in March 1881 .

  19. 1973年,斯皮罗·阿格纽辞去副总统职务,杰拉尔德接替他成为美国副总统;

    When Spiro Agnew resigned the vice-presidency in 1973 Jerry became Veep ;

  20. 前美国副总统阿尔·戈尔的儿子在加州被捕。

    The son of former vice president Al Gore was arrested in California .

  21. 本文作者是美国副总统

    The writer is the vice-president of the United States

  22. 1848年,他被选为美国副总统。

    In 1848 , he was elected Vice President .

  23. 美国副总统乔·拜登将于12月4日至5日访问中国。

    U.S. Vice President Joe Biden will visit China from Dec. 4 to 5 .

  24. 1865年他成为了美国副总统,那时他的政治道路几乎已经完成。

    His political rise was almost complete when he became Vice President in 1865 .

  25. 周二,日本首相菅直人会见了美国副总统拜登。

    On Tuesday , Prime Minister Kan met with American Vice President Joe Biden .

  26. 最初的时候,美国副总统是总统选举中的第二名。

    Originally , the U.S. vice president was the runner-up in the presidential election .

  27. 1901年3月,罗斯福成为了美国副总统。

    Roosevelt became Vice President in March 1901 .

  28. 与这些政要不同,美国副总统拜登更青睐平价小吃。

    Unlike these heads of state , US Vice-President Joe Biden preferred more ordinary food .

  29. 1944年,他成为了美国副总统。

    Truman became vice president in 1944 .

  30. 美国副总统乔.拜登说,他暂时不对伊朗的总统选举进行评判。

    US Withholds Judgment on Iran Election Results