
  1. 经常喝鸡皮软骨汤能够延缓肌肤衰老。

    Drinking chicken skin and gristle soup often can also delay the aging of skin .

  2. 纯玫瑰果精油精华抵抗氧化、减缓肌肤衰老,让肌肤迅速焕然一新。质地柔软,清爽舒适。

    Pure fructus rosae oil essence can resist oxidation , reduce skin aging , quickly bring your skin with a new look .

  3. 延缓肌肤衰老,平滑细纹,保护肌肤免受紫外线和环境变化所带来的影响和侵害,改善肌肤暗哑和粗糙现象。

    Delay skin ageing , firm fine lines , protect skin from UV and external environment , fade dull tone and relieve rough skin .

  4. 蕴涵天然萃取果酸,能温和老化细胞,促进新陈代谢,淡化色素,延缓肌肤衰老。

    Contain natural extracted fruit acid , can eliminate aged cell mildly , improve metabolism , weaken pigment and then postpone your skin to become old .

  5. 防止肌肤衰老,消除干燥、细纹及暗沉,提高肌肤新陈代谢。令肌肤青春常驻,美容情趣倍添。

    Prevent skin from aging , remove dryness , line crack and dark deposit , improve skin metabolism , keep your skin youthful for long time , and redouble the cosmetic pleasure .

  6. 抑制细菌衍生,增加肌肤抗衰老能力,保护肌肤减少外部不良环境的侵害。

    Restrain the production of bacteria , improve the anti aging ability of the skin , protect the skin from damages from external environment .

  7. 富含维生素A和E,修复受损肌肤预防肌肤衰老。

    To keep the skin young , the best weapons are reparation ( vitamin E ) and prevention ( vitamin A ) .

  8. 多伦多(路透社)-根据一项德国研究研究表明女性肌肤比男性衰老更快。这项研究运用了基于激光的新技术来检测皮肤日晒的损伤和衰老程度。

    TORONTO ( Reuters ) - Women 's skin ages faster than men 's , according to a German study in which a new laser-based technique was used to measure damage from sun exposure and aging .

  9. 主要功效:精取天然红石榴素精华与银杏精华,可全面保持肌肤鲜嫩,预防衰老和氧化;

    Main effects : The well-refined Pomegranate essence and Ginkgo Biloba Extract totally protect skins from aging and oxidant .

  10. 适用人群:中干性肌肤、混合性肌肤、衰老肌肤及暗黄肌肤。

    Suitable crowd : Normal and dry skin , mixing skin , old skin , dark skin .

  11. 眼部肌肤很脆弱,很容易干燥,加速显示出眼部肌肤的衰老和脆弱。

    The skin around the eyes is more fragile , more prone to dryness , and quicker to show age and fatigue .