
  • 网络a streetcar named desire
  1. 《欲望号街车》是其成熟的标志。

    A Streetcar Named Desire is the sign of its mature .

  2. 从银幕到文本解构《欲望号街车》的两重性

    De-structure Dualism in A Streetcar Named Desire from Screen to Text

  3. 你正和booth坐在欲望号街车上?

    You 're hopping the streetcar named desire with booth ?

  4. Penny将会在一个小社区剧场制作的戏剧《欲望号街车》中拿到一个角色。

    I hear shes going to get cast in a small community theater production of A Streetcar Named Desire .

  5. 《欲望号街车》中布兰琪的悲剧根源

    On the Tragic Origin of Blanche in A Streetcar Named Desire

  6. 《欲望号街车》:主体欲望的疯癫性

    A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE : Interpretation of Subjectivity 's Desire through Insanity

  7. 《欲望号街车》中的白兰琪是个复杂的悲剧性人物。

    In A Streetcar Named Desire , Blanche is a complex tragic figure .

  8. 在其著名戏剧《欲望号街车》中,威廉斯成功地塑造了令人难忘的女主人公布兰奇。

    He successfully created an impressiveprotagonist Blanche in his famous play A Streetcar Named Desire .

  9. 《欲望号街车》探讨了人类社会中存在的最基本的关系,即男人与女人之间的关系。

    Streetcar Named Desire explores the basic relationship of man and woman in the human society .

  10. 意象的应用是《欲望号街车》中重要的构剧手法之一。

    The application of theatrical imagery is crucial to the exposition of the thematic concern in Streetcar .

  11. 威廉斯·田纳西的《玻璃动物园》和《欲望号街车》中人物心理世界的外化手段

    Externalization of Characters ' Psyche in Tennessee Williams 's the Glass Menagerie and a Streetcar Named Desire

  12. 第一部分为引言,主要提出性别问题是该剧本及其人物塑造中的关键角度,并且对性别理论作了粗略的介绍,以便论证本文对《欲望号街车》进行性别研究的可行性和必要性。

    The introduction sets up the basic framework of gender study to prove the feasibility and necessity of the thesis .

  13. 坏小子马龙•白兰度在影片《在江边》和《欲望号街车》中都有着令人心碎的美,充满野性的性感。

    Heartbreakingly beautiful , broodingly sexy , bad boy Marlon Brando in On the Waterfront and a Streetcar Named Desire .

  14. 我就只穿着件内衣然后大喊斯黛拉就和《欲望号街车》里的场景一模一样。你在听吗?-

    I 'm wearing an undershirt and I 'm screaming " Stella , " Just like in " Streetcar . " Hello ? -

  15. 论田纳西·威廉斯诗化现实主义的成熟&《玻璃动物园》和《欲望号街车》中的象征主义和表现主义之比较研究

    On the Mature of Tennessee Williams ' ' Poetic Realism ' & A Comparative Study on The Glass Menagerie and A Streetcar Named Desire

  16. 《欲望号街车》中斯坦利桀骜不驯的形象,是威廉斯对父亲发出的独立宣言,炫耀他的成功,宣告他男性自我的确立。

    The defiant image of Stanley in Streetcar is Williams ' manifesto to his father declaring his success and his attainment of manhood and independence .

  17. 作为深受俄国剧作家契诃夫影响的美国剧作家,田纳西?威廉斯在其剧作《欲望号街车》里表达了与契诃夫的名剧《樱桃园》极为相似的创作主题。

    Deeply affected by Russian playwright Chekhov , American playwright Tennessee Williams in his drama A Streetcar Named Desire expresses the same theme as in Chekhov'The Cherry Orchard .

  18. 《欲望号街车》(以下简称《街车》)是田纳西·威廉斯最经典的戏剧作品,一直以来吸引着人们从不同的角度去解读和研究。

    A Streetcar Named Desire ( 1947 ) is the most celebrated drama by Tennessee Williams , which has been inspiring people to read and study from different perspectives .

  19. 我出演过幼儿园排的《欲望号街车》里的斯坦利·科瓦尔斯基一角【2】,在最棒的五岁斯坦利当中,有我一个。

    I played the part of Stanley Kowalski in the school play of A Streetcar Named Desire , and I was one of the great five years old Stanleys .

  20. 田纳西威廉斯,作为二十世纪的一位文学巨匠,通过《欲望号街车》的出版,在戏剧界达到了他写作的颠峰。

    Tennessee Williams , as one of the most brilliant playwrights in the twentieth century , has reached the peak of writing with the publication of A Streetcar Names Desire .

  21. 本文通过对《欲望号街车》中的创作风格、舞台艺术和语言艺术的探讨,充分地论述了本剧中剧作家所运用的独特艺术手法“诗化现实主义”。

    This paper analyses the writing style , stage techniques , and poetic language of the drama , which produces a heightening of reality : what Williams called " Poetic Realism " .

  22. 本文旨在分析田纳西·威廉姆斯《欲望号街车》中的斯坦利·科瓦斯基和布兰奇·杜波瓦男女两位主人公的形象,以此来探讨他们都是美国传统观念的受害者这一论题。

    This thesis focuses on the analysis of the two protagonists in A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams & Stanley Kowalski and Blanche DuBois , who , the author of the thesis thinks , are two victims .

  23. 论文于结尾处提出建议:相互同情及相互理解不仅是《欲望号街车》中布兰奇和其他人物用以应对应激情境的最佳方式,同时此种方式对现代社会的人们来说同样是值得借鉴的。

    The conclusion ends with a suggestion that mutual compassion and understanding is the best way to cope with stressful situations , not only for Blanche and other characters in A Streetcar Named Desire , but also for human beings in modern society .

  24. 这部电视剧将会讲述费雯丽职业上的起起伏伏:她出生在英国统治下的印度,在1939年的《乱世佳人》中饰演郝思嘉、在1951年的《欲望号街车》中饰演布兰奇·杜波依斯,征服了好莱坞。

    The series will follow the ups and down of Leigh 's career : Born in British-ruled India , she went on to conquer Hollywood as Scarlett O'Hara in Gone With the Wind ( 1939 ) and Blanche DuBois in the film version of A Streetcar Named Desire ( 1951 ) .

  25. 文明与欲望的挽歌&《欲望号街车》中布兰奇悲剧命运探源

    Elegies on Civilization and Desire : Tracing the Source of Blanche 's Tragic Fate in A Streetcar Named Desire

  26. 布兰奇:欲望之战中的唐·吉诃德&《欲望号街车》的黑格尔式解读

    Blanche : Don Quixote in the conflict of desires & Hegel-style interpretation of A streetcar Desire

  27. 欲望中的精神悲剧&试论《欲望号街车》的悲剧性

    The Spiritual Tragedy of Desire DESIRE