
  • 网络Wanted to purchase;in the market for
  1. 欲购从速,勿失良机。

    Buy now before it 's too late .

  2. 存书无多,欲购从速。

    Only a few copies left . Buy now , while they last .

  3. 微软Windows系统智能机的开发者着实被消费者欲购不够的矛盾心理困扰了好几年。

    Consumer ambivalence has plagued Microsoft 's Windows phones for years .

  4. 2015年夏天,当时还身处次一级联赛的河北华夏欲购全北现代俱乐部(JeonbukHyundaiMotorsF.C.)的巴西前锋埃杜(Eduardo),开出了这个韩国冠军球队无法拒绝的高价。

    In the summer of 2015 , Hebei , then a second-tier team in China , bid so much money to Jeonbuk Hyundai Motors F.C. for its Brazilian striker Eduardo , that the Korean champion was unable to refuse .

  5. 欲购此书,请访问我们的网上书店。

    To buy this book , please visit our online shop .

  6. 限量版只剩馀少量存货,欲购从速!

    Only a few limited edition left , order it now !

  7. 我们欲购中国茶。

    736 We want to purchase Chinese tea .

  8. 一旦我们欲购真皮手套,就与你们联系。

    We will contact you as soon as we are in market for leather gloves .

  9. 欲购从速,以免拥挤。

    Come early and avoid rush .

  10. 我方手头现有一份欲购大量苦杏仁的询价单。

    UNIPAC price list We have an inquiry in hand for a large quantity of bitter apricot kernel .

  11. 尤其是当他添加了一个紧急提示“存货仅一件,欲购从速”的时候。

    Especially when followed by the urgent reminder : " only 1 left in stock . Order soon ! "

  12. 充分、有效地知悉欲购商品或服务的真实情况是消费者进行商品选购的前提和保障。

    Fully aware of the wish to purchase goods or services to the real situation is the premise and guarantee of consumer goods to buy .

  13. 为满足消费者的需求,本店又组织到一批家用热水器货源,欲购从速。

    In order to satisfy consumers ' demands , this shop has purchased another Batch of household water heaters for sale . Please Buy without delay .

  14. 优秀的商标具有词汇简明、语言响亮、寓意深刻、联想丰富等特点,其目的是反映商品的属性和优点,以吸引消费者的欲购心理。

    Good trademarks are characterized by word conciseness , clear sound , profound implication and rich association for the purpose of reflecting the properties and superiorities of goods and attracting consumers ' desire of purchase .

  15. 现已独立的乌克兰欲向国外购粮,但是缺乏硬通货-以前由中央专管。

    In its independence , the Ukraine is seeking to buy grain abroad but lacks the hard currency that the center once monopolized ;