
  1. 我认为窥视欲有更为广泛的背景,而不仅仅是性的满足。

    I think of voyeurism in a much broader context than vicarious sexual satisfaction .

  2. 无人能有所欲有。

    No one can have all he desires .

  3. 你知道她保护欲有多强。

    You know how protective she is .

  4. 变性欲有其生物学根源的另一实证是它长期以来始终存在于世界各地的文化之中。

    Other confirmation of transsexuality 's biological roots are its existence in cultures all over the world throughout time .

  5. 他有一种嗜血欲,有一种战胜和统治别人的欲望,是一个希特勒式的人物。

    He has kind of strong desire to control others and is a counterpart of Hitler .

  6. 她占有欲是有点强,但她太粘人时我会坚决反对。

    She 's a little possessive , but I put my foot down when she gets too clingy .

  7. 我知道昨天我可能对你和男孩们有点过分有时候我的保护欲会有点强

    Now , I know yesterday I might have been a bit tough on you and the boys , and I know there are times I 'm a little overprotective

  8. 如欲对科莱恩有更多的认识,请参阅公司网站。

    For more information about Clariant , please access the website .

  9. 然而她也是一个占有欲强、有点强迫症多疑的人。

    But then she also is possessive and compulsively cross-checks .

  10. 但他的竞争欲还得有一定程度的同情心做补充。

    However , his desire for competition has to be complemented with a degree of compassion .

  11. 她的作品对人性中的虚荣、自私、嫉妒、情欲、金钱欲等都有深刻的表现。

    In her works vanity , selfishness , jealousy , sexual passion and desire for wealth are profoundly revealed .

  12. 人才招聘,诚招人才,欲知诚意有几何,请来本公司当面谈一谈。

    Personnel recruitment . Sincerely look for talents . To make sure of our sincerity , please come and have a face-to-face talk with us .

  13. 然而她也是一个占有欲强、有点强迫症多疑的人。你会发现自己一天十遍地回答“你在哪里”、“你在做什么”这样的问题,并且可能在回答完所有问题之后,你仍要面对她源源不断地提问。

    But then she also is possessive and compulsively cross-checks . You will find yourself answering the " where you are " and " what you are doing " questions 10 times a day , and still might have to face a barrage of questions after you " ve done all answering .

  14. 我常需强忍著呕吐的欲想,才有办法在岗位上轻轻地瞟看他们一眼。

    As I looked on unwillingly from my post , I used to find myself holding back the urge to vomit .

  15. 暴雪娱乐欲寻求一名有经验的游戏操作工程师为一款尚未定名的游戏设定规则系统。

    Blizzard Entertainment is seeking an experienced client engineer to focus on graphics and other client systems for an unannounced title .

  16. 富商古福成为了息事宁人,交了六亿元赎款,仍遭勒索。古欲逃遁,却有一只无形的手操纵着他,他与美丽而妖冶的情妇的性戏也被曝光。

    In order to gets out of this case , the rich merchant Gu Fu hands in600 million but he still is blackmailed .

  17. 本课程欲达到的目的有二:第一是藉由时间序列资料提供实务运算上一项有利的工具;

    It provides tools for empirical work with time series data and is an introduction into the theoretical foundation of time series models .

  18. 典型的弗洛伊德理论认为,口欲滞留的原因有很多,诸如:喂食不足或喂食过盛、哺乳时间过长、或与母亲关系不睦。

    Typical to Freudian theories , oral fixation is linked to myriad causes , such as under-feeding or over-feeding , breast-feeding too long , or problematic relationship with your mother .

  19. 实践与计算均表明,欲使子宫颈有42℃的温升,须在腋下观察到39.2℃以上的温度,更须有23.1℃以上微环境温度的保障。

    The results showed that if the temperature of the cervix was 42 ℃ , the axillary or . oral temperature would be over 39 . 2 ℃ with the assurance of micro-milieu must be in excess of 23 . 1 ℃ .

  20. 在数字化时代,人们有更强的求知欲和求真欲,对科普有更高的要求。

    In the era of digitalization , people have stronger desire for knowledge and truth ; they have more requirements for science popularization .