
  • 网络muscle Fiber;meat fiber
  1. 肌肉纤维产生的力不会因为DNA的消失而发生变化,但这股力作用于的物体(你的肢体)的质量会发生变化。

    The force being exerted by those muscle fibers wouldn 't change , but the mass they 're pulling on-your limbs-would .

  2. 由于个别肌肉纤维没有互相调和各自活动造成的肌肉抽搐。

    Muscular twitching involving individual muscle fibers acting without coordination .

  3. 实验结果提示,M1区神经元活动与运动肌纤维束相关,因此单个神经元电活动与肢体复杂运动相关性,与神经元相对应的肌肉纤维束在运动中的作用有关。

    So a single neuron electrical activity is correlated to body complex movement and role of muscle fiber bundle corresponding neurons .

  4. 以DTI体数据为输入,我们将其重新表达成为一个标量场和一个辅助的引导向量场,用于编码肌肉纤维束的结构和走向。

    To represent the structure and orientation of muscle bundles , we reformulate the volumetric DTI data into a scalar field and an auxiliary guidance vector field .

  5. 本试验分析了不同日粮蛋白水平、品种和肌肉纤维类型对肥育猪肌内脂肪(IMF)含量及其脂肪酸组成的影响。

    The experiment was conducted to study the effects of dietary crude protein ( CP ) level , breed and muscle fiber type on intramuscular fat ( IMF ) content and its fatty acid composition in fattening pigs .

  6. 第二,本文提出一种新的利用扩散张量成像技术(DTI)和基于样本的体纹理合成技术,对肌肉纤维结构进行可视化的体图解方法。

    Second , this paper presents a new muscle illustration approach to effectively visualize fibrous structure by leveraging diffusion tensor imaging ( DTI ) data and example-based solid texture synthesis techniques .

  7. 表没食子酸酯型儿茶素酸酯剂量相关抑制胰岛素和第一型内皮素刺激葡萄糖摄入的效应,也在3T3L1和C3H10T1/2前脂肪细胞,C2C12肌肉纤维母细胞和H4IIEC3肝癌细胞上观察到。

    The dose-dependent effect of EGCG in suppressing the insulin and ET-1 stimulation of glucose uptake was also observed in3T3-L1 and C3H10T1 / 2 preadipocytes , C2C12 myoblast , and H4IIEC3 hepatoma cells .

  8. 肉品发酵过程中肌肉纤维组织结构变化

    Structural changes of myofibrils of fermented meat products during fermentation

  9. 慢速收缩肌肉纤维只会略微增加收缩速度。

    Slow-twitch muscle fibers only demonstrate marginally increased contraction speed .

  10. 谷氨酸是肌肉纤维最大的组成部分。

    Glutamine is the biggest component of muscle fiber .

  11. 肌肉纤维粗猪肉就会发硬,细则口感很柔嫩。

    Muscle fibers coarse pork will be made hard rules mouthfeel very tender .

  12. 邻近肌肉纤维群的肌肉抽搐。

    Muscular twitching of contiguous groups of muscle fibers .

  13. 同时通过与前人试验结果的比较,验证了本文提出的肌肉纤维点电流源模型在精确度满足要求的前提下,与前人的容积导体理论模型相比,计算模型简单,易于计算机仿真。

    Through the compare with the former testing result , testified the precision and validity of proposed model .

  14. 停止心脏肌肉纤维颤动的治疗方法,通常用电疗法。

    Treatment by stopping fibrillation of heart muscles ( usually by electric shock delivered by a defibrillator ) .

  15. 神经信号在神经或肌肉纤维中的传递速度可以高达每小时200英里。

    Nerve signals may travel through nerve or muscle fibers at speeds as high as200 miles per hour .

  16. 我们为肌肉纤维做按摩,为穴道做按摩,针灸,和一些使脊柱部位放松的操作。

    We can do deep tissue massage , trigger point massage , dry needling , spinal mobilization and manipulation .

  17. 最近的研究表明在该年龄段的女性一天的大部分时间里肌肉纤维蛋白的合成比男性要多。

    New research shows that women in that age range make more muscle protein most of the day than men .

  18. 子宫肌层由平滑肌束和弹性纤维组成,在分娩时会出现有规律的电活动。子宫肌电信号能够反映肌肉纤维兴奋的原始过程,提供了有关子宫肌肉活动的辅助信息。

    Derived from the electrical activity generated at the muscle fiber lever , uterine EMG provides complementary information on the muscle .

  19. 猪低诞生重量是同扩大的猪的肌肉纤维区域和和减少猪的最长肌肌肉柔软度联系在一起的。

    Low birth weight is associated with enlarged muscle fiber area and impaired meat tenderness of the longissimus muscle in pigs .

  20. 阳瑜伽通常目标在于骨肉并富于韵律,重复的运动对肌肉纤维施加压力。

    Yang styles of yoga generally target the muscles and employ rhythmic , repetitive movements to stress the fibers of the muscles .

  21. 肌肉纤维开始互相粘连,肌肉细胞相互交联在一起,使得相邻肌肉不能相互独立运动。

    Your muscle fibers have begun to adhere to each other , developing cellular cross-links that prevent parallel fibers from moving independently .

  22. 他们专注于软体动物的化学分泌物从而发现他们薄但能快速阖上的肌肉纤维中有金属元素。

    They zeroed in on the chemistry of what the mollusks secrete and discovered metal mixed inside their thin , hold-fast fibers .

  23. 筋膜负责将单独的肌肉纤维分别包绕,再结合为功单位,维系着结构和力的传导。

    Fascia is the stuff that separates individual muscle fibers and bundles them into working units , providing structure and transmitting force .

  24. 未见坏死(上皮样细胞和巨细胞)和细胞有丝分裂,也未见不显眼的肌肉纤维损害。

    There is absence of necrosis ( of both epithelioid and giant cells ) and of mitotic figures , and inconspicuous muscle fibre damage .

  25. 当新的肌肉纤维环包在这些“钛骨”上时,这些钛骨就开始维系着人体的正常活动!

    When the new muscle fibrous ring wrapped in these " Ti-bone " when they began to titanium bone sustains the body 's normal activity !

  26. 基础训练可以促进肌肉纤维生成,提高心血管能力,促进毛细血管生成,从而使身体具备承受高强度训练能力。

    Base training develops the necessary muscle fibers , cardiovascular capacity , and blood capillaries that give the body the ability to run hard workouts .

  27. 激痛点是存在于骨骼肌肉纤维里之紧绷肌带上的过度敏感小点。

    It is characterized by the existence of myofascial trigger points ( MTrPs ), which is a hypersensitive spot in a taut band of skeletal muscle fibers .

  28. 纤维性颤动个别肌肉纤维细微的、快速的抽搐,整块肌肉并没有或几乎没有运动抽搐着、喘气地大声哭。

    Fine , rapid twitching of individual muscle fibers with little or no movement of the muscle as a whole . a convulsive gasp made while weeping .

  29. 试验1、2组猪肌肉纤维直径均大于对照组(P>0.05)。

    The diameter of muscle fiber of both Group 1 and Group 2 were bigger than that of pigs in the control group ( P > 0.05 ) .

  30. 这些药物可以口服,它们的作用原理是对肌肉纤维进行基因重组,从而使肌肉纤维能更有效地使用能量,并能反复收缩,而不会产生疲劳。

    The drugs , which can be given orally , work by genetically reprogramming muscle fibres so they use energy more efficiently and can contract repeatedly without fatigue .